#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" // C99 required! // this is not just for comments, but also for // integer constant semantics, // sscanf format modifiers and more. enum { // ASN_TAG ASN_BOOLEAN = 0x01, ASN_INTEGER = 0x02, ASN_BIT_STRING = 0x03, ASN_OCTET_STRING = 0x04, ASN_NULL = 0x05, ASN_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER = 0x06, ASN_OID = 0x06, ASN_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR = 0x07, ASN_EXTERNAL = 0x08, ASN_REAL = 0x09, ASN_ENUMERATED = 0x0a, ASN_EMBEDDED_PDV = 0x0b, ASN_UTF8_STRING = 0x0c, ASN_RELATIVE_OID = 0x0d, ASN_SEQUENCE = 0x10, ASN_SET = 0x11, ASN_NUMERIC_STRING = 0x12, ASN_PRINTABLE_STRING = 0x13, ASN_TELETEX_STRING = 0x14, ASN_T61_STRING = 0x14, ASN_VIDEOTEX_STRING = 0x15, ASN_IA5_STRING = 0x16, ASN_ASCII_STRING = 0x16, ASN_UTC_TIME = 0x17, ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME = 0x18, ASN_GRAPHIC_STRING = 0x19, ASN_VISIBLE_STRING = 0x1a, ASN_ISO646_STRING = 0x1a, ASN_GENERAL_STRING = 0x1b, ASN_UNIVERSAL_STRING = 0x1c, ASN_CHARACTER_STRING = 0x1d, ASN_BMP_STRING = 0x1e, ASN_TAG_BER = 0x1f, ASN_TAG_MASK = 0x1f, // primitive/constructed ASN_CONSTRUCTED = 0x20, // ASN_CLASS ASN_UNIVERSAL = 0x00, ASN_APPLICATION = 0x01, ASN_CONTEXT = 0x02, ASN_PRIVATE = 0x03, ASN_CLASS_MASK = 0xc0, ASN_CLASS_SHIFT = 6, // ASN_APPLICATION SNMP SNMP_IPADDRESS = 0x00, SNMP_COUNTER32 = 0x01, SNMP_GAUGE32 = 0x02, SNMP_UNSIGNED32 = 0x02, SNMP_TIMETICKS = 0x03, SNMP_OPAQUE = 0x04, SNMP_COUNTER64 = 0x06, }; // tlow-level types this module can ecode the above (and more) into enum { BER_TYPE_BYTES, BER_TYPE_UTF8, BER_TYPE_UCS2, BER_TYPE_UCS4, BER_TYPE_INT, BER_TYPE_OID, BER_TYPE_RELOID, BER_TYPE_NULL, BER_TYPE_BOOL, BER_TYPE_REAL, BER_TYPE_IPADDRESS, BER_TYPE_CROAK, }; // tuple array indices enum { BER_CLASS = 0, BER_TAG = 1, BER_FLAGS = 2, BER_DATA = 3, BER_ARRAYSIZE }; #define MAX_OID_STRLEN 4096 typedef void profile_type; static profile_type *cur_profile, *default_profile; static SV *buf_sv; // encoding buffer static U8 *buf, *cur, *end; // buffer start, current, end #if PERL_VERSION < 18 # define utf8_to_uvchr_buf(s,e,l) utf8_to_uvchr (s, l) #endif #if __GNUC__ >= 3 # define expect(expr,value) __builtin_expect ((expr), (value)) # define INLINE static inline #else # define expect(expr,value) (expr) # define INLINE static #endif #define expect_false(expr) expect ((expr) != 0, 0) #define expect_true(expr) expect ((expr) != 0, 1) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static SV *sviv_cache[32]; // for "small" integers, return a readonly sv, otherwise create a new one static SV *newSVcacheint (int val) { if (expect_false (val < 0 || val >= sizeof (sviv_cache))) return newSViv (val); if (expect_false (!sviv_cache [val])) { sviv_cache [val] = newSVuv (val); SvREADONLY_on (sviv_cache [val]); } return SvREFCNT_inc_NN (sviv_cache [val]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static HV *profile_stash; static profile_type * SvPROFILE (SV *profile) { if (!SvOK (profile)) return default_profile; if (!SvROK (profile)) croak ("Convert::BER::XS::Profile expected"); profile = SvRV (profile); if (SvSTASH (profile) != profile_stash) croak ("Convert::BER::XS::Profile expected"); return (void *)profile; } static int profile_lookup (profile_type *profile, int klass, int tag) { SV *sv = (SV *)profile; U32 idx = (tag << 2) + klass; if (expect_false (idx >= SvCUR (sv))) return BER_TYPE_BYTES; return SvPVX (sv)[idx]; } static void profile_set (profile_type *profile, int klass, int tag, int type) { SV *sv = (SV *)profile; U32 idx = (tag << 2) + klass; STRLEN oldlen = SvCUR (sv); STRLEN newlen = idx + 2; if (idx >= oldlen) { sv_grow (sv, newlen); memset (SvPVX (sv) + oldlen, BER_TYPE_BYTES, newlen - oldlen); SvCUR_set (sv, newlen); } SvPVX (sv)[idx] = type; } static SV * profile_new (void) { SV *sv = newSVpvn ("", 0); static const struct { int klass; int tag; int type; } *celem, default_map[] = { { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_BOOLEAN , BER_TYPE_BOOL }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_INTEGER , BER_TYPE_INT }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_NULL , BER_TYPE_NULL }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, BER_TYPE_OID }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_RELATIVE_OID , BER_TYPE_RELOID }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_REAL , BER_TYPE_REAL }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_ENUMERATED , BER_TYPE_INT }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_UTF8_STRING , BER_TYPE_UTF8 }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_BMP_STRING , BER_TYPE_UCS2 }, { ASN_UNIVERSAL, ASN_UNIVERSAL_STRING , BER_TYPE_UCS4 }, }; for (celem = default_map + sizeof (default_map) / sizeof (default_map [0]); celem-- > default_map; ) profile_set ((profile_type *)sv, celem->klass, celem->tag, celem->type); return sv_bless (newRV_noinc (sv), profile_stash); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // decoder static void error (const char *errmsg) { croak ("%s at offset 0x%04x", errmsg, cur - buf); } static void want (UV count) { if (expect_false ((uintptr_t)(end - cur) < count)) error ("unexpected end of message buffer"); } // get_* functions fetch something from the buffer // decode_* functions use get_* fun ctions to decode ber values // get single octet static U8 get_u8 (void) { if (cur == end) error ("unexpected end of message buffer"); return *cur++; } // get n octets static U8 * get_n (UV count) { want (count); U8 *res = cur; cur += count; return res; } // get ber-encoded integer (i.e. pack "w") static UV get_w (void) { UV res = 0; U8 c = get_u8 (); if (expect_false (c == 0x80)) error ("illegal BER padding (X.690, 8.19.2)"); for (;;) { if (expect_false (res >> UVSIZE * 8 - 7)) error ("BER variable length integer overflow"); res = (res << 7) | (c & 0x7f); if (expect_true (!(c & 0x80))) return res; c = get_u8 (); } } static UV get_length (void) { UV res = get_u8 (); if (expect_false (res & 0x80)) { U8 cnt = res & 0x7f; // this genewrates quite ugly code, but the overhead // of copying the bytes for these lengths is probably so high // that a slightly inefficient get_length won't matter. if (expect_false (cnt == 0)) error ("indefinite BER value lengths not supported"); if (expect_false (cnt > UVSIZE)) error ("BER value length too long (must fit into UV) or BER reserved value in length (X.690"); want (cnt); res = 0; do res = (res << 8) | *cur++; while (--cnt); } return res; } static SV * decode_int (UV len) { if (!len) error ("invalid BER_TYPE_INT length zero (X.690 8.3.1)"); U8 *data = get_n (len); if (expect_false (len > 1)) { U16 mask = (data [0] << 8) | data [1] & 0xff80; if (expect_false (mask == 0xff80 || mask == 0x0000)) error ("illegal padding in BER_TYPE_INT (X.690 8.3.2)"); } int negative = data [0] & 0x80; UV val = negative ? -1 : 0; // copy signbit to all bits if (len > UVSIZE + (!negative && !*data)) error ("BER_TYPE_INT overflow"); do val = (val << 8) | *data++; while (--len); // the cast to IV relies on implementation-defined behaviour (two's complement cast) // but that's ok, as perl relies on it as well. return negative ? newSViv ((IV)val) : newSVuv (val); } static SV * decode_data (UV len) { return newSVpvn ((char *)get_n (len), len); } // helper for decode_object_identifier static char * write_uv (char *buf, UV u) { // the one-digit case is absolutely predominant, so this pays off (hopefully) if (expect_true (u < 10)) *buf++ = u + '0'; else { // this *could* be done much faster using branchless fixed-point arithmetics char *beg = buf; do { *buf++ = u % 10 + '0'; u /= 10; } while (u); // reverse digits char *ptr = buf; while (--ptr > beg) { char c = *ptr; *ptr = *beg; *beg = c; ++beg; } } return buf; } static SV * decode_oid (UV len, int relative) { if (len <= 0) { error ("BER_TYPE_OID length must not be zero"); return &PL_sv_undef; } U8 *end = cur + len; UV w = get_w (); static char oid[MAX_OID_STRLEN]; // static, because too large for stack char *app = oid; if (relative) app = write_uv (app, w); else { UV w1, w2; if (w < 2 * 40) (w1 = w / 40), (w2 = w % 40); else (w1 = 2), (w2 = w - 2 * 40); app = write_uv (app, w1); *app++ = '.'; app = write_uv (app, w2); } while (cur < end) { // we assume an oid component is never > 64 digits if (oid + sizeof (oid) - app < 64) croak ("BER_TYPE_OID to long to decode"); w = get_w (); *app++ = '.'; app = write_uv (app, w); } return newSVpvn (oid, app - oid); } // TODO: this is unacceptably slow static SV * decode_ucs (UV len, int chrsize) { if (len & (chrsize - 1)) croak ("BER_TYPE_UCS has an invalid number of octets (%d)", len); SV *res = NEWSV (0, 0); while (len) { U8 b1 = get_u8 (); U8 b2 = get_u8 (); U32 chr = (b1 << 8) | b2; if (chrsize == 4) { U8 b3 = get_u8 (); U8 b4 = get_u8 (); chr = (chr << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4; } U8 uchr [UTF8_MAXBYTES]; int uclen = uvuni_to_utf8 (uchr, chr) - uchr; sv_catpvn (res, (const char *)uchr, uclen); len -= chrsize; } SvUTF8_on (res); return res; } static SV * decode_ber (void) { int identifier = get_u8 (); SV *res; int constructed = identifier & ASN_CONSTRUCTED; int klass = (identifier & ASN_CLASS_MASK) >> ASN_CLASS_SHIFT; int tag = identifier & ASN_TAG_MASK; if (tag == ASN_TAG_BER) tag = get_w (); if (constructed) { want (1); AV *av = (AV *)sv_2mortal ((SV *)newAV ()); if (expect_false (*cur == 0x80)) { // indefinite length ++cur; for (;;) { want (2); if (!cur [0] && !cur [1]) { cur += 2; break; } av_push (av, decode_ber ()); } } else { UV len = get_length (); UV seqend = (cur - buf) + len; while (cur < buf + seqend) av_push (av, decode_ber ()); if (expect_false (cur > buf + seqend)) croak ("CONSTRUCTED type %02x length overflow (0x%x 0x%x)\n", identifier, (int)(cur - buf), (int)seqend); } res = newRV_inc ((SV *)av); } else { UV len = get_length (); switch (profile_lookup (cur_profile, klass, tag)) { case BER_TYPE_NULL: if (expect_false (len)) croak ("BER_TYPE_NULL value with non-zero length %d encountered (X.690 8.8.2)", len); res = &PL_sv_undef; break; case BER_TYPE_BOOL: if (expect_false (len != 1)) croak ("BER_TYPE_BOOLEAN value with invalid length %d encountered (X.690 8.2.1)", len); res = newSVcacheint (!!get_u8 ()); break; case BER_TYPE_OID: res = decode_oid (len, 0); break; case BER_TYPE_RELOID: res = decode_oid (len, 1); break; case BER_TYPE_INT: res = decode_int (len); break; case BER_TYPE_UTF8: res = decode_data (len); SvUTF8_on (res); break; case BER_TYPE_BYTES: res = decode_data (len); break; case BER_TYPE_IPADDRESS: { if (len != 4) croak ("BER_TYPE_IPADDRESS type with invalid length %d encountered (RFC 2578 7.1.5)", len); U8 *data = get_n (4); res = newSVpvf ("%d.%d.%d.%d", data [0], data [1], data [2], data [3]); } break; case BER_TYPE_UCS2: res = decode_ucs (len, 2); break; case BER_TYPE_UCS4: res = decode_ucs (len, 4); break; case BER_TYPE_REAL: error ("BER_TYPE_REAL not implemented"); case BER_TYPE_CROAK: croak ("class/tag %d/%d mapped to BER_TYPE_CROAK", klass, tag); default: croak ("unconfigured/unsupported class/tag %d/%d", klass, tag); } } AV *av = newAV (); av_fill (av, BER_ARRAYSIZE - 1); AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS] = newSVcacheint (klass); AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG ] = newSVcacheint (tag); AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS] = newSVcacheint (constructed ? 1 : 0); AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA ] = res; return newRV_noinc ((SV *)av); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // encoder /* adds two STRLENs together, slow, and with paranoia */ static STRLEN strlen_sum (STRLEN l1, STRLEN l2) { size_t sum = l1 + l2; if (sum < (size_t)l2 || sum != (size_t)(STRLEN)sum) croak ("Convert::BER::XS: string size overflow"); return sum; } static void set_buf (SV *sv) { STRLEN len; buf_sv = sv; buf = (U8 *)SvPVbyte (buf_sv, len); cur = buf; end = buf + len; } /* similar to SvGROW, but somewhat safer and guarantees exponential realloc strategy */ static char * my_sv_grow (SV *sv, size_t len1, size_t len2) { len1 = strlen_sum (len1, len2); len1 = strlen_sum (len1, len1 >> 1); if (len1 > 4096 - 24) len1 = (len1 | 4095) - 24; return SvGROW (sv, len1); } static void need (STRLEN len) { if (expect_false ((uintptr_t)(end - cur) < len)) { STRLEN pos = cur - buf; buf = (U8 *)my_sv_grow (buf_sv, pos, len); cur = buf + pos; end = buf + SvLEN (buf_sv) - 1; } } static void put_u8 (int val) { need (1); *cur++ = val; } static void put_w_nocheck (UV val) { #if UVSIZE > 4 *cur = (val >> 7 * 9) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 9)); *cur = (val >> 7 * 8) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 8)); *cur = (val >> 7 * 7) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 7)); *cur = (val >> 7 * 6) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 6)); *cur = (val >> 7 * 5) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 5)); #endif *cur = (val >> 7 * 4) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 4)); *cur = (val >> 7 * 3) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 3)); *cur = (val >> 7 * 2) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 2)); *cur = (val >> 7 * 1) | 0x80; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (7 * 1)); *cur = val & 0x7f; cur += 1; } static void put_w (UV val) { need (5); // we only handle up to 5 bytes put_w_nocheck (val); } static U8 * put_length_at (UV val, U8 *cur) { if (val <= 0x7fU) *cur++ = val; else { U8 *lenb = cur++; #if UVSIZE > 4 *cur = val >> 56; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (8 * 7)); *cur = val >> 48; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (8 * 6)); *cur = val >> 40; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (8 * 5)); *cur = val >> 32; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (8 * 4)); #endif *cur = val >> 24; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (8 * 3)); *cur = val >> 16; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (8 * 2)); *cur = val >> 8; cur += val >= ((UV)1 << (8 * 1)); *cur = val ; cur += 1; *lenb = 0x80 + cur - lenb - 1; } return cur; } static void put_length (UV val) { need (9 + val); cur = put_length_at (val, cur); } // return how many bytes the encoded length requires static int length_length (UV val) { // use hashing with a DeBruin sequence, anyone? return expect_true (val <= 0x7fU) ? 1 : 2 + (val > 0x000000000000ffU) + (val > 0x0000000000ffffU) + (val > 0x00000000ffffffU) #if UVSIZE > 4 + (val > 0x000000ffffffffU) + (val > 0x0000ffffffffffU) + (val > 0x00ffffffffffffU) + (val > 0xffffffffffffffU) #endif ; } static void encode_data (const char *ptr, STRLEN len) { put_length (len); memcpy (cur, ptr, len); cur += len; } static void encode_uv (UV uv) { } static void encode_int (SV *sv) { need (8 + 1 + 1); // 64 bit + length + extra 0 if (expect_false (!SvIOK (sv))) sv_2iv_flags (sv, 0); U8 *lenb = cur++; if (SvIOK_notUV (sv)) { IV iv = SvIVX (sv); if (expect_false (iv < 0)) { // get two's complement bit pattern - works even on hypothetical non-2c machines UV uv = iv; #if UVSIZE > 4 *cur = uv >> 56; cur += !!(~uv & 0xff80000000000000U); *cur = uv >> 48; cur += !!(~uv & 0xffff800000000000U); *cur = uv >> 40; cur += !!(~uv & 0xffffff8000000000U); *cur = uv >> 32; cur += !!(~uv & 0xffffffff80000000U); #endif *cur = uv >> 24; cur += !!(~uv & 0xffffffffff800000U); *cur = uv >> 16; cur += !!(~uv & 0xffffffffffff8000U); *cur = uv >> 8; cur += !!(~uv & 0xffffffffffffff80U); *cur = uv ; cur += 1; *lenb = cur - lenb - 1; return; } } UV uv = SvUV (sv); // prepend an extra 0 if the high bit is 1 *cur = 0; cur += !!(uv & ((UV)1 << (UVSIZE * 8 - 1))); #if UVSIZE > 4 *cur = uv >> 56; cur += !!(uv & 0xff80000000000000U); *cur = uv >> 48; cur += !!(uv & 0xffff800000000000U); *cur = uv >> 40; cur += !!(uv & 0xffffff8000000000U); *cur = uv >> 32; cur += !!(uv & 0xffffffff80000000U); #endif *cur = uv >> 24; cur += !!(uv & 0xffffffffff800000U); *cur = uv >> 16; cur += !!(uv & 0xffffffffffff8000U); *cur = uv >> 8; cur += !!(uv & 0xffffffffffffff80U); *cur = uv ; cur += 1; *lenb = cur - lenb - 1; } // we don't know the length yet, so we optimistically // assume the length will need one octet later. If that // turns out to be wrong, we memmove as needed. // mark the beginning static STRLEN len_fixup_mark (void) { return cur++ - buf; } // patch up the length static void len_fixup (STRLEN mark) { STRLEN reallen = (cur - buf) - mark - 1; int lenlen = length_length (reallen); if (expect_false (lenlen > 1)) { // bad luck, we have to shift the bytes to make room for the length need (5); memmove (buf + mark + lenlen, buf + mark + 1, reallen); cur += lenlen - 1; } put_length_at (reallen, buf + mark); } static char * read_uv (char *str, UV *uv) { UV r = 0; while (*str >= '0') r = r * 10 + *str++ - '0'; *uv = r; str += !!*str; // advance over any non-zero byte return str; } static void encode_oid (SV *oid, int relative) { STRLEN len; char *ptr = SvPV (oid, len); // utf8 vs. bytes does not matter // we need at most as many octets as the string form need (len + 1); STRLEN mark = len_fixup_mark (); UV w1, w2; if (!relative) { ptr = read_uv (ptr, &w1); ptr = read_uv (ptr, &w2); put_w_nocheck (w1 * 40 + w2); } while (*ptr) { ptr = read_uv (ptr, &w1); put_w_nocheck (w1); } len_fixup (mark); } // check whether an SV is a BER tuple and returns its AV * static AV * ber_tuple (SV *tuple) { SV *rv; if (expect_false (!SvROK (tuple) || SvTYPE ((rv = SvRV (tuple))) != SVt_PVAV)) croak ("BER tuple must be array-reference"); if (expect_false (SvRMAGICAL (rv))) croak ("BER tuple must not be tied"); if (expect_false (AvFILL ((AV *)rv) != BER_ARRAYSIZE - 1)) croak ("BER tuple must contain exactly %d elements, not %d", BER_ARRAYSIZE, AvFILL ((AV *)rv) + 1); return (AV *)rv; } static void encode_ucs (SV *data, int chrsize) { STRLEN uchars = sv_len_utf8 (data); STRLEN len;; char *ptr = SvPVutf8 (data, len); put_length (uchars * chrsize); while (uchars--) { STRLEN uclen; UV uchr = utf8_to_uvchr_buf ((U8 *)ptr, (U8 *)ptr + len, &uclen); ptr += uclen; len -= uclen; if (chrsize == 4) { *cur++ = uchr >> 24; *cur++ = uchr >> 16; } *cur++ = uchr >> 8; *cur++ = uchr; } } static void encode_ber (SV *tuple) { AV *av = ber_tuple (tuple); int klass = SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS]); int tag = SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG]); int constructed = SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS]) & 1 ? ASN_CONSTRUCTED : 0; SV *data = AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA]; int identifier = (klass << ASN_CLASS_SHIFT) | constructed; if (expect_false (tag >= ASN_TAG_BER)) { put_u8 (identifier | ASN_TAG_BER); put_w (tag); } else put_u8 (identifier | tag); if (constructed) { // we optimistically assume that only one length byte is needed // and adjust later need (1); STRLEN mark = len_fixup_mark (); if (expect_false (!SvROK (data) || SvTYPE (SvRV (data)) != SVt_PVAV)) croak ("BER CONSTRUCTED data must be array-reference"); AV *av = (AV *)SvRV (data); int fill = AvFILL (av); if (expect_false (SvRMAGICAL (av))) croak ("BER CONSTRUCTED data must not be tied"); int i; for (i = 0; i <= fill; ++i) encode_ber (AvARRAY (av)[i]); len_fixup (mark); } else switch (profile_lookup (cur_profile, klass, tag)) { case BER_TYPE_NULL: put_length (0); break; case BER_TYPE_BOOL: put_length (1); *cur++ = SvTRUE (data) ? 0xff : 0x00; // 0xff = DER/CER break; case BER_TYPE_OID: encode_oid (data, 0); break; case BER_TYPE_RELOID: encode_oid (data, 1); break; case BER_TYPE_INT: encode_int (data); break; case BER_TYPE_BYTES: { STRLEN len; const char *ptr = SvPVbyte (data, len); encode_data (ptr, len); } break; case BER_TYPE_UTF8: { STRLEN len; const char *ptr = SvPVutf8 (data, len); encode_data (ptr, len); } break; case BER_TYPE_IPADDRESS: { U8 ip[4]; sscanf (SvPV_nolen (data), "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu", ip + 0, ip + 1, ip + 2, ip + 3); encode_data ((const char *)ip, sizeof (ip)); } break; case BER_TYPE_UCS2: encode_ucs (data, 2); break; case BER_TYPE_UCS4: encode_ucs (data, 4); break; case BER_TYPE_REAL: croak ("BER_TYPE_REAL not implemented"); case BER_TYPE_CROAK: croak ("class/tag %d/%d mapped to BER_TYPE_CROAK", klass, tag); default: croak ("unconfigured/unsupported class/tag %d/%d", klass, tag); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MODULE = Convert::BER::XS PACKAGE = Convert::BER::XS PROTOTYPES: ENABLE BOOT: { HV *stash = gv_stashpv ("Convert::BER::XS", 1); profile_stash = gv_stashpv ("Convert::BER::XS::Profile", 1); static const struct { const char *name; IV iv; } *civ, const_iv[] = { #define const_iv(name) { # name, name }, const_iv (ASN_BOOLEAN) const_iv (ASN_INTEGER) const_iv (ASN_BIT_STRING) const_iv (ASN_OCTET_STRING) const_iv (ASN_NULL) const_iv (ASN_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER) const_iv (ASN_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR) const_iv (ASN_OID) const_iv (ASN_EXTERNAL) const_iv (ASN_REAL) const_iv (ASN_SEQUENCE) const_iv (ASN_ENUMERATED) const_iv (ASN_EMBEDDED_PDV) const_iv (ASN_UTF8_STRING) const_iv (ASN_RELATIVE_OID) const_iv (ASN_SET) const_iv (ASN_NUMERIC_STRING) const_iv (ASN_PRINTABLE_STRING) const_iv (ASN_TELETEX_STRING) const_iv (ASN_T61_STRING) const_iv (ASN_VIDEOTEX_STRING) const_iv (ASN_IA5_STRING) const_iv (ASN_ASCII_STRING) const_iv (ASN_UTC_TIME) const_iv (ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME) const_iv (ASN_GRAPHIC_STRING) const_iv (ASN_VISIBLE_STRING) const_iv (ASN_ISO646_STRING) const_iv (ASN_GENERAL_STRING) const_iv (ASN_UNIVERSAL_STRING) const_iv (ASN_CHARACTER_STRING) const_iv (ASN_BMP_STRING) const_iv (ASN_UNIVERSAL) const_iv (ASN_APPLICATION) const_iv (ASN_CONTEXT) const_iv (ASN_PRIVATE) const_iv (BER_CLASS) const_iv (BER_TAG) const_iv (BER_FLAGS) const_iv (BER_DATA) const_iv (BER_TYPE_BYTES) const_iv (BER_TYPE_UTF8) const_iv (BER_TYPE_UCS2) const_iv (BER_TYPE_UCS4) const_iv (BER_TYPE_INT) const_iv (BER_TYPE_OID) const_iv (BER_TYPE_RELOID) const_iv (BER_TYPE_NULL) const_iv (BER_TYPE_BOOL) const_iv (BER_TYPE_REAL) const_iv (BER_TYPE_IPADDRESS) const_iv (BER_TYPE_CROAK) const_iv (SNMP_IPADDRESS) const_iv (SNMP_COUNTER32) const_iv (SNMP_GAUGE32) const_iv (SNMP_UNSIGNED32) const_iv (SNMP_TIMETICKS) const_iv (SNMP_OPAQUE) const_iv (SNMP_COUNTER64) }; for (civ = const_iv + sizeof (const_iv) / sizeof (const_iv [0]); civ > const_iv; civ--) newCONSTSUB (stash, (char *)civ[-1].name, newSViv (civ[-1].iv)); } void ber_decode (SV *ber, SV *profile = &PL_sv_undef) ALIAS: ber_decode_prefix = 1 PPCODE: { cur_profile = SvPROFILE (profile); STRLEN len; buf = (U8 *)SvPVbyte (ber, len); cur = buf; end = buf + len; SV *tuple = decode_ber (); EXTEND (SP, 2); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (tuple)); if (ix) PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (cur - buf))); else if (cur != end) error ("trailing garbage after BER value"); } void ber_is (SV *tuple, SV *klass = &PL_sv_undef, SV *tag = &PL_sv_undef, SV *flags = &PL_sv_undef, SV *data = &PL_sv_undef) PPCODE: { if (!SvOK (tuple)) XSRETURN_NO; if (!SvROK (tuple) || SvTYPE (SvRV (tuple)) != SVt_PVAV) croak ("ber_is: tuple must be BER tuple (array-ref)"); AV *av = (AV *)SvRV (tuple); XPUSHs ( (!SvOK (klass) || SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS]) == SvIV (klass)) && (!SvOK (tag) || SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG ]) == SvIV (tag)) && (!SvOK (flags) || !SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS]) == !SvIV (flags)) && (!SvOK (data) || sv_eq (AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA ], data)) ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_undef); } void ber_is_seq (SV *tuple) PPCODE: { if (!SvOK (tuple)) XSRETURN_UNDEF; AV *av = ber_tuple (tuple); XPUSHs ( SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS]) == ASN_UNIVERSAL && SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG ]) == ASN_SEQUENCE && SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS]) ? AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA] : &PL_sv_undef); } void ber_is_int (SV *tuple, SV *value = &PL_sv_undef) PPCODE: { if (!SvOK (tuple)) XSRETURN_NO; AV *av = ber_tuple (tuple); UV data = SvUV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA]); XPUSHs ( SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS]) == ASN_UNIVERSAL && SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG ]) == ASN_INTEGER && !SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS]) && (!SvOK (value) || data == SvUV (value)) ? sv_2mortal (data ? newSVsv (AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA]) : newSVpv ("0 but true", 0)) : &PL_sv_undef); } void ber_is_oid (SV *tuple, SV *oid = &PL_sv_undef) PPCODE: { if (!SvOK (tuple)) XSRETURN_NO; AV *av = ber_tuple (tuple); XPUSHs ( SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS]) == ASN_UNIVERSAL && SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG ]) == ASN_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER && !SvIV (AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS]) && (!SvOK (oid) || sv_eq (AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA], oid)) ? newSVsv (AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA]) : &PL_sv_undef); } ############################################################################# void ber_encode (SV *tuple, SV *profile = &PL_sv_undef) PPCODE: { cur_profile = SvPROFILE (profile); buf_sv = sv_2mortal (NEWSV (0, 256)); SvPOK_only (buf_sv); set_buf (buf_sv); encode_ber (tuple); SvCUR_set (buf_sv, cur - buf); XPUSHs (buf_sv); } SV * ber_int (SV *sv) CODE: { AV *av = newAV (); av_fill (av, BER_ARRAYSIZE - 1); AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS] = newSVcacheint (ASN_UNIVERSAL); AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG ] = newSVcacheint (ASN_INTEGER); AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS] = newSVcacheint (0); AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA ] = newSVsv (sv); RETVAL = newRV_noinc ((SV *)av); } OUTPUT: RETVAL # TODO: not arrayref, but elements? SV * ber_seq (SV *arrayref) CODE: { AV *av = newAV (); av_fill (av, BER_ARRAYSIZE - 1); AvARRAY (av)[BER_CLASS] = newSVcacheint (ASN_UNIVERSAL); AvARRAY (av)[BER_TAG ] = newSVcacheint (ASN_SEQUENCE); AvARRAY (av)[BER_FLAGS] = newSVcacheint (1); AvARRAY (av)[BER_DATA ] = newSVsv (arrayref); RETVAL = newRV_noinc ((SV *)av); } OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = Convert::BER::XS PACKAGE = Convert::BER::XS::Profile SV * new (SV *klass) CODE: RETVAL = profile_new (); OUTPUT: RETVAL void set (SV *profile, int klass, int tag, int type) CODE: profile_set (SvPROFILE (profile), klass, tag, type); IV get (SV *profile, int klass, int tag) CODE: RETVAL = profile_lookup (SvPROFILE (profile), klass, tag); OUTPUT: RETVAL void _set_default (SV *profile) CODE: default_profile = SvPROFILE (profile);