Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent. - fixed errors in the documentation. 0.3 Sun Dec 4 10:43:33 CET 2005 - no changes to the code. - fixed documentation. - clarified some corner cases. - vastly improved documentation with a long example. 0.2 Thu Dec 1 22:18:49 CET 2005 - check wether a valid method was called, to avoid endless loops. - move condvars into their own class (cleaner, safer). - don't die when some modules are not available. - Tk is too broken to allow for words. Will work once Tk works. 0.1 Thu Dec 1 19:44:57 CET 2005 - spiced up and cleaned up for release. 0.01 Tue Sep 21 18:12:09 CEST 2004 - original version; copied from Convert::Scalar.