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Comparing AnyEvent-Fork-RPC/README (file contents):
Revision 1.1 by root, Wed Apr 17 15:55:59 2013 UTC vs.
Revision 1.5 by root, Thu May 12 16:54:43 2016 UTC

2 AnyEvent::Fork::RPC - simple RPC extension for AnyEvent::Fork
5 use AnyEvent::Fork;
6 use AnyEvent::Fork::RPC;
8 my $rpc = AnyEvent::Fork
9 ->new
10 ->require ("MyModule")
11 ->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run (
12 "MyModule::server",
13 );
15 use AnyEvent;
17 my $cv = AE::cv;
19 $rpc->(1, 2, 3, sub {
20 print "MyModule::server returned @_\n";
21 $cv->send;
22 });
24 $cv->recv;
27 This module implements a simple RPC protocol and backend for processes
28 created via AnyEvent::Fork or AnyEvent::Fork::Remote, allowing you to
29 call a function in the child process and receive its return values (up
30 to 4GB serialised).
32 It implements two different backends: a synchronous one that works like
33 a normal function call, and an asynchronous one that can run multiple
34 jobs concurrently in the child, using AnyEvent.
36 It also implements an asynchronous event mechanism from the child to the
37 parent, that could be used for progress indications or other
38 information.
41 Example 1: Synchronous Backend
42 Here is a simple example that implements a backend that executes
43 "unlink" and "rmdir" calls, and reports their status back. It also
44 reports the number of requests it has processed every three requests,
45 which is clearly silly, but illustrates the use of events.
47 First the parent process:
49 use AnyEvent;
50 use AnyEvent::Fork;
51 use AnyEvent::Fork::RPC;
53 my $done = AE::cv;
55 my $rpc = AnyEvent::Fork
56 ->new
57 ->require ("MyWorker")
58 ->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run ("MyWorker::run",
59 on_error => sub { warn "ERROR: $_[0]"; exit 1 },
60 on_event => sub { warn "$_[0] requests handled\n" },
61 on_destroy => $done,
62 );
64 for my $id (1..6) {
65 $rpc->(rmdir => "/tmp/somepath/$id", sub {
66 $_[0]
67 or warn "/tmp/somepath/$id: $_[1]\n";
68 });
69 }
71 undef $rpc;
73 $done->recv;
75 The parent creates the process, queues a few rmdir's. It then forgets
76 about the $rpc object, so that the child exits after it has handled the
77 requests, and then it waits till the requests have been handled.
79 The child is implemented using a separate module, "MyWorker", shown
80 here:
82 package MyWorker;
84 my $count;
86 sub run {
87 my ($cmd, $path) = @_;
89 AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event ($count)
90 unless ++$count % 3;
92 my $status = $cmd eq "rmdir" ? rmdir $path
93 : $cmd eq "unlink" ? unlink $path
94 : die "fatal error, illegal command '$cmd'";
96 $status or (0, "$!")
97 }
99 1
101 The "run" function first sends a "progress" event every three calls, and
102 then executes "rmdir" or "unlink", depending on the first parameter (or
103 dies with a fatal error - obviously, you must never let this happen :).
105 Eventually it returns the status value true if the command was
106 successful, or the status value 0 and the stringified error message.
108 On my system, running the first code fragment with the given
109 in the current directory yields:
111 /tmp/somepath/1: No such file or directory
112 /tmp/somepath/2: No such file or directory
113 3 requests handled
114 /tmp/somepath/3: No such file or directory
115 /tmp/somepath/4: No such file or directory
116 /tmp/somepath/5: No such file or directory
117 6 requests handled
118 /tmp/somepath/6: No such file or directory
120 Obviously, none of the directories I am trying to delete even exist.
121 Also, the events and responses are processed in exactly the same order
122 as they were created in the child, which is true for both synchronous
123 and asynchronous backends.
125 Note that the parentheses in the call to "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event"
126 are not optional. That is because the function isn't defined when the
127 code is compiled. You can make sure it is visible by pre-loading the
128 correct backend module in the call to "require":
130 ->require ("AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::Sync", "MyWorker")
132 Since the backend module declares the "event" function, loading it first
133 ensures that perl will correctly interpret calls to it.
135 And as a final remark, there is a fine module on CPAN that can
136 asynchronously "rmdir" and "unlink" and a lot more, and more efficiently
137 than this example, namely IO::AIO.
139 Example 1a: the same with the asynchronous backend
140 This example only shows what needs to be changed to use the async
141 backend instead. Doing this is not very useful, the purpose of this
142 example is to show the minimum amount of change that is required to go
143 from the synchronous to the asynchronous backend.
145 To use the async backend in the previous example, you need to add the
146 "async" parameter to the "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run" call:
148 ->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run ("MyWorker::run",
149 async => 1,
150 ...
152 And since the function call protocol is now changed, you need to adopt
153 "MyWorker::run" to the async API.
155 First, you need to accept the extra initial $done callback:
157 sub run {
158 my ($done, $cmd, $path) = @_;
160 And since a response is now generated when $done is called, as opposed
161 to when the function returns, we need to call the $done function with
162 the status:
164 $done->($status or (0, "$!"));
166 A few remarks are in order. First, it's quite pointless to use the async
167 backend for this example - but it *is* possible. Second, you can call
168 $done before or after returning from the function. Third, having both
169 returned from the function and having called the $done callback, the
170 child process may exit at any time, so you should call $done only when
171 you really *are* done.
173 Example 2: Asynchronous Backend
174 This example implements multiple count-downs in the child, using
175 AnyEvent timers. While this is a bit silly (one could use timers in the
176 parent just as well), it illustrates the ability to use AnyEvent in the
177 child and the fact that responses can arrive in a different order then
178 the requests.
180 It also shows how to embed the actual child code into a "__DATA__"
181 section, so it doesn't need any external files at all.
183 And when your parent process is often busy, and you have stricter timing
184 requirements, then running timers in a child process suddenly doesn't
185 look so silly anymore.
187 Without further ado, here is the code:
189 use AnyEvent;
190 use AnyEvent::Fork;
191 use AnyEvent::Fork::RPC;
193 my $done = AE::cv;
195 my $rpc = AnyEvent::Fork
196 ->new
197 ->require ("AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::Async")
198 ->eval (do { local $/; <DATA> })
199 ->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run ("run",
200 async => 1,
201 on_error => sub { warn "ERROR: $_[0]"; exit 1 },
202 on_event => sub { print $_[0] },
203 on_destroy => $done,
204 );
206 for my $count (3, 2, 1) {
207 $rpc->($count, sub {
208 warn "job $count finished\n";
209 });
210 }
212 undef $rpc;
214 $done->recv;
216 __DATA__
218 # this ends up in main, as we don't use a package declaration
220 use AnyEvent;
222 sub run {
223 my ($done, $count) = @_;
225 my $n;
227 AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event "starting to count up to $count\n";
229 my $w; $w = AE::timer 1, 1, sub {
230 ++$n;
232 AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event "count $n of $count\n";
234 if ($n == $count) {
235 undef $w;
236 $done->();
237 }
238 };
239 }
241 The parent part (the one before the "__DATA__" section) isn't very
242 different from the earlier examples. It sets async mode, preloads the
243 backend module (so the "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event" function is
244 declared), uses a slightly different "on_event" handler (which we use
245 simply for logging purposes) and then, instead of loading a module with
246 the actual worker code, it "eval"'s the code from the data section in
247 the child process.
249 It then starts three countdowns, from 3 to 1 seconds downwards, destroys
250 the rpc object so the example finishes eventually, and then just waits
251 for the stuff to trickle in.
253 The worker code uses the event function to log some progress messages,
254 but mostly just creates a recurring one-second timer.
256 The timer callback increments a counter, logs a message, and eventually,
257 when the count has been reached, calls the finish callback.
259 On my system, this results in the following output. Since all timers
260 fire at roughly the same time, the actual order isn't guaranteed, but
261 the order shown is very likely what you would get, too.
263 starting to count up to 3
264 starting to count up to 2
265 starting to count up to 1
266 count 1 of 3
267 count 1 of 2
268 count 1 of 1
269 job 1 finished
270 count 2 of 2
271 job 2 finished
272 count 2 of 3
273 count 3 of 3
274 job 3 finished
276 While the overall ordering isn't guaranteed, the async backend still
277 guarantees that events and responses are delivered to the parent process
278 in the exact same ordering as they were generated in the child process.
280 And unless your system is *very* busy, it should clearly show that the
281 job started last will finish first, as it has the lowest count.
283 This concludes the async example. Since AnyEvent::Fork does not actually
284 fork, you are free to use about any module in the child, not just
285 AnyEvent, but also IO::AIO, or Tk for example.
287 Example 3: Asynchronous backend with Coro
288 With Coro you can create a nice asynchronous backend implementation by
289 defining an rpc server function that creates a new Coro thread for every
290 request that calls a function "normally", i.e. the parameters from the
291 parent process are passed to it, and any return values are returned to
292 the parent process, e.g.:
294 package My::Arith;
296 sub add {
297 return $_[0] + $_[1];
298 }
300 sub mul {
301 return $_[0] * $_[1];
302 }
304 sub run {
305 my ($done, $func, @arg) = @_;
307 Coro::async_pool {
308 $done->($func->(@arg));
309 };
310 }
312 The "run" function creates a new thread for every invocation, using the
313 first argument as function name, and calls the $done callback on it's
314 return values. This makes it quite natural to define the "add" and "mul"
315 functions to add or multiply two numbers and return the result.
317 Since this is the asynchronous backend, it's quite possible to define
318 RPC function that do I/O or wait for external events - their execution
319 will overlap as needed.
321 The above could be used like this:
323 my $rpc = AnyEvent::Fork
324 ->new
325 ->require ("MyWorker")
326 ->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run ("My::Arith::run",
327 on_error => ..., on_event => ..., on_destroy => ...,
328 );
330 $rpc->(add => 1, 3, Coro::rouse_cb); say Coro::rouse_wait;
331 $rpc->(mul => 3, 2, Coro::rouse_cb); say Coro::rouse_wait;
333 The "say"'s will print 4 and 6.
335 Example 4: Forward AnyEvent::Log messages using "on_event"
336 This partial example shows how to use the "event" function to forward
337 AnyEvent::Log messages to the parent.
339 For this, the parent needs to provide a suitable "on_event":
341 ->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run (
342 on_event => sub {
343 if ($_[0] eq "ae_log") {
344 my (undef, $level, $message) = @_;
345 AE::log $level, $message;
346 } else {
347 # other event types
348 }
349 },
350 )
352 In the child, as early as possible, the following code should
353 reconfigure AnyEvent::Log to log via "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event":
355 $AnyEvent::Log::LOG->log_cb (sub {
356 my ($timestamp, $orig_ctx, $level, $message) = @{+shift};
358 if (defined &AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event) {
359 AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event (ae_log => $level, $message);
360 } else {
361 warn "[$$ before init] $message\n";
362 }
363 });
365 There is an important twist - the "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event" function
366 is only defined when the child is fully initialised. If you redirect the
367 log messages in your "init" function for example, then the "event"
368 function might not yet be available. This is why the log callback checks
369 whether the fucntion is there using "defined", and only then uses it to
370 log the message.
373 This module exports nothing, and only implements a single function:
375 my $rpc = AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run $fork, $function, [key => value...]
376 The traditional way to call it. But it is way cooler to call it in
377 the following way:
379 my $rpc = $fork->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run ($function, [key => value...])
380 This "run" function/method can be used in place of the
381 AnyEvent::Fork::run method. Just like that method, it takes over the
382 AnyEvent::Fork process, but instead of calling the specified
383 $function directly, it runs a server that accepts RPC calls and
384 handles responses.
386 It returns a function reference that can be used to call the
387 function in the child process, handling serialisation and data
388 transfers.
390 The following key/value pairs are allowed. It is recommended to have
391 at least an "on_error" or "on_event" handler set.
393 on_error => $cb->($msg)
394 Called on (fatal) errors, with a descriptive (hopefully)
395 message. If this callback is not provided, but "on_event" is,
396 then the "on_event" callback is called with the first argument
397 being the string "error", followed by the error message.
399 If neither handler is provided, then the error is reported with
400 loglevel "error" via "AE::log".
402 on_event => $cb->(...)
403 Called for every call to the "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event"
404 function in the child, with the arguments of that function
405 passed to the callback.
407 Also called on errors when no "on_error" handler is provided.
409 on_destroy => $cb->()
410 Called when the $rpc object has been destroyed and all requests
411 have been successfully handled. This is useful when you queue
412 some requests and want the child to go away after it has handled
413 them. The problem is that the parent must not exit either until
414 all requests have been handled, and this can be accomplished by
415 waiting for this callback.
417 init => $function (default none)
418 When specified (by name), this function is called in the child
419 as the very first thing when taking over the process, with all
420 the arguments normally passed to the "AnyEvent::Fork::run"
421 function, except the communications socket.
423 It can be used to do one-time things in the child such as
424 storing passed parameters or opening database connections.
426 It is called very early - before the serialisers are created or
427 the $function name is resolved into a function reference, so it
428 could be used to load any modules that provide the serialiser or
429 function. It can not, however, create events.
431 done => $function (default "CORE::exit")
432 The function to call when the asynchronous backend detects an
433 end of file condition when reading from the communications
434 socket *and* there are no outstanding requests. It's ignored by
435 the synchronous backend.
437 By overriding this you can prolong the life of a RPC process
438 after e.g. the parent has exited by running the event loop in
439 the provided function (or simply calling it, for example, when
440 your child process uses EV you could provide EV::run as "done"
441 function).
443 Of course, in that case you are responsible for exiting at the
444 appropriate time and not returning from
446 async => $boolean (default: 0)
447 The default server used in the child does all I/O blockingly,
448 and only allows a single RPC call to execute concurrently.
450 Setting "async" to a true value switches to another
451 implementation that uses AnyEvent in the child and allows
452 multiple concurrent RPC calls (it does not support recursion in
453 the event loop however, blocking condvar calls will fail).
455 The actual API in the child is documented in the section that
456 describes the calling semantics of the returned $rpc function.
458 If you want to pre-load the actual back-end modules to enable
459 memory sharing, then you should load "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::Sync"
460 for synchronous, and "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::Async" for
461 asynchronous mode.
463 If you use a template process and want to fork both sync and
464 async children, then it is permissible to load both modules.
466 serialiser => $string (default:
467 $AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::STRING_SERIALISER)
468 All arguments, result data and event data have to be serialised
469 to be transferred between the processes. For this, they have to
470 be frozen and thawed in both parent and child processes.
472 By default, only octet strings can be passed between the
473 processes, which is reasonably fast and efficient and requires
474 no extra modules (the "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC" distribution does
475 not provide these extra serialiser modules).
477 For more complicated use cases, you can provide your own freeze
478 and thaw functions, by specifying a string with perl source
479 code. It's supposed to return two code references when
480 evaluated: the first receives a list of perl values and must
481 return an octet string. The second receives the octet string and
482 must return the original list of values.
484 If you need an external module for serialisation, then you can
485 either pre-load it into your AnyEvent::Fork process, or you can
486 add a "use" or "require" statement into the serialiser string.
487 Or both.
489 Here are some examples - all of them are also available as
490 global variables that make them easier to use.
492 $AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::STRING_SERIALISER - octet strings only
493 This serialiser (currently the default) concatenates
494 length-prefixes octet strings, and is the default. That
495 means you can only pass (and return) strings containing
496 character codes 0-255.
498 The main advantages of this serialiser are the high speed
499 and that it doesn't need another module. The main
500 disadvantage is that you are very limited in what you can
501 pass - only octet strings.
503 Implementation:
505 (
506 sub { pack "(w/a*)*", @_ },
507 sub { unpack "(w/a*)*", shift }
508 )
510 $AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::CBOR_XS_SERIALISER - uses CBOR::XS
511 This serialiser creates CBOR::XS arrays - you have to make
512 sure the CBOR::XS module is installed for this serialiser to
513 work. It can be beneficial for sharing when you preload the
514 CBOR::XS module in a template process.
516 CBOR::XS is about as fast as the octet string serialiser,
517 but supports complex data structures (similar to JSON) and
518 is faster than any of the other serialisers. If you have the
519 CBOR::XS module available, it's the best choice.
521 The encoder enables "allow_sharing" (so this serialisation
522 method can encode cyclic and self-referencing data
523 structures).
525 Implementation:
527 use CBOR::XS ();
528 (
529 sub { CBOR::XS::encode_cbor_sharing \@_ },
530 sub { @{ CBOR::XS::decode_cbor shift } }
531 )
533 $AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::JSON_SERIALISER - uses JSON::XS or JSON
534 This serialiser creates JSON arrays - you have to make sure
535 the JSON module is installed for this serialiser to work. It
536 can be beneficial for sharing when you preload the JSON
537 module in a template process.
539 JSON (with JSON::XS installed) is slower than the octet
540 string serialiser, but usually much faster than Storable,
541 unless big chunks of binary data need to be transferred.
543 Implementation:
545 use JSON ();
546 (
547 sub { JSON::encode_json \@_ },
548 sub { @{ JSON::decode_json shift } }
549 )
551 $AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::STORABLE_SERIALISER - Storable
552 This serialiser uses Storable, which means it has high
553 chance of serialising just about anything you throw at it,
554 at the cost of having very high overhead per operation. It
555 also comes with perl. It should be used when you need to
556 serialise complex data structures.
558 Implementation:
560 use Storable ();
561 (
562 sub { Storable::freeze \@_ },
563 sub { @{ Storable::thaw shift } }
564 )
566 $AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::NSTORABLE_SERIALISER - portable Storable
567 This serialiser also uses Storable, but uses it's "network"
568 format to serialise data, which makes it possible to talk to
569 different perl binaries (for example, when talking to a
570 process created with AnyEvent::Fork::Remote).
572 Implementation:
574 use Storable ();
575 (
576 sub { Storable::nfreeze \@_ },
577 sub { @{ Storable::thaw shift } }
578 )
580 See the examples section earlier in this document for some actual
581 examples.
583 $rpc->(..., $cb->(...))
584 The RPC object returned by "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run" is actually a
585 code reference. There are two things you can do with it: call it,
586 and let it go out of scope (let it get destroyed).
588 If "async" was false when $rpc was created (the default), then, if
589 you call $rpc, the $function is invoked with all arguments passed to
590 $rpc except the last one (the callback). When the function returns,
591 the callback will be invoked with all the return values.
593 If "async" was true, then the $function receives an additional
594 initial argument, the result callback. In this case, returning from
595 $function does nothing - the function only counts as "done" when the
596 result callback is called, and any arguments passed to it are
597 considered the return values. This makes it possible to "return"
598 from event handlers or e.g. Coro threads.
600 The other thing that can be done with the RPC object is to destroy
601 it. In this case, the child process will execute all remaining RPC
602 calls, report their results, and then exit.
604 See the examples section earlier in this document for some actual
605 examples.
608 The following function is not available in this module. They are only
609 available in the namespace of this module when the child is running,
610 without having to load any extra modules. They are part of the
611 child-side API of AnyEvent::Fork::RPC.
613 AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::event ...
614 Send an event to the parent. Events are a bit like RPC calls made by
615 the child process to the parent, except that there is no notion of
616 return values.
618 See the examples section earlier in this document for some actual
619 examples.
622 If and when the child process exits depends on the backend and
623 configuration. Apart from explicit exits (e.g. by calling "exit") or
624 runtime conditions (uncaught exceptions, signals etc.), the backends
625 exit under these conditions:
627 Synchronous Backend
628 The synchronous backend is very simple: when the process waits for
629 another request to arrive and the writing side (usually in the
630 parent) is closed, it will exit normally, i.e. as if your main
631 program reached the end of the file.
633 That means that if your parent process exits, the RPC process will
634 usually exit as well, either because it is idle anyway, or because
635 it executes a request. In the latter case, you will likely get an
636 error when the RPc process tries to send the results to the parent
637 (because agruably, you shouldn't exit your parent while there are
638 still outstanding requests).
640 The process is usually quiescent when it happens, so it should
641 rarely be a problem, and "END" handlers can be used to clean up.
643 Asynchronous Backend
644 For the asynchronous backend, things are more complicated: Whenever
645 it listens for another request by the parent, it might detect that
646 the socket was closed (e.g. because the parent exited). It will sotp
647 listening for new requests and instead try to write out any
648 remaining data (if any) or simply check whether the socket can be
649 written to. After this, the RPC process is effectively done - no new
650 requests are incoming, no outstanding request data can be written
651 back.
653 Since chances are high that there are event watchers that the RPC
654 server knows nothing about (why else would one use the async backend
655 if not for the ability to register watchers?), the event loop would
656 often happily continue.
658 This is why the asynchronous backend explicitly calls "CORE::exit"
659 when it is done (under other circumstances, such as when there is an
660 I/O error and there is outstanding data to write, it will log a
661 fatal message via AnyEvent::Log, also causing the program to exit).
663 You can override this by specifying a function name to call via the
664 "done" parameter instead.
667 Choosing a backend
668 So how do you decide which backend to use? Well, that's your problem to
669 solve, but here are some thoughts on the matter:
671 Synchronous
672 The synchronous backend does not rely on any external modules (well,
673 except common::sense, which works around a bug in how perl's warning
674 system works). This keeps the process very small, for example, on my
675 system, an empty perl interpreter uses 1492kB RSS, which becomes
676 2020kB after "use warnings; use strict" (for people who grew up with
677 C64s around them this is probably shocking every single time they
678 see it). The worker process in the first example in this document
679 uses 1792kB.
681 Since the calls are done synchronously, slow jobs will keep newer
682 jobs from executing.
684 The synchronous backend also has no overhead due to running an event
685 loop - reading requests is therefore very efficient, while writing
686 responses is less so, as every response results in a write syscall.
688 If the parent process is busy and a bit slow reading responses, the
689 child waits instead of processing further requests. This also limits
690 the amount of memory needed for buffering, as never more than one
691 response has to be buffered.
693 The API in the child is simple - you just have to define a function
694 that does something and returns something.
696 It's hard to use modules or code that relies on an event loop, as
697 the child cannot execute anything while it waits for more input.
699 Asynchronous
700 The asynchronous backend relies on AnyEvent, which tries to be
701 small, but still comes at a price: On my system, the worker from
702 example 1a uses 3420kB RSS (for AnyEvent, which loads EV, which
703 needs XSLoader which in turn loads a lot of other modules such as
704 warnings, strict, vars, Exporter...).
706 It batches requests and responses reasonably efficiently, doing only
707 as few reads and writes as needed, but needs to poll for events via
708 the event loop.
710 Responses are queued when the parent process is busy. This means the
711 child can continue to execute any queued requests. It also means
712 that a child might queue a lot of responses in memory when it
713 generates them and the parent process is slow accepting them.
715 The API is not a straightforward RPC pattern - you have to call a
716 "done" callback to pass return values and signal completion. Also,
717 more importantly, the API starts jobs as fast as possible - when
718 1000 jobs are queued and the jobs are slow, they will all run
719 concurrently. The child must implement some queueing/limiting
720 mechanism if this causes problems. Alternatively, the parent could
721 limit the amount of rpc calls that are outstanding.
723 Blocking use of condvars is not supported (in the main thread,
724 outside of e.g. Coro threads).
726 Using event-based modules such as IO::AIO, Gtk2, Tk and so on is
727 easy.
729 Passing file descriptors
730 Unlike AnyEvent::Fork, this module has no in-built file handle or file
731 descriptor passing abilities.
733 The reason is that passing file descriptors is extraordinary tricky
734 business, and conflicts with efficient batching of messages.
736 There still is a method you can use: Create a
737 "AnyEvent::Util::portable_socketpair" and "send_fh" one half of it to
738 the process before you pass control to "AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run".
740 Whenever you want to pass a file descriptor, send an rpc request to the
741 child process (so it expects the descriptor), then send it over the
742 other half of the socketpair. The child should fetch the descriptor from
743 the half it has passed earlier.
745 Here is some (untested) pseudocode to that effect:
747 use AnyEvent::Util;
748 use AnyEvent::Fork;
749 use AnyEvent::Fork::RPC;
750 use IO::FDPass;
752 my ($s1, $s2) = AnyEvent::Util::portable_socketpair;
754 my $rpc = AnyEvent::Fork
755 ->new
756 ->send_fh ($s2)
757 ->require ("MyWorker")
758 ->AnyEvent::Fork::RPC::run ("MyWorker::run"
759 init => "MyWorker::init",
760 );
762 undef $s2; # no need to keep it around
764 # pass an fd
765 $rpc->("i'll send some fd now, please expect it!", my $cv = AE::cv);
767 IO::FDPass fileno $s1, fileno $handle_to_pass;
769 $cv->recv;
771 The MyWorker module could look like this:
773 package MyWorker;
775 use IO::FDPass;
777 my $s2;
779 sub init {
780 $s2 = $_[0];
781 }
783 sub run {
784 if ($_[0] eq "i'll send some fd now, please expect it!") {
785 my $fd = IO::FDPass::recv fileno $s2;
786 ...
787 }
788 }
790 Of course, this might be blocking if you pass a lot of file descriptors,
791 so you might want to look into AnyEvent::FDpasser which can handle the
792 gory details.
795 There are no provisions whatsoever for catching exceptions at this time
796 - in the child, exceptions might kill the process, causing calls to be
797 lost and the parent encountering a fatal error. In the parent,
798 exceptions in the result callback will not be caught and cause undefined
799 behaviour.
802 AnyEvent::Fork, to create the processes in the first place.
804 AnyEvent::Fork::Remote, likewise, but helpful for remote processes.
806 AnyEvent::Fork::Pool, to manage whole pools of processes.
809 Marc Lehmann <>

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