spice up old city a bit
fixed death certificate problems.
massive death certificate deflation
added shop properties and dialogue for Zadoks
change nimbus design slightly, increae lighting a bit
*** empty log message ***
fixed some bugs and typos
added hints about the existance of the gift shop, added new items to gift shop
make nimbus design more explicit
asarth-submitted manual of minesweeper + markers
fixed nimbus death certificates
add statistician
mark important stuff as godgiven
minor fixes
minor fixes
minor fixes
minor fixes
minor fixes
make it a bit less confusing
make it safer
minor fixes
minor fixes
add asarths nimbus gift shop
zorn's suggestion
allow nondiagonal movement to be easier
more stylish hint
better hint the way out
add more lights for the nightblind
use new nimfloor, keep the old nimfloor around for a bit
- new type: INSCRIBABLE - inscription only works on inscribable items (spellscrolls special cased) - add new empty scroll, empty book and empty mailscroll archetypes - use mailscroll in ipo.
add the first two magic-mouth sounds
strip .ogg from music resource names
safe'ify nimbus
initial music support for some maps
checked in no_reset flag for per_player maps
add the obvious explanations, hopefully
add the obvious explanations, hopefully
replace most material types by named materials, also normalised maps again
- unrename the *_city regions as those are mostly in-use already and renaming all maps was infeasible. - fattened some areas (highway on navar needs fattening, too) - added scorn_kingdom area, a nice safe palce for picnics - added region to some of our maps we neglected - fixed stuff - fixed more stuff
manually add file_format_version 1 to all map headers, defined as 'fixdialogue + faces renamed'
update maps to file format revision 1, changed map faces
move nimbus to /, simplifies upgrading
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