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monster_generic.trs 1.3 (16 years ago) by elmex: adjusted goldcoins and platinacoins in the treasures
none.trs 1.1 (18 years ago) by elmex: added 'none' treasure as so many maps rely on this thing when it didn't even had been existing.
player_starting_equip.trs 1.6 (16 years ago) by elmex: added oratory to swashbuckler.
random.trs 1.11 (16 years ago) by elmex: removed jewelery scroll from random items
shop.trs 1.6 (16 years ago) by elmex: fixed dim_torch and torch_1 archetype to be on and made torch_pyro and torch arch for non lighted torches.
starting_wealth.trs 1.2 (16 years ago) by elmex: adjusted goldcoins and platinacoins in the treasures
traps.trs 1.2 (18 years ago) by root: remove trailing spaces
treasures.trs 1.5 (16 years ago) by elmex: adjusted goldcoins and platinacoins in the treasures
weapons.trs 1.1 (18 years ago) by elmex: moved treasures further into the arch tree
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