12:17 <@schmorp> i do list all libs manually for pclient
12:17 <@schmorp> will have to do that for gce too
12:17 <@schmorp> remind me of it
12:17 <@schmorp> qwhen i next bundle it
- IMPORTANT: invite (and maybe others) _need_ to be documented
- IMPORTANT: message log window often loses contents after refreshes/res switches
(m,aybe not, maybe after loging out and in again?)
- IMPORTANT: toplevel geometry is not respected on moves.
- IMPORTANT: learning spells does not make them show up automatically in the completer?
- IMPORTANT: statusbox update timer
- IMPORTANT: statusbox tooltip must not go away on updates
- IMPORTANT: history for completer (cursor-up)
- IMPORTANT: toggle stats/messgae log window to visible while character creation is active.
- IMPORTANT:_ map feedback... e.g. when clicking on it
- IMPORTANT: stats window looks like shit initially (widget allocation?)
- binding window and editor layout broken for long recordings
- sorted spell dialog + second spell bind dialog with checkboxes: invoke and cast distinction
- minor: skill list which shows XP and lets u bind stuff
should be solved/investitaged before release:
- make a real "table" for the spell list (not long strings like lvl: xxx sp: xx)
and add column titles (also for other tables like inventory and bindings)
- log messages received and commands sent to ~/.crossfire/log.$ip
- the binding editor should have a append-record mode or something like that
- rethink message display in lower left corner
- cairo/win32 looks like shit (premultiplied alpha bug?)
- Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x11f5d98 during global destruction.
(after starting, press quit)
- flopper/menu imrpovement:
* things that are menus should act more like menus
- better focus management: put focus onto active windows, remove it again later
- add menu itemds for inventory items for UNcommon actions: mark/inscribe etc.
- enter runmode when cursor-key repeats (maybe not?)
- mapmap (overview) - scroll visible area by clicking/dragging
- split up gauges into: head, body and foot, so that contents begin in the interior of gauges
- maybe move window managing functionality into toplevel
- better window management (graphical feedback)
- the player weight somehow updates strangely when dropping/picking up
low priority:
- win32, fow_tetxure sometimes nukes other textures
(mostly fixed, but still there: displays list and texture uploads do not go well together)
- get rid of ScrolledWindow special case and use draw_xywh rectangle inside TextView for optimisation.
- completer should know more about arguments, e.g. cast summon pet monster,
or that some commands do not take arguments ("drop all").
- textview should not snap to bottom on resize.
- alt+cursor == diagonal
- look into extendedmapinfo
- save only dirty cached maps, and save dirty maps != current map
- try to synchronize local animation speed with server updates to save on screen refreshes.
- player list from server for tell etc. commands
- examine etc., should use extendeddrawinfo or sth. similar
- maybe use outline fonts/effect for statusbox and floorbox (and health gauge stats etc.).
- fow intensity => fow color (greyscale, just rename), add fow darkness slider, too
- performance: use texture collections for upstream server data instead if gobs
of small textures.
- when mipmapping upstream data files, run a fatten pass so pixels with alpha=0 don't negatively
affect neighbouring visible pixels (border bleeding).
- pango fontsize measure and decrease to achieve real pixel height
- palyer peaceful setting should be independen of game peaceful setting
(i.e. one should be able to become hostile against guards but still
be peaceful - the palyer peaceful would be toggled by priests and shown
in who, the game peaceful steting would be toggled by the peaceful command
but not otherwise shown).
- pippij wants playerstealing to work between hostile players
- attempt_jump tries to kick jumped-into monster,s but doesn't work
- 1) If you hide, and someone can see you trying to hide, you'll get a
message, even when you can't see that other person.
- 2) hiding exp is always 1, independant of how difficult it is to hide
- 3) jumping into monsters does no damage, even though it's supposed to
be an attack (mentioned before). You also get no exp for this
- 10) (feature request): bug/typo/idea commands to automatically log
your comments, with the mentioning of the current map (and perhaps an
item, if you do 'bug - ').
set_face 4783 => 70
libpng warning: Ignoring gAMA chunk with gamma=0
allocating id 71
set_face 4782 => 71
libpng warning: Ignoring gAMA chunk with gamma=0
allocating id 72
set_face 4781 => 72
libpng warning: Ignoring gAMA chunk with gamma=0
allocating id 73
set_face 4784 => 73
libpng warning: Ignoring gAMA chunk with gamma=0