package Convert::UUlib; use Carp; require Exporter; require DynaLoader; use AutoLoader; $VERSION = 0.2; @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); @_consts = qw( ACT_COPYING ACT_DECODING ACT_ENCODING ACT_IDLE ACT_SCANNING FILE_DECODED FILE_ERROR FILE_MISPART FILE_NOBEGIN FILE_NODATA FILE_NOEND FILE_OK FILE_READ FILE_TMPFILE MSG_ERROR MSG_FATAL MSG_MESSAGE MSG_NOTE MSG_PANIC MSG_WARNING OPT_BRACKPOL OPT_DEBUG OPT_DESPERATE OPT_DUMBNESS OPT_ENCEXT OPT_ERRNO OPT_FAST OPT_IGNMODE OPT_IGNREPLY OPT_OVERWRITE OPT_PREAMB OPT_PROGRESS OPT_SAVEPATH OPT_TINYB64 OPT_USETEXT OPT_VERBOSE OPT_VERSION OPT_REMOVE OPT_MOREMIME RET_CANCEL RET_CONT RET_EXISTS RET_ILLVAL RET_IOERR RET_NODATA RET_NOEND RET_NOMEM RET_OK RET_UNSUP B64ENCODED BH_ENCODED PT_ENCODED QP_ENCODED XX_ENCODED UU_ENCODED ); @_funcs = qw( Initialize CleanUp GetOption SetOption strerror SetMsgCallback SetBusyCallback SetFileCallback SetFNameFilter FNameFilter LoadFile GetFileListItem RenameFile DecodeToTemp RemoveTemp DecodeFile InfoFile Smerge QuickDecode EncodeMulti EncodePartial EncodeToStream EncodeToFile E_PrepSingle E_PrepPartial straction strencoding strmsglevel ); @EXPORT = @_consts; @EXPORT_OK = @_funcs; %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@_consts,@_funcs], constants => \@_consts); bootstrap Convert::UUlib $VERSION; Initialize(); # not when < 5.005_6x # END { CleanUp() } for (@_consts) { my $constant = constant($_); *$_ = sub () { $constant }; } # action code -> string mapping sub straction($) { return 'copying' if $_[0] == &ACT_COPYING; return 'decoding' if $_[0] == &ACT_DECODING; return 'encoding' if $_[0] == &ACT_ENCODING; return 'idle' if $_[0] == &ACT_IDLE; return 'scanning' if $_[0] == &ACT_SCANNING; (); } # encoding type -> string mapping sub strencoding($) { return 'base64' if $_[0] == &B64ENCODED; return 'binhex' if $_[0] == &BH_ENCODED; return 'plaintext' if $_[0] == &PT_ENCODED; return 'quoted-printable' if $_[0] == &QP_ENCODED; return 'xxencode' if $_[0] == &XX_ENCODED; return 'uuencode' if $_[0] == &UU_ENCODED; (); } sub strmsglevel($) { return 'message' if $_[0] == &MSG_MESSAGE; return 'note' if $_[0] == &MSG_NOTE; return 'warning' if $_[0] == &MSG_WARNING; return 'error' if $_[0] == &MSG_ERROR; return 'panic' if $_[0] == &MSG_PANIC; return 'fatal' if $_[0] == &MSG_FATAL; (); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Convert::UUlib - Perl interface to the uulib library (a.k.a. uudeview/uuenview). =head1 SYNOPSIS use Convert::UUlib; =head1 DESCRIPTION Read the file uulibdoc.dvi.gz and the example-decoder source. Sorry - more to come once people use me ;) =head1 SMALL EXAMPLE DECODER The following code excerpt is a minimal decoder program. It reads all files given on the commandline and decodes any files in it. use Convert::UUlib ':all'; LoadFile($_) for @ARGV; for($i=0; $uu=GetFileListItem($i); $i++) { $uu->decode if $uu->state & FILE_OK; } =head1 LARGE EXAMPLE DECODER This is the file C from the distribution, put here instead of more thorough documentation. # decode all the files in the directory uusrc/ and copy # the resulting files to uudst/ use Convert::UUlib ':all'; sub namefilter { my($path)=@_; $path=~s/^.*[\/\\]//; $path; } sub busycb { my($action,$curfile,$partno,$numparts,$percent,$fsize)=@_; $_[0]=straction($action); print "busy_callback(",join(",",@_),")\n"; 0; } SetOption (OPT_IGNMODE, 1); SetOption (OPT_VERBOSE, 1); # show the three ways you can set callback functions SetFNameFilter (\&namefilter); SetBusyCallback ("busycb",333); SetMsgCallback (sub { my($msg,$level)=@_; print uc(strmsglevel($_[1])),": $msg\n"; }); for() { my($retval,$count)=LoadFile ($_,$_,1); print "file($_), status(",strerror($retval),") parts($count)\n"; } SetOption (OPT_SAVEPATH, "uudst/"); $i=0; while($uu=GetFileListItem($i)) { $i++; print "file nr. $i"; print " state ",$uu->state; print " mode ",$uu->mode; print " uudet ",strencoding($uu->uudet); print " size ",$uu->size; print " filename ",$uu->filename; print " subfname ",$uu->subfname; print " mimeid ",$uu->mimeid; print " mimetype ",$uu->mimetype; print "\n"; # print additional info about all parts for($uu->parts) { while(my($k,$v)=each(%$_)) { print "$k > $v, "; } print "\n"; } $uu->decode_temp; print " temporarily decoded to ",$uu->binfile,"\n"; $uu->remove_temp; print strerror($uu->decode); print " saved as uudst/",$uu->filename,"\n"; } print "cleanup...\n"; CleanUp(); =head1 Exported constants Action code constants: ACT_COPYING ACT_DECODING ACT_ENCODING ACT_IDLE ACT_SCANNING File status flags: FILE_DECODED FILE_ERROR FILE_MISPART FILE_NOBEGIN FILE_NODATA FILE_NOEND FILE_OK FILE_READ FILE_TMPFILE Message severity levels: MSG_ERROR MSG_FATAL MSG_MESSAGE MSG_NOTE MSG_PANIC MSG_WARNING Options: OPT_BRACKPOL OPT_DEBUG OPT_DESPERATE OPT_DUMBNESS OPT_ENCEXT OPT_ERRNO OPT_FAST OPT_IGNMODE OPT_IGNREPLY OPT_OVERWRITE OPT_PREAMB OPT_PROGRESS OPT_SAVEPATH OPT_TINYB64 OPT_USETEXT OPT_VERBOSE OPT_VERSION OPT_REMOVE OPT_MOREMIME Error/Result codes: RET_CANCEL RET_CONT RET_EXISTS RET_ILLVAL RET_IOERR RET_NODATA RET_NOEND RET_NOMEM RET_OK RET_UNSUP Encoding types: B64ENCODED BH_ENCODED PT_ENCODED QP_ENCODED XX_ENCODED UU_ENCODED =head1 Exported functions Initializing and cleanup (Initialize is automatically called when the module is loaded and allocates quite a bit of memory. CleanUp releases that again). Initialize; # not normally necessary CleanUp; # could be called at the end to release memory Setting and querying options: $option = GetOption OPT_xxx; SetOption OPT_xxx, opt-value; Error and action values => stringified: $msg = straction ACT_xxx; $msg = strerror RET_xxx; Setting various callbacks: SetMsgCallback [callback-function]; SetBusyCallback [callback-function]; SetFileCallback [callback-function]; SetFNameFilter [callback-function]; Call the currently selected FNameFilter: $file = FNameFilter $file; Loading sourcefiles, optionally fuzzy merge and start decoding: ($retval, $count) = LoadFile $fname, [$id, [$delflag]]; $retval = Smerge $pass; $item = GetFileListItem $item_number; The procedural interface is undocumented, use the following methods instead: $retval = $item->rename($newname); $retval = $item->decode_temp; $retval = $item->remove_temp; $retval = $item->decode([$target_path]); $retval = $item->info(callback-function); Querying (and setting) item attributes: $state = $item->state; $mode = $item->mode([newmode]); $uudet = $item->uudet; $size = $item->size; $filename = $item->filename([newfilename}); $subfname = $item->subfname; $mimeid = $item->mimeid; $mimetype = $item->mimetype; $binfile = $item->binfile; Totally undocumented and unsupported(!): $parts = $item->parts; Functions below not documented and not very well tested: int QuickDecode () ; int EncodeMulti () ; int EncodePartial () ; int EncodeToStream () ; int EncodeToFile () ; int E_PrepSingle () ; int E_PrepPartial () ; =head1 AUTHOR Marc Lehmann , the original uulib library was written by Frank Pilhofer . =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), uudeview homepage at =cut