use Coro; use Coro::Semaphore; use Coro::Event; use Coro::Socket; use HTTP::Date; no utf8; use bytes; # at least on my machine, this thingy serves files # quite a bit faster than apache, ;) # and quite a bit slower than thttpd :( $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; our $accesslog; if ($ACCESS_LOG) { use IO::Handle; open $accesslog, ">>$ACCESS_LOG" or die "$ACCESS_LOG: $!"; $accesslog->autoflush(1); } sub slog { my $level = shift; my $format = shift; printf "---: $format\n", @_; } our $connections = new Coro::Semaphore $MAX_CONNECTS || 250; our $wait_factor = 0.95; our @transfers = ( [(new Coro::Semaphore $MAX_TRANSFERS_SMALL || 50), 1], [(new Coro::Semaphore $MAX_TRANSFERS_LARGE || 50), 1], ); my @newcons; my @pool; # one "execution thread" sub handler { while () { if (@newcons) { eval { conn->new(@{pop @newcons})->handle; }; slog 1, "$@" if $@ && !ref $@; $connections->up; } else { last if @pool >= $MAX_POOL; push @pool, $Coro::current; schedule; } } } sub listen_on { my $listen = $_[0]; push @listen_sockets, $listen; # the "main thread" async { slog 1, "accepting connections"; while () { $connections->down; push @newcons, [$listen->accept]; #slog 3, "accepted @$connections ".scalar(@pool); if (@pool) { (pop @pool)->ready; } else { async \&handler; } } }; } my $http_port = new Coro::Socket LocalAddr => $SERVER_HOST, LocalPort => $SERVER_PORT, ReuseAddr => 1, Listen => 50, or die "unable to start server"; listen_on $http_port; my $http_port = new Coro::Socket LocalAddr => $SERVER_HOST, LocalPort => $SERVER_PORT2, ReuseAddr => 1, Listen => 50, or die "unable to start server"; listen_on $http_port; our $NOW; our $HTTP_NOW; Event->timer(interval => 1, hard => 1, cb => sub { $NOW = time; $HTTP_NOW = time2str $NOW; })->now; package conn; use Socket; use HTTP::Date; use Convert::Scalar 'weaken'; use Linux::AIO; Linux::AIO::min_parallel $::AIO_PARALLEL; Event->io(fd => Linux::AIO::poll_fileno, poll => 'r', async => 1, cb => \&Linux::AIO::poll_cb); our %conn; # $conn{ip}{self} => connobj our %uri; # $uri{ip}{uri}{self} our %blocked; our %mimetype; sub read_mimetypes { local *M; if (open M, ") { if (/^([^#]\S+)\t+(\S+)$/) { $mimetype{lc $1} = $2; } } } else { print "cannot open mime_types\n"; } } read_mimetypes; sub new { my $class = shift; my $peername = shift; my $fh = shift; my $self = bless { fh => $fh }, $class; my (undef, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in $peername or $self->err(500, "unable to decode peername"); $self->{remote_addr} = inet_ntoa $iaddr; $self->{time} = $::NOW; $::conns++; $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $::conns--; $self->eoconn; } # end of connection sub eoconn { my $self = shift; # clean up hints delete $conn{$self->{remote_id}}{$self*1}; delete $uri{$self->{remote_id}}{$self->{uri}}{$self*1}; } sub slog { my $self = shift; main::slog($_[0], ($self->{remote_id} || $self->{remote_addr}) ."> $_[1]"); } sub response { my ($self, $code, $msg, $hdr, $content) = @_; my $res = "HTTP/1.1 $code $msg\015\012"; $self->{h}{connection} ||= $hdr->{Connection}; $res .= "Date: $HTTP_NOW\015\012"; while (my ($h, $v) = each %$hdr) { $res .= "$h: $v\015\012" } $res .= "\015\012"; $res .= $content if defined $content and $self->{method} ne "HEAD"; my $log = "$self->{remote_addr} \"$self->{uri}\" $code ".$hdr->{"Content-Length"}." \"$self->{h}{referer}\"\n"; print $accesslog $log if $accesslog; print STDERR $log; $self->{written} += print {$self->{fh}} $res; } sub err { my $self = shift; my ($code, $msg, $hdr, $content) = @_; unless (defined $content) { $content = "$code $msg\n"; $hdr->{"Content-Type"} = "text/plain"; $hdr->{"Content-Length"} = length $content; } $hdr->{"Connection"} = "close"; $self->response($code, $msg, $hdr, $content); die bless {}, err::; } sub handle { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->{fh}; my $host; $fh->timeout($::REQ_TIMEOUT); while() { $self->{reqs}++; # read request and parse first line my $req = $fh->readline("\015\012\015\012"); unless (defined $req) { if (exists $self->{version}) { last; } else { $self->err(408, "request timeout"); } } $self->{h} = {}; $fh->timeout($::RES_TIMEOUT); $req =~ /^(?:\015\012)? (GET|HEAD) \040+ ([^\040]+) \040+ HTTP\/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+) \015\012/gx or $self->err(405, "method not allowed", { Allow => "GET,HEAD" }); $self->{method} = $1; $self->{uri} = $2; $self->{version} = $3; $3 =~ /^1\./ or $self->err(506, "http protocol version $3 not supported"); # parse headers { my (%hdr, $h, $v); $hdr{lc $1} .= ",$2" while $req =~ /\G ([^:\000-\040]+): [\008\040]* ((?: [^\015\012]+ | \015\012[\008\040] )*) \015\012 /gxc; $req =~ /\G\015\012$/ or $self->err(400, "bad request"); $self->{h}{$h} = substr $v, 1 while ($h, $v) = each %hdr; } # remote id should be unique per user my $id = $self->{remote_addr}; if (exists $self->{h}{"client-ip"}) { $id .= "[".$self->{h}{"client-ip"}."]"; } elsif (exists $self->{h}{"x-forwarded-for"}) { $id .= "[".$self->{h}{"x-forwarded-for"}."]"; } $self->{remote_id} = $id; if ($blocked{$id}) { $self->err_blocked($blocked{$id}) if $blocked{$id} > $::NOW; delete $blocked{$id}; } if (%{$conn{$id}} >= $::MAX_CONN_IP) { my $delay = $::PER_TIMEOUT + 15; while (%{$conn{$id}} >= $::MAX_CONN_IP) { if ($delay <= 0) { $self->slog(2, "blocked ip $id"); $self->err_blocked; } else { Coro::Event::do_timer(after => 4); $delay -= 4; } } } # find out server name and port if ($self->{uri} =~ s/^http:\/\/([^\/?#]*)//i) { $host = $1; } else { $host = $self->{h}{host}; } if (defined $host) { $self->{server_port} = $host =~ s/:([0-9]+)$// ? $1 : 80; } else { ($self->{server_port}, $host) = unpack_sockaddr_in $self->{fh}->getsockname or $self->err(500, "unable to get socket name"); $host = inet_ntoa $host; } $self->{server_name} = $host; # enter ourselves into various lists weaken ($conn{$id}{$self*1} = $self); weaken ($uri{$id}{$self->{uri}}{$self*1} = $self); eval { $self->map_uri; $self->respond; }; $self->eoconn; die if $@ && !ref $@; last if $self->{h}{connection} =~ /close/ || $self->{version} < 1.1; $fh->timeout($::PER_TIMEOUT); } } # uri => path mapping sub map_uri { my $self = shift; my $host = $self->{server_name}; my $uri = $self->{uri}; # some massaging, also makes it more secure $uri =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/chr hex $1/ge; $uri =~ s%//+%/%g; $uri =~ s%/\.(?=/|$)%%g; 1 while $uri =~ s%/[^/]+/\.\.(?=/|$)%%; $uri =~ m%^/?\.\.(?=/|$)% and $self->err(400, "bad request"); $self->{name} = $uri; # now do the path mapping $self->{path} = "$::DOCROOT/$host$uri"; $self->access_check; } sub _cgi { my $self = shift; my $path = shift; my $fh; # no two-way xxx supported if (0 == fork) { open STDOUT, ">&".fileno($self->{fh}); if (chdir $::DOCROOT) { $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} = "thttpd-myhttpd"; # we are thttpd-alike $ENV{HTTP_HOST} = $self->{server_name}; $ENV{HTTP_PORT} = $self->{server_port}; $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = $self->{name}; exec $path; } Coro::State::_exit(0); } else { die; } } sub server_hostport { $_[0]{server_port} == 80 ? $_[0]{server_name} : "$_[0]{server_name}:$_[0]{server_port}"; } sub respond { my $self = shift; my $path = $self->{path}; stat $path or $self->err(404, "not found"); $self->{stat} = [stat _]; # idiotic netscape sends idiotic headers AGAIN my $ims = $self->{h}{"if-modified-since"} =~ /^([^;]+)/ ? str2time $1 : 0; if (-d _ && -r _) { # directory if ($path !~ /\/$/) { # create a redirect to get the trailing "/" # we don't try to avoid the :80 $self->err(301, "moved permanently", { Location => "http://".$self->server_hostport."$self->{uri}/" }); } else { $ims < $self->{stat}[9] or $self->err(304, "not modified"); if (-r "$path/index.html") { $self->{path} .= "/index.html"; $self->handle_file; } else { $self->handle_dir; } } } elsif (-f _ && -r _) { -x _ and $self->err(403, "forbidden"); $self->handle_file; } else { $self->err(404, "not found"); } } sub handle_dir { my $self = shift; my $idx = $self->diridx; $self->response(200, "ok", { "Content-Type" => "text/html", "Content-Length" => length $idx, }, $idx); } sub handle_file { my $self = shift; my $length = $self->{stat}[7]; my $queue = $::transfers[$length >= $::TRANSFER_SMALL]; my $hdr = { "Last-Modified" => time2str ((stat _)[9]), }; my @code = (200, "ok"); my ($l, $h); if ($self->{h}{range} =~ /^bytes=(.*)$/) { for (split /,/, $1) { if (/^-(\d+)$/) { ($l, $h) = ($length - $1, $length - 1); } elsif (/^(\d+)-(\d*)$/) { ($l, $h) = ($1, ($2 ne "" || $2 >= $length) ? $2 : $length - 1); } else { ($l, $h) = (0, $length - 1); goto ignore; } goto satisfiable if $l >= 0 && $l < $length && $h >= 0 && $h >= $l; } $hdr->{"Content-Range"} = "bytes */$length"; $hdr->{"Content-Length"} = $length; $self->err(416, "not satisfiable", $hdr, ""); satisfiable: # check for segmented downloads if ($l && $::NO_SEGMENTED) { my $delay = $::PER_TIMEOUT + 15; while (%{$uri{$self->{remote_id}}{$self->{uri}}} > 1) { if ($delay <= 0) { $self->err_segmented_download; } else { Coro::Event::do_timer(after => 4); $delay -= 4; } } } $hdr->{"Content-Range"} = "bytes $l-$h/$length"; @code = (206, "partial content"); $length = $h - $l + 1; ignore: } else { ($l, $h) = (0, $length - 1); } $self->{path} =~ /\.([^.]+)$/; $hdr->{"Content-Type"} = $mimetype{lc $1} || "application/octet-stream"; $hdr->{"Content-Length"} = $length; $self->response(@code, $hdr, ""); if ($self->{method} eq "GET") { $self->{time} = $::NOW; my $fudge = $queue->[0]->waiters; $fudge = $fudge ? ($fudge+1)/$fudge : 1; $queue->[1] *= $fudge; my $transfer = $queue->[0]->guard; if ($fudge != 1) { $queue->[1] /= $fudge; $queue->[1] = $queue->[1] * $::wait_factor + ($::NOW - $self->{time}) * (1 - $::wait_factor); } $self->{time} = $::NOW; $self->{fh}->writable or return; my ($fh, $buf, $r); my $current = $Coro::current; open $fh, "<", $self->{path} or die "$self->{path}: late open failure ($!)"; $h -= $l - 1; if (0) { if ($l) { sysseek $fh, $l, 0; } } while ($h > 0) { if (0) { sysread $fh, $buf, $h > $::BUFSIZE ? $::BUFSIZE : $h or last; } else { aio_read($fh, $l, ($h > $::BUFSIZE ? $::BUFSIZE : $h), $buf, 0, sub { $r = $_[0]; Coro::ready($current); }); &Coro::schedule; last unless $r; } my $w = syswrite $self->{fh}, $buf or last; $::written += $w; $self->{written} += $w; $l += $r; } close $fh; } } 1;