package Net::IRC3::Util; use strict; no warnings; use Exporter; our @ISA = qw/Exporter/; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(mk_msg parse_irc_msg split_prefix prefix_nick decode_ctcp filter_ctcp_text_attr prefix_user prefix_host rfc_code_to_name); =head1 NAME Net::IRC3::Util - Common utilities that help with IRC protocol handling =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::IRC3 qw/parse_irc_msg mk_msg/; my $msgdata = mk_msg (undef, PRIVMSG => "my hands glow!", "mcmanus"); =head1 FUNCTIONS These are some utility functions that might come in handy when handling the IRC protocol. You can export these with eg.: use Net::IRC3 qw/parse_irc_msg/; =over 4 =item B This method parses the C<$ircline>, which is one line of the IRC protocol without the trailing "\015\012". It returns a hash which has the following entrys: =over 4 =item prefix The message prefix. =item command The IRC command. =item params The parameters to the IRC command in a array reference, this includes the trailing parameter (the one after the ':' or the 14th parameter). =item trailing This is set if there was a trailing parameter (the one after the ':' or the 14th parameter). =back =cut sub parse_irc_msg { my ($msg) = @_; my $cmd; my $pref; my $t; my @a; my $p = $msg =~ s/^(:([^ ]+)[ ])?([A-Za-z]+|\d{3})//; $pref = $2; $cmd = $3; my $i = 0; while ($msg =~ s/^[ ]([^ :\015\012\0][^ \015\012\0]*)//) { push @a, $1 if defined $1; if (++$i > 13) { last; } } if ($i == 14) { if ($msg =~ s/^[ ]:?([^\015\012\0]*)//) { $t = $1 if $1 ne ""; } } else { if ($msg =~ s/^[ ]:([^\015\012\0]*)//) { $t = $1 if $1 ne ""; } } push @a, $t if defined $t; my $m = { prefix => $pref, command => $cmd, params => \@a, trailing => $t }; return $p ? $m : undef; } =item B This function assembles a IRC message. The generated message will look like (pseudo code!) : : Please refer to RFC 2812 how IRC messages normally look like. The prefix and the trailing string will be omitted if they are C. EXAMPLES: mk_msg (undef, "PRIVMSG", "you suck!", "magnus"); # will return: "PRIVMSG magnus :you suck!\015\012" mk_msg (undef, "JOIN", undef, "#test"); # will return: "JOIN #test\015\012" =cut sub mk_msg { my ($prefix, $command, $trail, @params) = @_; my $msg = ""; $msg .= defined $prefix ? ":$prefix " : ""; $msg .= "$command"; # FIXME: params must be counted, and if > 13 they have to be # concationated with $trail map { $msg .= " $_" } @params; $msg .= defined $trail ? " :$trail" : ""; $msg .= "\015\012"; return $msg; } =item B TODO =cut sub decode_ctcp { my ($line) = @_; while ($line =~ /\G\001([^\001]*)\001/g) { my $req = $1; } $line =~ s/\001[^\001]*\001//g; return $line; } =item B TODO =cut # implemented after the below CTCP spec, but # doesnt seem to be used by anyone... so it's untested. sub filter_ctcp_text_attr { my ($line, $cb) = @_; return unless $cb; $line =~ s/\006([BVUSI])/{warn "FIL\n"; my $c = $cb->($1); defined $c ? $c : "\006$1"}/ieg; $line =~ s/\006CA((?:I[0-9A-F]|#[0-9A-F]{3}){2})/{my $c = $cb->($1); defined $c ? $c : "\006CA$1"}/ieg; $line =~ s/\006C([FB])(I[0-9A-F]|#[0-9A-F]{3})/{my $c = $cb->($1, $2); defined $c ? $c : "\006C$1$2"}/ieg; $line =~ s/\006CX([AFB])/{my $c = $cb->($1); defined $c ? $c : "\006CX$1"}/ieg; return $line; } =item B This function splits an IRC user prefix as described by RFC 2817 into the three parts: nickname, user and host. Which will be returned as a list with that order. C<$prefix> can also be a hash like it is returned by C. =cut sub split_prefix { my ($prfx) = @_; if (ref ($prfx) eq 'HASH') { $prfx = $prfx->{prefix}; } # this splitting does indeed use the servername as nickname, but there # is no way for a client to distinguish. $prfx =~ m/^\s*([^!]*)(?:!([^@]*))?(?:@(.*?))?\s*$/; return ($1, $2, $3); } =item B A shortcut to extract the nickname from the C<$prefix>. C<$prefix> can also be a hash like it is returned by C. =cut sub prefix_nick { my ($prfx) = @_; return (split_prefix ($prfx))[0]; } =item B A shortcut to extract the username from the C<$prefix>. C<$prefix> can also be a hash like it is returned by C. =cut sub prefix_user { my ($prfx) = @_; return (split_prefix ($prfx))[1]; } =item B A shortcut to extract the hostname from the C<$prefix>. C<$prefix> can also be a hash like it is returned by C. =cut sub prefix_host { my ($prfx) = @_; return (split_prefix ($prfx))[2]; } =item B This function is a interface to the internal mapping or numeric replies to the reply name in RFC 2812 (which you may also consult). C<$code> is returned if no name for C<$code> exists (as some server may extended the protocol). =back =cut our %RFC_NUMCODE_MAP = ( '001' => 'RPL_WELCOME', '002' => 'RPL_YOURHOST', '003' => 'RPL_CREATED', '004' => 'RPL_MYINFO', '005' => 'RPL_BOUNCE', '200' => 'RPL_TRACELINK', '201' => 'RPL_TRACECONNECTING', '202' => 'RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE', '203' => 'RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN', '204' => 'RPL_TRACEOPERATOR', '205' => 'RPL_TRACEUSER', '206' => 'RPL_TRACESERVER', '207' => 'RPL_TRACESERVICE', '208' => 'RPL_TRACENEWTYPE', '209' => 'RPL_TRACECLASS', '210' => 'RPL_TRACERECONNECT', '211' => 'RPL_STATSLINKINFO', '212' => 'RPL_STATSCOMMANDS', '219' => 'RPL_ENDOFSTATS', '221' => 'RPL_UMODEIS', '233' => 'RPL_SERVICE', '234' => 'RPL_SERVLIST', '235' => 'RPL_SERVLISTEND', '242' => 'RPL_STATSUPTIME', '243' => 'RPL_STATSOLINE', '250' => 'RPL_STATSDLINE', '251' => 'RPL_LUSERCLIENT', '252' => 'RPL_LUSEROP', '253' => 'RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN', '254' => 'RPL_LUSERCHANNELS', '255' => 'RPL_LUSERME', '256' => 'RPL_ADMINME', '257' => 'RPL_ADMINLOC1', '258' => 'RPL_ADMINLOC2', '259' => 'RPL_ADMINEMAIL', '261' => 'RPL_TRACELOG', '262' => 'RPL_TRACEEND', '263' => 'RPL_TRYAGAIN', '301' => 'RPL_AWAY', '302' => 'RPL_USERHOST', '303' => 'RPL_ISON', '305' => 'RPL_UNAWAY', '306' => 'RPL_NOWAWAY', '311' => 'RPL_WHOISUSER', '312' => 'RPL_WHOISSERVER', '313' => 'RPL_WHOISOPERATOR', '314' => 'RPL_WHOWASUSER', '315' => 'RPL_ENDOFWHO', '317' => 'RPL_WHOISIDLE', '318' => 'RPL_ENDOFWHOIS', '319' => 'RPL_WHOISCHANNELS', '321' => 'RPL_LISTSTART', '322' => 'RPL_LIST', '323' => 'RPL_LISTEND', '324' => 'RPL_CHANNELMODEIS', '325' => 'RPL_UNIQOPIS', '331' => 'RPL_NOTOPIC', '332' => 'RPL_TOPIC', '341' => 'RPL_INVITING', '342' => 'RPL_SUMMONING', '346' => 'RPL_INVITELIST', '347' => 'RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST', '348' => 'RPL_EXCEPTLIST', '349' => 'RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST', '351' => 'RPL_VERSION', '352' => 'RPL_WHOREPLY', '353' => 'RPL_NAMREPLY', '364' => 'RPL_LINKS', '365' => 'RPL_ENDOFLINKS', '366' => 'RPL_ENDOFNAMES', '367' => 'RPL_BANLIST', '368' => 'RPL_ENDOFBANLIST', '369' => 'RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS', '371' => 'RPL_INFO', '372' => 'RPL_MOTD', '374' => 'RPL_ENDOFINFO', '375' => 'RPL_MOTDSTART', '376' => 'RPL_ENDOFMOTD', '381' => 'RPL_YOUREOPER', '382' => 'RPL_REHASHING', '383' => 'RPL_YOURESERVICE', '384' => 'RPL_MYPORTIS', '391' => 'RPL_TIME', '392' => 'RPL_USERSSTART', '393' => 'RPL_USERS', '394' => 'RPL_ENDOFUSERS', '395' => 'RPL_NOUSERS', '401' => 'ERR_NOSUCHNICK', '402' => 'ERR_NOSUCHSERVER', '403' => 'ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL', '404' => 'ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN', '405' => 'ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS', '406' => 'ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK', '407' => 'ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS', '408' => 'ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE', '409' => 'ERR_NOORIGIN', '411' => 'ERR_NORECIPIENT', '412' => 'ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND', '413' => 'ERR_NOTOPLEVEL', '414' => 'ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL', '415' => 'ERR_BADMASK', '421' => 'ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND', '422' => 'ERR_NOMOTD', '423' => 'ERR_NOADMININFO', '424' => 'ERR_FILEERROR', '431' => 'ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN', '432' => 'ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME', '433' => 'ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE', '436' => 'ERR_NICKCOLLISION', '437' => 'ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE', '441' => 'ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL', '442' => 'ERR_NOTONCHANNEL', '443' => 'ERR_USERONCHANNEL', '444' => 'ERR_NOLOGIN', '445' => 'ERR_SUMMONDISABLED', '446' => 'ERR_USERSDISABLED', '451' => 'ERR_NOTREGISTERED', '461' => 'ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS', '462' => 'ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED', '463' => 'ERR_NOPERMFORHOST', '464' => 'ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH', '465' => 'ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP', '466' => 'ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED', '467' => 'ERR_KEYSET', '471' => 'ERR_CHANNELISFULL', '472' => 'ERR_UNKNOWNMODE', '473' => 'ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN', '474' => 'ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN', '475' => 'ERR_BADCHANNELKEY', '476' => 'ERR_BADCHANMASK', '477' => 'ERR_NOCHANMODES', '478' => 'ERR_BANLISTFULL', '481' => 'ERR_NOPRIVILEGES', '482' => 'ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED', '483' => 'ERR_CANTKILLSERVER', '484' => 'ERR_RESTRICTED', '485' => 'ERR_UNIQOPPRIVSNEEDED', '491' => 'ERR_NOOPERHOST', '492' => 'ERR_NOSERVICEHOST', '501' => 'ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG', '502' => 'ERR_USERSDONTMATCH', ); sub rfc_code_to_name { my ($code) = @_; return $RFC_NUMCODE_MAP{$code} || $code; } =head1 AUTHOR Robin Redeker, C<< >> =head1 SEE ALSO Internet Relay Chat Client To Client Protocol from February 2, 1997 RFC 2812 - Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2006 Robin Redeker, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;