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Revision: 1.2
Committed: Sun Apr 13 15:57:47 2008 UTC (16 years, 10 months ago) by elmex
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rel-2_82, rel-2_81, rel-2_80, rel-3_0, rel-2_6, rel-2_7, rel-2_5, rel-2_72, rel-2_73, rel-2_71, rel-2_76, rel-2_77, rel-2_74, rel-2_75, rel-2_54, rel-2_55, rel-2_56, rel-2_79, rel-2_53, rel-2_90, rel-2_92, rel-2_93, rel-2_78, rel-2_61, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +12 -12 lines
Log Message:
adjusted goldcoins and platinacoins in the treasures

File Contents

# Content
1 treasureone monster_wealth_high
2 arch pearl
3 nrof 40
4 chance 5
5 more
6 arch pearl
7 nrof 20
8 chance 10
9 more
10 arch sapphire
11 nrof 40
12 chance 5
13 more
14 arch sapphire
15 nrof 20
16 chance 10
17 more
18 arch emerald
19 nrof 40
20 chance 5
21 more
22 arch emerald
23 nrof 20
24 chance 10
25 more
26 arch gem
27 nrof 40
28 chance 5
29 more
30 arch gem
31 nrof 20
32 chance 10
33 more
34 arch goldcoin
35 nrof 50
36 chance 4
37 more
38 arch platinacoin
39 nrof 1
40 chance 1
41 end
42 treasureone monster_wealth_medium
43 list random_wealth
44 chance 50
45 nrof 5
46 more
47 list random_gem
48 chance 20
49 nrof 3
50 more
51 arch goldcoin
52 nrof 10
53 chance 10
54 more
55 arch goldcoin
56 nrof 15
57 chance 10
58 more
59 arch goldcoin
60 nrof 20
61 chance 9
62 more
63 arch goldcoin
64 nrof 50
65 chance 1
66 end
67 treasureone monster_wealth_low
68 list random_wealth
69 end