Revision history for Perl extension Audio::Play::MPG123 0.63 Thu Mar 3 18:00:52 CET 2005 - updated to mpg123 2001-05-18. - added new frame accessor method, patch by Steven Elling. - change of contact address. 0.62 Sun Feb 4 13:39:04 CET 2001 - implemented SHuffle command for mpg123sh. - forgot to include playlist.h. However, mpg123 is being used by somebody so this kind of bug gets found ;) - mpg123's stderr is now redirected to /dev/null. - mpg123sh no longer depends on File::Glob. - mpg123 no longer destroys your terminal settings. 0.61 Thu Jan 18 19:46:45 CET 2001 - load now returns even whent he song couldn't be started :) - mpg123 is now started without the "-y" flag, since this also disables id3-tag-detection. 0.6 Wed Jan 17 10:49:33 CET 2001 - updated to version 2001-01-17 of mpg123. Left out a lot of my patches (e.g. IRIX6). tell me if you need them. - mpg123sh now stops on SIGPWR (send it from your /etc/apmd_proxy) (requires recompile of mpg123!). - new parameter "mpg123args" which expects an arrayref with additinal arguments for mpg123. 0.051 Fri Jul 21 04:13:35 CEST 2000 - fork()s no longer destroy the mpg123 process. - mpg123sh accounts non-existant files to other files with the same basename. 0.05 Sat Jul 15 23:28:41 CEST 2000 - more small improvements & fixes in mpg123sh. - new method 'paused'. - fixed a bug that made broke http-url support. 0.04 Fri Jun 23 08:03:01 CEST 2000 - fixed tpf, required a change in mpg123. - small improvements to mpg123sh, fixing the completion problem with perl's readlines in a very ugly way. 0.03 Fri Jun 25 01:20:42 CEST 1999 - bug fixes, many of them to mpg123. - removed opts method, implemented statfreq method instead. - added tpf method. - implemented "d" and "j" commands, many small improvements. 0.02 Wed Jun 23 21:14:29 CEST 1999 - first release. 0.01 Tue Jun 22 13:18:03 CEST 1999 - original version; created by cp -r ;)