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Revision: 1.23
Committed: Tue Nov 27 09:49:51 2007 UTC (16 years, 10 months ago) by root
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rel-0_9958, rel-0_9956, rel-0_9957, rel-0_9959
Changes since 1.22: +0 -6 lines
Log Message:
*** empty log message ***

File Contents

# Content
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # Convert a gtk2-perl program to a standalone .exe, including all
4 # libraries and runtime files required for running as well as required
5 # datafiles. I _literaly_ sold my soul to the devil and paid with blood
6 # for this. Microsoft die die die die die die die die die die die die
8 PERL=c:\\perl
9 GTK2=c:\\gtk
11 (
12 cat <<EOF
13 $GTK2/etc;root/etc
14 $GTK2/share/themes/MS-Windows/gtk-2.0;root/share/themes/MS-Windows/gtk-2.0
15 $GTK2/lib/gtk-2.0;root/lib/gtk-2.0
16 $GTK2/lib/pango;root/lib/pango
17 docwiki.pst;root/CFPlus/resources/docwiki.pst
18 win32/splash.bmp;SPLASH.bmp
19 EOF
21 perl -ne '/^(resources\/.*)/ and print "$1;root/CFPlus/$1\n"' <MANIFEST
23 cd $GTK2/bin || exit
24 for dll in \
25 SDL.dll \
26 SDL_image.dll \
27 SDL_mixer.dll \
28 libogg-0.dll \
29 libvorbis-0.dll \
30 libvorbisfile-3.dll \
31 jpeg.dll \
32 xmltok.dll \
33 xmlparse.dll \
34 libpng13.dll \
35 freetype6.dll \
36 zlib1.dll \
37 iconv.dll \
38 intl.dll \
39 libgthread-2.0-0.dll \
40 libglib-2.0-0.dll \
41 libgobject-2.0-0.dll \
42 libgmodule-2.0-0.dll \
43 libpango-1.0-0.dll \
44 libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll \
45 fontconfig.dll \
46 libfontconfig-1.dll
47 do
48 echo "$GTK2/bin/$dll;shlib/$dll"
49 done
50 ) >addlist
51 cat addlist
53 trap "rm addlist" 0
55 echo "nmake install?? Also for the Crossfire Module??"
56 #GUI=--gui
57 #$PERL/bin/perl $PERL/bin/pp $GUI --icon win32/client.ico -C -I "//.host/Shared Folders/root/src/Crossfire" -I . -o deliantra.exe -A addlist bin/deliantra
58 $PERL/bin/perl $PERL/bin/pp $GUI \
59 -z 9 \
60 -M AnyEvent::Impl::EV \
61 --icon win32/client.ico -C -I . -o deliantra.exe -A addlist bin/deliantra