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Revision: 1.5
Committed: Thu Aug 28 15:17:57 2014 UTC (10 years, 3 months ago) by root
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rel-7_08, rel-7_09, rel-7_13, rel-7_12, rel-7_11
Changes since 1.4: +1 -0 lines
Log Message:
*** empty log message ***

File Contents

# Content
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # this creates duplicate tests for each event loop, and then deletes those
4 # that fail due to bugs in them.
5 # also patches MANIFEST.
7 (
8 cat <<EOF
9 61_fltk AnyEvent::Impl::FLTK
10 62_cocoa AnyEvent::Impl::Cocoa
11 63_eventlib AnyEvent::Impl::EventLib
12 64_glib AnyEvent::Impl::Glib
13 65_event AnyEvent::Impl::Event
14 66_ioasync AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync
15 67_tk AnyEvent::Impl::Tk
16 68_poe AnyEvent::Impl::POE $^W = 0;
17 69_ev AnyEvent::Impl::EV
18 70_uv AnyEvent::Impl::UV
19 EOF
20 ) | while read base module extra; do
21 for test in 01 02 03 04 05 07 09; do
22 set -- t/"$test"_*.t
23 t=${1#t/}
24 <t/"$t" \
25 sed -e "s/.*require AnyEvent::Impl::Perl.*/\\
26 BEGIN { $^W = 0 }\\
27 BEGIN { \$ENV{PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS} or ((print qq{1..0 # SKIP PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true\\\\n}), exit 0) }\\
28 BEGIN { eval q{use $module;1} or ((print qq{1..0 # SKIP $module not loadable\\\\n}), exit 0) }\\
29 $extra\\
30 /" \
31 >t/"$base"_$t
32 done
33 done
35 if false; then
36 (
37 grep -v ^t/6._ MANIFEST
38 for t in t/6?_*; do
39 echo $t
40 done
42 fi