This is the change log for the perl extension PApp::SQL. - use SvOKp to decide whether we should upgrade to utf-8. - since DBD::mysql keeps changing their number detection code and therefore keeps corrupting our data, call bind_param with "correctly" deduced types on first first execution of an sql statement. - cache prepare and all statement methods per stash, to avoid having to look up multiple methods per execution. - use a default lru cache size of 100 instead of 50. - switch to FNV-1a hash and actually _do_ hash more than the first character of the sql statement. - check the length of the sql string when deciding whether it is too long for caching, do not use the size of the allocated memory area, which is less useful. 1.05 Sun Jun 21 07:13:25 CEST 2009 - check statement handles for active state, to avoid using a cached statement handle that is currently active (good for recursive invocations, and threads). - allow cache sizes of 0, do not crash. - reduce max cached statement length from 8k to 4k. 1.04 Sun Jun 21 02:27:46 CEST 2009 - be more Coro/thread friendly by actually making a copy of the database handle inside sql_exec. - use croak for error reporting, not die. 1.03 Sat Jan 19 09:56:26 CET 2008 - work around API changes in perl 5.10. 1.02 Fri Mar 3 15:11:23 CET 2006 - fixed a bug with argument passing to connect_cached in checked_dbh. - sqlite sql_insertid support. - added Changes file. 1.0 Thu Sep 1 10:53:32 CEST 2005 - avoid some cast warnings. - it has been extremely well-tested, so bump to 1.0. 0.143 Wed Jan 28 20:03:52 MET 2004 - force bind-variables to utf8 before binding (for sql_u*) (Stefan Traby). 0.142 Thu Nov 7 02:57:30 CET 2002 - work around what looks like a memory leak inside DBI when execute is called with tied hashelements. 0.141 Fri Aug 2 05:29:31 CEST 2002 - only "small" (<8k size) statements are cached, larger ones are thrown away on the assumption that these won't likely be repeated. 0.14 Wed Jun 26 03:42:30 CEST 2002 - the sql_*fetch* functions now make mortal copies of the values returned by DBI. This is slower but ensures correctness in spite of perl's own optimizations ;) 0.131 Wed Apr 10 21:56:56 CEST 2002 - removed references to using $DBH in the callers package, which doesn't work. 0.13 Wed Feb 27 05:29:06 CET 2002 - sql_u* functions were not forcing utf8 on their return values. 0.1241 Mon Dec 31 04:03:37 CET 2001 - mysql_client_found_rows set by default on mysql-connects. 0.124 Sat Aug 11 03:02:45 CEST 2001 - new methods sql_uexec, sql_ufetch, sql_ufetchall that force/upgrade to utf8. - added COPYING. 0.121 Mon Feb 12 16:56:21 CET 2001 - set InactiveDestroy for all handles in reinitialize instead of closing them. 0.12 Mon Feb 5 13:42:20 CET 2001 - seperated from the PApp package. - fixes for 5.005 compatibility. - renamed $database to $Database. Changes done while this was a part of PApp include: 0.11 - 5.005-ified SQL/SQL.xs. 0.10 - PApp::SQL now tries to reconnect twice. 0.08 Sun Jun 18 23:53:50 CEST 2000 - fixed memory corruption bug in SQL.xs that happens because mod_perl BOOT:'s the same object twice :( - PApp::Env and PApp::SQL should be more resistent to restarts. - PApp::SQL::*fetch methods call finish on the statement handle, as does sql_exec in void context. Even older, prehistoric versions of this module under other names obviously had no Changes file (that's why it's called _pre_historic).