use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config; print <= 2.4 or print <new({ dist => { PREOP => 'pod2text | tee README >$(DISTVNAME)/README; chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX . ;', COMPRESS => 'gzip -9v', SUFFIX => '.gz', }, NAME => "Linux::AIO", VERSION_FROM => "", }); sub MY::postamble { <{CCDLFLAGS}, $mm->{CCCDLFLAGS}, @{$mm->{RESULT}}) { s/\B-f(pic|PIC)\b//g } # Put -O at the front so as not to change any existing optimisation level # Need optimization of some form turned on to inline syscall() so that it # sets the local errno $mm->{OPTIMIZE} = '-O ' . $mm->{OPTIMIZE}; } $mm->flush;