=head1 NAME AnyEvent::FCP - freenet client protocol 2.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent::FCP; my $fcp = new AnyEvent::FCP; # transactions return condvars my $lp_cv = $fcp->list_peers; my $pr_cv = $fcp->list_persistent_requests; my $peers = $lp_cv->recv; my $reqs = $pr_cv->recv; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements the freenet client protocol version 2.0, as used by freenet 0.7. See L for the earlier freenet 0.5 version. See L for a description of what the messages do. The module uses L to find a suitable event module. Only very little is implemented, ask if you need more, and look at the example program later in this section. =head2 EXAMPLE This example fetches the download list and sets the priority of all files with "a" in their name to "emergency": use AnyEvent::FCP; my $fcp = new AnyEvent::FCP; $fcp->watch_global_sync (1, 0); my $req = $fcp->list_persistent_requests_sync; for my $req (values %$req) { if ($req->{filename} =~ /a/) { $fcp->modify_persistent_request_sync (1, $req->{identifier}, undef, 0); } } =head2 IMPORT TAGS Nothing much can be "imported" from this module right now. =head2 THE AnyEvent::FCP CLASS =over 4 =cut package AnyEvent::FCP; use common::sense; use Carp; our $VERSION = '0.3'; use Scalar::Util (); use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Handle; sub touc($) { local $_ = shift; 1 while s/((?:^|_)(?:svk|chk|uri|fcp|ds|mime)(?:_|$))/\U$1/; s/(?:^|_)(.)/\U$1/g; $_ } sub tolc($) { local $_ = shift; 1 while s/(SVK|CHK|URI|FCP|DS|MIME)([^_])/$1\_$2/i; 1 while s/([^_])(SVK|CHK|URI|FCP|DS|MIME)/$1\_$2/i; s/(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])/_/g; lc } =item $fcp = new AnyEvent::FCP [host => $host][, port => $port][, progress => \&cb][, name => $name] Create a new FCP connection to the given host and port (default, or the environment variables C and C). If no C was specified, then AnyEvent::FCP will generate a (hopefully) unique client name for you. You can install a progress callback that is being called with the AnyEvent::FCP object, the type, a hashref with key-value pairs and a reference to any received data, for all unsolicited messages. Example: sub progress_cb { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; if ($type eq "simple_progress") { warn "$kv->{identifier} $kv->{succeeded}/$kv->{required}\n"; } } =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; $self->{host} ||= $ENV{FREDHOST} || ""; $self->{port} ||= $ENV{FREDPORT} || 9481; $self->{name} ||= time.rand.rand.rand; # lame $self->{timeout} ||= 3600*2; $self->{progress} ||= sub { }; $self->{id} = "a0"; { Scalar::Util::weaken (my $self = $self); $self->{hdl} = new AnyEvent::Handle connect => [$self->{host} => $self->{port}], timeout => $self->{timeout}, on_error => sub { warn "@_\n";#d# exit 1; }, on_read => sub { $self->on_read (@_) }, on_eof => $self->{on_eof} || sub { }; Scalar::Util::weaken ($self->{hdl}{fcp} = $self); } $self->send_msg ( client_hello => name => $self->{name}, expected_version => "2.0", ); $self } sub send_msg { my ($self, $type, %kv) = @_; my $data = delete $kv{data}; if (exists $kv{id_cb}) { my $id = $kv{identifier} || ++$self->{id}; $self->{id}{$id} = delete $kv{id_cb}; $kv{identifier} = $id; } my $msg = (touc $type) . "\012" . join "", map +(touc $_) . "=$kv{$_}\012", keys %kv; sub id { my ($self) = @_; } if (defined $data) { $msg .= "DataLength=" . (length $data) . "\012" . "Data\012$data"; } else { $msg .= "EndMessage\012"; } $self->{hdl}->push_write ($msg); } sub on_read { my ($self) = @_; my $type; my %kv; my $rdata; my $done_cb = sub { $kv{pkt_type} = $type; if (my $cb = $self->{queue}[0]) { $cb->($self, $type, \%kv, $rdata) and shift @{ $self->{queue} }; } else { $self->default_recv ($type, \%kv, $rdata); } }; my $hdr_cb; $hdr_cb = sub { if ($_[1] =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); my @k = split /\./, tolc $k; my $ro = \\%kv; while (@k) { my $k = shift @k; if ($k =~ /^\d+$/) { $ro = \$$ro->[$k]; } else { $ro = \$$ro->{$k}; } } $$ro = $v; $_[0]->push_read (line => $hdr_cb); } elsif ($_[1] eq "Data") { $_[0]->push_read (chunk => delete $kv{data_length}, sub { $rdata = \$_[1]; $done_cb->(); }); } elsif ($_[1] eq "EndMessage") { $done_cb->(); } else { die "protocol error, expected message end, got $_[1]\n";#d# } }; $self->{hdl}->push_read (line => sub { $type = tolc $_[1]; $_[0]->push_read (line => $hdr_cb); }); } sub default_recv { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; if ($type eq "node_hello") { $self->{node_hello} = $kv; } elsif (exists $self->{id}{$kv->{identifier}}) { $self->{id}{$kv->{identifier}}($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) and delete $self->{id}{$kv->{identifier}}; } else { &{ $self->{progress} }; } } sub _txn { my ($name, $sub) = @_; *{$name} = sub { splice @_, 1, 0, (my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar); &$sub; $cv }; *{"$name\_sync"} = sub { splice @_, 1, 0, (my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar); &$sub; $cv->recv }; } =item $cv = $fcp->list_peers ([$with_metdata[, $with_volatile]]) =item $peers = $fcp->list_peers_sync ([$with_metdata[, $with_volatile]]) =cut _txn list_peers => sub { my ($self, $cv, $with_metadata, $with_volatile) = @_; my @res; $self->send_msg (list_peers => with_metadata => $with_metadata ? "true" : "false", with_volatile => $with_volatile ? "true" : "false", id_cb => sub { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; if ($type eq "end_list_peers") { $cv->(\@res); 1 } else { push @res, $kv; 0 } }, ); }; =item $cv = $fcp->list_peer_notes ($node_identifier) =item $notes = $fcp->list_peer_notes_sync ($node_identifier) =cut _txn list_peer_notes => sub { my ($self, $cv, $node_identifier) = @_; $self->send_msg (list_peer_notes => node_identifier => $node_identifier, id_cb => sub { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; $cv->($kv); 1 }, ); }; =item $cv = $fcp->watch_global ($enabled[, $verbosity_mask]) =item $fcp->watch_global_sync ($enabled[, $verbosity_mask]) =cut _txn watch_global => sub { my ($self, $cv, $enabled, $verbosity_mask) = @_; $self->send_msg (watch_global => enabled => $enabled ? "true" : "false", defined $verbosity_mask ? (verbosity_mask => $verbosity_mask+0) : (), ); $cv->(); }; =item $cv = $fcp->list_persistent_requests =item $reqs = $fcp->list_persistent_requests_sync =cut _txn list_persistent_requests => sub { my ($self, $cv) = @_; my %res; $self->send_msg ("list_persistent_requests"); push @{ $self->{queue} }, sub { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; if ($type eq "end_list_persistent_requests") { $cv->(\%res); 1 } else { my $id = $kv->{identifier}; if ($type =~ /^persistent_(get|put|put_dir)$/) { $res{$id} = { type => $1, %{ $res{$id} }, %$kv, }; } elsif ($type eq "simple_progress") { delete $kv->{pkt_type}; # save memory push @{ $res{delete $kv->{identifier}}{simple_progress} }, $kv; } else { $res{delete $kv->{identifier}}{delete $kv->{pkt_type}} = $kv; } 0 } }; }; =item $cv = $fcp->remove_request ($global, $identifier) =item $status = $fcp->remove_request_sync ($global, $identifier) =cut _txn remove_request => sub { my ($self, $cv, $global, $identifier) = @_; $self->send_msg (remove_request => global => $global ? "true" : "false", identifier => $identifier, id_cb => sub { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; $cv->($kv); 1 }, ); }; =item $cv = $fcp->modify_persistent_request ($global, $identifier[, $client_token[, $priority_class]]) =item $sync = $fcp->modify_persistent_request_sync ($global, $identifier[, $client_token[, $priority_class]]) =cut _txn modify_persistent_request => sub { my ($self, $cv, $global, $identifier, $client_token, $priority_class) = @_; $self->send_msg (modify_persistent_request => global => $global ? "true" : "false", defined $client_token ? (client_token => $client_token ) : (), defined $priority_class ? (priority_class => $priority_class) : (), identifier => $identifier, id_cb => sub { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; $cv->($kv); 1 }, ); }; =item $cv = $fcp->get_plugin_info ($name, $detailed) =item $info = $fcp->get_plugin_info_sync ($name, $detailed) =cut _txn get_plugin_info => sub { my ($self, $cv, $name, $detailed) = @_; $self->send_msg (get_plugin_info => plugin_name => $name, detailed => $detailed ? "true" : "false", id_cb => sub { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; $cv->($kv); 1 }, ); }; =item $cv = $fcp->client_get ($uri, $identifier, %kv) =item $status = $fcp->client_get_sync ($uri, $identifier, %kv) %kv can contain (L). ignore_ds, ds_only, verbosity, max_size, max_temp_size, max_retries, priority_class, persistence, client_token, global, return_type, binary_blob, allowed_mime_types, filename, temp_filename =cut _txn client_get => sub { my ($self, $cv, $uri, $identifier, %kv) = @_; $self->send_msg (client_get => %kv, uri => $uri, identifier => $identifier, id_cb => sub { my ($self, $type, $kv, $rdata) = @_; $cv->($kv); 1 }, ); }; =back =head1 EXAMPLE PROGRAM use AnyEvent::FCP; my $fcp = new AnyEvent::FCP; # let us look at the global request list $fcp->watch_global (1, 0); # list them, synchronously my $req = $fcp->list_persistent_requests_sync; # go through all requests for my $req (values %$req) { # skip jobs not directly-to-disk next unless $req->{return_type} eq "disk"; # skip jobs not issued by FProxy next unless $req->{identifier} =~ /^FProxy:/; if ($req->{data_found}) { # file has been successfully downloaded ... move the file away (left as exercise) # remove the request $fcp->remove_request (1, $req->{identifier}); } elsif ($req->{get_failed}) { # request has failed if ($req->{get_failed}{code} == 11) { # too many path components, should restart } else { # other failure } } else { # modify priorities randomly, to improve download rates $fcp->modify_persistent_request (1, $req->{identifier}, undef, int 6 - 5 * (rand) ** 1.7) if 0.1 > rand; } } # see if the dummy plugin is loaded, to ensure all previous requests have finished. $fcp->get_plugin_info_sync ("dummy"); =head1 SEE ALSO L, L. =head1 BUGS =head1 AUTHOR Marc Lehmann http://home.schmorp.de/ =cut 1