Revision history for Perl extension JSON::XS 0.3 - remove spurious Papp::Util reference (Andreas König). 0.2 Fri Mar 23 00:23:34 CET 2007 - the "could not sleep without debuggign release". it should basically work now, with many bugs as no production tests have been run yet. - added more testcases. - the expected shitload of bugfixes. - handle utf8 flag correctly in decode. - fix segfault in decoder. - utf8n_to_uvuni sets retlen to -1, but retlen is an unsigned types (argh). - fix decoding of utf-8 strings. - improved error diagnostics. - fix decoding of 'null'. - fix parsing of empty array/hashes - silence warnings when we prepare the croak message. 0.1 Thu Mar 22 22:13:43 CET 2007 - first release, very untested, basically just to claim the namespace. 0.01 Thu Mar 22 06:08:12 CET 2007 - original version; cloned from Convert-Scalar