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Revision by root, Sat Feb 4 23:56:12 2006 UTC vs.
Revision by elmex, Wed Feb 22 18:05:07 2006 UTC

5 5
6Read the mapguide for guidelines on making a good map. 6Read the mapguide for guidelines on making a good map.
7 7
8Use the comment field that the maps have - put in who the author is, 8Use the comment field that the maps have - put in who the author is,
9what level the map is, and any other special notes. 9what level the map is, and any other special notes.
12Naming Scheme:
14Note that these rules are ordered in importance, eg, if a rule conflicts,
15the lower number rule takes precedence.
171) If the map is currently off the main world (eg, pupland), it should have
18 its own top level ldirectory which all the maps in that area are located.
202) Each city should have it own top level directory (eg, scorn,
21 navar_city, santo_dominion). All buildings in the city and located
22 nearby or related to it are in the respective city directory.
24For maps that are placed directly on the world map and are not in the city,
25the follow guidelines should be used:
273) If the map is part of a larger quest, a /quest/name_of_quest directory
28 should be made, and all the maps for the quest placed in there. If
29 some portions of the quest has maps in cities or other places, a README
30 should be included explaining this. Note in general, having README's
31 for all quests explaining the flow probably isn't a bad idea in the
32 case someone else needs to work on it.
344) If a map is independent (eg, the map is one you just go there, kill and
35 get exp), it should be in the /dungeons directory (Ill named I know).
36 If the dungeon is comprised of several map (eg, multilevel dungeon), a
37 sub directory should be made to hold all of these maps.
395) Maps should fall into one of the category above - if it does not, and
40 you are not sure, send a message to
41 Maps should not be sorted by author, as this does not make maintaining
42 them easy.
44 10
45------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46GIF files: 12GIF files:
47 13
48el_map.gif is an elevation map - it is color coded based on elevations. 14el_map.gif is an elevation map - it is color coded based on elevations.

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