NAME Canary::Stability - canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules SYNOPSIS # in Makefile.PL use Canary::Stability DISTNAME => 2001, MINIMUM_PERL_VERSION; DESCRIPTION This module is used by Schmorp's modules during configuration stage to test the installed perl for compatibility with his modules. It's not, at this stage, meant as a tool for other module authors, although in principle nothing prevents them from subscribing to the same ideas. See the Makefile.PL in Coro or AnyEvent for usage examples. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES "PERL_CANARY_STABILITY_NOPROMPT=1" Do not prompt the user on alert messages. "PERL_CANARY_STABILITY_COLOUR=0" Disable use of colour. "PERL_CANARY_STABILITY_COLOUR=1" Force use of colour. "PERL_CANARY_STABILITY_DISABLE=1" Disable this modules functionality completely. AUTHOR Marc Lehmann