#!/opt/bin/perl =head1 NAME geo-latlon2place-makedb - generate database for use with Geo::LatLon2Place =head1 SYNOPSIS geo-latlon2place-makedb [OPTION]... inputfile.txt outputfile.cdb =head1 DESCRIPTION abc =head1 OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS geo-latlon2place-makedb requires two arguments: a text file with geo data and the name of the database file to be written. By default, the input file is considered to be in geonames gazetteer format, but this can be customized using B<--extract>. =over =item B<--cellsize> km (default C<20>, or C<10> for geonames-postalcodes) The (minimum) size of a single grid cell in km - the data is binned into cells of at least this size. It should not be larger than the search radius. =item B<--extract> C|C|perl... The extraction method: the default is C, which expects a geonames database (L, for example F, F or F) and extracts I strings from it. The method C does the same, but for a geonames postal code database L, and extracts C strings. Lastly, you can specify a perl fragment that implements your own filtering and extraction. =back =head1 FILTERING AND EXTRACTION Record selection and the returned data are not fixed - you can filter your records yourself and associate any (reasonably short, the maximum is a bit above 200 octets) binary blob with a coordinate pair. To do this, you have to provide a perl fragment that extracts latitude, longitude, a weight and the associated data blob from an input line stored in C<$_>. The file is opened using the C<:perlio> layer, so if your input file is in UTF-8, so will be C<$_>. For example, the following would expect an input file with space separated latitude, longitude, weight and name, where name can contain spaces, which is useful when you want to provide your own input data: geo-latlon2place-makedb --extract 'chomp; split / /, 4' input output A slighly more verbose example expecting only latitude, longitude and a name would be: geo-latlon2place-makedb --extract ' chomp; my ($lat, $lon, $name) = split / /, 4; ($lat, $lon, 1, $name) ' input output If you want to skip certain lines without adding anything to the database, you can return nothing: geo-latlon2place-makedb --extract ' chomp; my ($lat, $lon, $name) = split / /; return unless $lat < 0; # only add southern hemisphere points ($lat, $lon, 1, $name) ' input output In general, the fragment should return either an empty list, or a four-tuple with decimal latitude, longitude, a weight (integer 0..255) and the binary data to be associated with the coordinate. Other than the weight, these should be self-explaining. The weight is used during search and will be multiplied to the square of the distance, and is used to make larger cities win over small ones when the coordinate is somewhere between them. The standard extractors (C and C) provide a UTF-8-encoded string as blob, but any binary data will do, for example, if you want to associate your coordinate pairs with some short-ish integer codes, you could do this: geo-latlon2place-makedb --extract ' chomp; my ($lat, $lon, $id) = split / /, 4; ($lat, $lon, 1, pack "w", $id) ' input output And later use C on the data returned by C. The C filter looks similar to the following fragment, which shows off some more filtering possibilities: my ($id, $name, undef, undef, $lat, $lon, $t1, $t2, $cc, undef, $a1, $s2, $a3, $a4, $pop, undef) = split /\t/; return if $t1 ne "P"; # only places # minimum population 200, or it is a populated place with no known population $pop => 200 or ($pop eq "" and $t2 eq "PPL") or return; # skip certain places we are not interested in return if $t2 eq "PPLX"; # section of populated place return if $t2 eq "PPLW"; # destroyed populated place return if $t2 eq "PPLH"; # historical populated place return if $t2 eq "PPLQ"; # abandoned populated place # geonames has a lot of very long place names which aren't # actually place names, so ignore very long names 60 > length $name or return; # we estimate a weight by dividing 25 by the radius of the place, # which we get by assuming a fixed population density of 5000 # people # per square km, # which is almost always a considerable over-estimate. # 25 and 5000 are pretty much made-up, feel free to improve and # send me the results. my $w = 25 / (1 + sqrt $pop / 5000); # administrative centers get a fixed low weight if ($t2 =~ /^PPLA(\d*)/) { $w = $1 || 1; } ($lat, $lon, $w, "$name, $cc") =head1 AUTHOR Marc Lehmann =cut use common::sense; use Getopt::Long; use Geo::LatLon2Place (); use Pod::Usage (); GetOptions "help|h" => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage -exittval => 0, verbose => 1 }, "extract=s" => \my $extract, "cellsize=i" => \my $km, or Pod::Usage::pod2usage -exitval => 1, ; @ARGV == 2 or die "need exactly two paths: inputfile.txt outputdatabase.cdb\n"; $extract ||= "geonames"; if ($extract eq "geonames") { $extract = sub { my ($id, $name, undef, undef, $lat, $lon, $t1, $t2, $cc, undef, $a1, $s2, $a3, $a4, $pop, undef) = split /\t/; return if $t1 ne "P"; # only places $pop => 200 or ($pop eq "" and $t2 eq "PPL") or return; return if $t2 eq "PPLX"; # section of populated place return if $t2 eq "PPLW"; # destroyed populated place return if $t2 eq "PPLH"; # historical populated place return if $t2 eq "PPLQ"; # abandoned populated place # geonames has a lot of very long place names which aren't # actually place names, so ignore very long names 60 > length $name or return; my $w = 25 / (1 + sqrt $pop / 5000); if ($t2 =~ /^PPLA(\d+)/) { $w = $1 || 1; } ($lat, $lon, $w, "$name, $cc") }; } elsif ($extract eq "geonames-postalcodes") { $km ||= 10; $extract = sub { my ($cc, $zip, $name, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $lat, $lon, undef) = split /\t/; # https://buttermaidbakery.com/pages/what-is-an-apo-fpo-dpo-address return if $name =~ /^[AFD]PO [A-Z][A-Z]\z/ and $cc eq "US"; ($lat, $lon, 1, "$zip $name, $cc") }; } else { $extract = eval "#line 1 \"extract fragment\"\nsub { $extract; }"; die "$@" if $@; } $km ||= 20; my $torad = (atan2 1,0) / 90; my $boxes = int 6378 * 2 * 2 * (atan2 1,0) / $km; # equator radius / cell size open my $fh, "<:perlio", $ARGV[0] or die "$ARGV[0]: $!\n"; my @grid; while (<$fh>) { my ($lat, $lon, $w, $payload) = $extract->() or next; unless (255 >= length $payload) { $payload =~ s/([^(\x20-\x7e])/sprintf "\\x%02x", ord $1/ge; warn "payload too long, skipping: $payload\n"; next; } my $blat = int $boxes * cos $lat * $torad; # can be 0, but does not matter my $x = int (($lon + 180) * $blat / 360); my $y = int (($lat + 90) * $boxes / 180); # we use 16 bit for lat/lon, 8 bi8t for the weight, BER-id, counted name and CC push @{ $grid[$y][$x] }, pack "s< s< C C/a*", $lat * 32767 / 90, $lon * 32767 / 180, $w, $payload; } ############################################################################# # write gridded data out open my $cdb, ">", $ARGV[1] or die "$ARGV[1]: $!\n"; Geo::LatLon2Place::cdb_make_start fileno $cdb and die "cdb_make_start failure"; Geo::LatLon2Place::cdb_make_add "", pack "a4VVVV", "SRGL", 2, $km, $boxes, time; ############################################################################# # now we walk the grid using a hilbert curve to increase locality when querying my ($max, $sum, $cnt); # statistics my ($x, $y) = (-1, 0); sub step { # move one step into $_[0] direction: 0 x++, 1 y++, 2 x--, 3 y-- ($_[0] & 1 ? $y : $x) += 1 - ($_[0] & 2); # write cell at $x,$y, if any my $c = $grid[$y][$x] or return; undef $grid[$y][$x]; # for paranoia check # statistics $sum += scalar @$c; $cnt++; $max = [(scalar @$c), $x, $y] if @$c > $max->[0]; Geo::LatLon2Place::cdb_make_add +(pack "s< s<", $x, $y), +(join "", @$c) and "cdb_make_add failure"; } sub hilbert; sub hilbert { # order dir rot my $order = $_[0] >> 1 or return; hilbert $order, $_[1] + $_[2], -$_[2]; step $_[1] + $_[2]; hilbert $order, $_[1] , $_[2]; step $_[1] ; hilbert $order, $_[1] , $_[2]; step $_[1] - $_[2]; hilbert $order, $_[1] - $_[2], -$_[2]; } step 0; # move to 0,0 hilbert @grid * 2, 0, 1; # paranoia-check, make sure we wrote out all cells for (@grid) { grep $_, @$_ and die; } ############################################################################# Geo::LatLon2Place::cdb_make_finish and die "cdb_make_finish failed"; close $cdb; $max->[2] = $max->[2] * 180 / $boxes - 90; my $blat = int $boxes * cos $max->[2] * $torad; $max->[1] = $max->[1] * 360 / $blat - 180; print "cell size: $km km, grid size: $boxes, non-empty cell count: $cnt\naverage cell size: ", int $sum/$cnt, ", maximum cell size: $max->[0] (at $max->[2] $max->[1])\n";