============================================================================= choice of c-level coroutine model: # to be written, please read the messages you get while configuring Coro ============================================================================= Event-0.85 cannot be found / Event programs do not work. There is a serious bug in Event's (<0.85) poll implementation (if your os uses select for io multiplexing then this bug doesn't affect you), in that errors never get reported and result in endless loops. The fix is easy. Unpack Event and edit the file c/unix.c and look for the following line (at or around line 141 in the file): if (mask & (POLLRDBAND | POLLPRI)) got |= PE_E; now replace this line by: if (mask & (POLLRDBAND | POLLPRI | POLLERR | POLLHUP)) got |= PE_E; and then recompile. =============================================================================