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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Fri Oct 19 22:25:42 2018 UTC (5 years, 11 months ago) by root
Content type: application/x-sh
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rel-1_46, rel-1_45, HEAD
Log Message:
*** empty log message ***

File Contents

# Content
1 #! sh
3 # newer Storable versions have some weird hack to try to measure the
4 # stack size at build time, for reasons not well understood. it seems
5 # perl5-porters think that stack sizes cannot be configured so compile time
6 # stack size always equals runtime stack size. very weird, potential security
7 # bug and doesn't even work, so work around it.
8 if [ -e ] && [ -e stacksize ]; then
9 echo patching stacksize bug in Storable
10 cat >stacksize <<'EOSS'
11 #! perl
12 mkdir "lib", 0777;
13 mkdir "lib/Storable", 0777;
14 open my $fh, ">lib/Storable/" or die;
15 syswrite $fh, <<EOPM;
16 # patched by staticperl
17 \$Storable::recursion_limit = 512
18 unless defined \$Storable::recursion_limit;
19 \$Storable::recursion_limit_hash = 512
20 unless defined \$Storable::recursion_limit_hash;
21 1;
24 fi
26 "$MAKE" "$@"