#!/usr/bin/perl # APNIC refer: KRNIC (for use Socket; use Fcntl; use AnyEvent; use Coro; use Coro::Semaphore; use Coro::SemaphoreSet; use Coro::Socket; use Coro::Timer; use BerkeleyDB; tie %netgeo::whois, BerkeleyDB::Btree, -Env => $db_env, -Filename => "whois", -Flags => DB_CREATE, or die "unable to create/open whois table"; $netgeo::iprange = new BerkeleyDB::Btree -Env => $db_env, -Filename => "iprange", -Flags => DB_CREATE, or die "unable to create/open iprange table"; package Whois; use Socket; use Coro::AnyEvent (); use Date::Parse; sub new { my $class = shift; my $name = shift; my $ip = shift; my $self = bless { name => $name, ip => $ip, @_ }, $class; $self->{maxjobs} = new Coro::Semaphore $self->{maxjobs} || 1; $self } sub sanitize { local $_ = $_[0]; s/\015?\012/\n/g; s/\n[\t ]{6,}([0-9.]+ - [0-9.]+)/ $1/g; $_ } sub whois_request { my ($self, $query) = @_; my $id = "$self->{name}\x00$query"; my $whois = $netgeo::whois{$id}; unless (defined $whois) { print "WHOIS($self->{name},$query)\n"; my $guard = $self->{maxjobs}->guard; my $timeout = 5; while () { my $fh = new Coro::Socket PeerAddr => $self->{ip}, PeerPort => $self->{port} || "whois", Timeout => 30; if ($fh) { print $fh "$query\n"; $fh->read ($whois, 16*1024); # max 16k. whois stored undef $fh; sanitize $whois; if ($whois eq "" or ($whois =~ /query limit/i && $whois =~ /exceeded/i) # ARIN or ($whois =~ /wait a while and try again/i) # ARIN or ($whois =~ /^%ERROR:202:/) # RIPE/APNIC ) { print "retrying in $timeout seconds\n";#d# Coro::AnyEvent::sleep $timeout; $timeout *= 3; } else { last; } } else { print STDERR "unable to connect to $self->{ip} ($self->{name}), retrying...\n"; Coro::AnyEvent::sleep 60; } } $netgeo::whois{$id} = $whois; } $whois } sub mangle_rwhois { die "rwhois: RIPE delegation" if /^OrgName:\s*RIPE Network Coordination Centre/m; /^network:ID:\s*(.*)$/m or die "rwhois($_): no network ID"; my $na = $1; /^network:IP-Network-Block:\s*([0-9.]+\s*-\s*[0-9.]+)\s*$/m or die "rwhois($_): no network block\n"; my $in = $1; /^network:Country-Code:\s*(.*)/m or die "rwhois($_): no country code\n"; my $cy = $1; $_ = <whois_request ($ip); return if $whois =~ /^No match/; if ($whois =~ /^To single out one record/m) { my $handle; while ($whois =~ /\G\S.*\(([A-Z0-9\-]+)\).*\n/mg) { $handle = $1; #return if $handle =~ /-(RIPE|APNIC)/; # heuristic, but bad because ripe might not have better info } $handle or die "$whois ($ip): unparseable multimatch\n"; $whois = $self->whois_request ("!$handle"); } # detect format for ($whois) { if (/^inetnum:/m && /^country:/m) { mangle_ripe; } elsif (/^network:ID:/m && /^network:Country-Code:/m) { mangle_rwhois; } elsif (/^NetName:/m && /^Country:/m) { mangle_arin; } else { die "short arin format, error, garbage"; } } $whois } package Whois::RWHOIS; use base Whois; sub sanitize { local $_ = $_[1]; s/^%referral\s+/referral:/gm; s/^network://gm; s/^%.*\n//gm; s/^\n+//m; s/\n*$/\n/m; s/^(\S+):\s*/\L$1: /gm; s/^ip-network-block:/*in:/gm; s/^country-code:/*cy:/gm; s/^tech-contact;i:/*tc:/gm; s/^updated:/*ch:/gm; s/^street-address:/*ad:/gm; s/^org-name:/*rm:/gm; s/^created:/*cr:/gm; $_; } sub ip_request { my ($self, $ip) = @_; my $whois = $self->whois_request("$ip"); $whois =~ /^\*in: 0\.0\.0\.0 - 255\.255\.255\.255/ and return; $whois =~ /^\*ac: XXX0/m # and return; $whois =~ /^%ERROR:/m and return; #while ($whois =~ s/^\*(?:ac|tc):\s+(\S+)\n//m) { # $whois .= $self->whois_request("-FSTpn $1"); #} $whois =~ s/^\*(?:pn|nh|mb|ch|so|rz|ny|st|rm):.*\n//mg; $whois =~ s/\n+$//; $whois; } package netgeo; use Socket; use BerkeleyDB; sub ip2int($) { unpack "N", inet_aton $_[0]; } sub int2ip($) { inet_ntoa pack "N", $_[0]; } our %WHOIS; $WHOIS{ARIN} = new Whois ARIN => "rwhois.arin.net", port => 4321, maxjobs => 1; $WHOIS{RIPE} = new Whois RIPE => "whois.ripe.net", port => 43, maxjobs => 1, rflags => "-FTin "; $WHOIS{AFRINIC} = new Whois AFRINIC => "whois.afrinic.net", port => 43, maxjobs => 1, rflags => "-FTin "; $WHOIS{APNIC} = new Whois APNIC => "whois.apnic.net", port => 43, maxjobs => 1, rflags => "-FTin "; $WHOIS{LACNIC} = new Whois LACNIC => "whois.lacnic.net", port => 43, maxjobs => 1; $whoislock = new Coro::SemaphoreSet; sub ip_request { my $ip = $_[0]; my $guard = $whoislock->guard($ip); my $c = $iprange->db_cursor; my $v; if (!$c->c_get((inet_aton $ip), $v, DB_SET_RANGE)) { my ($ip0, $ip1, $whois) = split /\x0/, $v; my $_ip = ip2int $ip; if ($ip0 <= $_ip && $_ip <= $ip1) { return $whois; } } my ($arin, $ripe, $apnic); $whois = eval { $WHOIS{RIPE} ->ip_request ($ip) } || eval { $WHOIS{APNIC} ->ip_request ($ip) } || eval { $WHOIS{AFRINIC} ->ip_request ($ip) } || eval { $WHOIS{LACNIC} ->ip_request ($ip) } || eval { $WHOIS{ARIN} ->ip_request ($ip) } ; $whois =~ /^\*in: ([0-9.]+)\s+-\s+([0-9.]+)\s*$/mi or do { warn "$whois($ip): no addresses found\n"; return < $_ip + 255; } $iprange->db_put((pack "N", $_ip1), (join "\x0", $_ip0, $_ip1, $whois)); (tied %whois)->db_sync; $iprange->db_sync; $whois } sub clear_cache() { %netgeo::whois = (); $netgeo::iprange->truncate (my $dummy); } if (0) { print ip_request ""; # goof #print ip_request ""; # lacnic #print ip_request ""; #print ip_request ""; # jp # print ip_request ""; } 1;