#!/opt/bin/perl use Socket; use Getopt::Long; use Net::FPing; use AnyEvent; use strict; sub usage { print STDERR <] [-r] [-c[count] [-q] range... --wait | -w after pinging, wait this many seconds on replies [default 0.25] --rate | -r maximum number of packets send/second [default 0, unlimited] --count | -c how many pings to send to each address [default 1] --quiet | -q do not process and output ping replies (also faster) range low[,high[,bandwidth]] low and high must be either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, specifying a range of addresses to ping. If high is omitted, it is assumed to be equal to low. The optional bandwidth gives the IP-level maximum bandwidth in kilobytes per second. Note: * you should almost always specify a packet rate and possible range bandwidths, as the default is to ping as fast as possible. Output: For each ping reply received, net-fping will output a single line with three space-separated columns, the IP address, the iteration count and the round trip time in seconds (as a float). Example: ping .. with at most 8 kilobytes/second and .. as fast as possible, never exceeding 1000 packets/s, and waiting up to three seconds to wait for delayed replies: net-fping -w3 -r1000,,8, EOF exit shift; } @ARGV or usage 0; my $ipv6 = eval { require Socket6; 1 }; Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_ignore_case"); my $count = 1; my $rate = 0; my $wait = 0.25; my $quiet = 0; GetOptions ( "help|h" => sub { usage 0 }, "count|c=i" => \$count, "rate|r=f" => \$rate, "wait|w=f" => \$wait, "quiet|q" => \$quiet, ) or usage 1; my @ranges; for (@ARGV) { my ($lo, $hi, $kbps) = split /,/; my $pktsz; $hi = $lo unless $hi; if ($lo =~ /:/) { # ipv6 $ipv6 or die "Socket6 module missing, no ipv6 support available.\n"; $lo = Socket6::inet_pton (&AF_INET6, $lo); $hi = Socket6::inet_pton (&AF_INET6, $hi); $pktsz = Net::FPing::icmp6_pktsize; } else { $lo = inet_aton $lo; $hi = inet_aton $hi; $pktsz = Net::FPing::icmp4_pktsize; } push @ranges, [$lo, $hi, $kbps && $pktsz / ($kbps * 1000)]; } Net::FPing::register_cb { for (@{$_[0]}) { printf "%s %d %g\n", (4 == length $_->[0] ? inet_ntoa $_->[0] : Socket6::inet_ntop (&AF_INET6, $_->[0])), $_->[2], $_->[1]; } } unless $quiet; for (1 .. $count) { my $done = AnyEvent->condvar; Net::FPing::icmp_ping \@ranges, $rate && 1 / $rate, $_, sub { $done->broadcast }; $done->wait; } { my $done = AnyEvent->condvar; my $wait_w = AnyEvent->timer (after => $wait, cb => sub { $done->broadcast }); $done->wait; }