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Revision: 1.14
Committed: Fri Jun 2 13:44:21 2006 UTC (18 years, 7 months ago) by elmex
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: post_fixaltar, last_stable, post_fixaltar2, rel-2_82, rel-2_81, rel-2_80, pre_coinconvert, rel-3_0, rel-2_6, rel-2_7, rel-2_4, rel-2_5, rel-2_2, rel-2_0, rel-2_1, rel-2_72, rel-2_73, rel-2_71, rel-2_76, rel-2_77, rel-2_74, rel-2_75, rel-2_54, rel-2_55, rel-2_56, rel-2_79, rel-2_53, pre_material_cfarch_normalize_run, rel-2_32, pre_fixconverter, post_coinconvert, pre_fixaltar2, pre_map_rename, rel-2_90, rel-2_92, rel-2_93, rel-2_78, post_fixconverter, pre_fixaltar, rel-2_61, rel-2_43, rel-2_42, rel-2_41, HEAD
Changes since 1.13: +4 -0 lines
Log Message:
improved replaced the casino python script

File Contents

# Content
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # this script calls normalize on all maps that we touch
4 # it is to be used whenever we do local changes and
5 # used before importing upstream map changes, to reduce
6 # cvs conflicts.
8 # those are typo fixes or other stuff that is
9 # small enough to not cause conflicts
10 # navar_city/spyhouse \
11 # start/newbieshouse \
12 # pup_land/lone_town/mshop \
13 # pup_land/rainbow/station \
14 # dragonisland/house7 \
15 # lake_country/Butakis/gate_outer
16 # lake_country/Butakis/prison_e
17 # lake_country/Butakis/prison_n
18 # lake_country/Butakis/prison_s
19 # lake_country/Mwizard/Mwizard0
20 # lake_country/Mwizard/Mwizard1
21 # lake_country/Mwizard/Mwizard2
22 # lake_country/Mwizard/Mwizard3
23 # lake_country/Mwizard/Mwizard4
24 # lake_country/Mwizard/Mwizard5
25 # lake_country/Mwizard/Mwizard6
26 # lake_country/Mwizard/MwizardG
27 # lake_country/shops/Olds_jewel
28 # lake_country/shops/clems_archery
29 # lake_country/small_buildings/hut_Galmorus
30 # navar_city/city1houses3
31 # pup_land/barrier
32 # pup_land/world
33 # pup_land/castle_eureca/castle_eureca1
34 # pup_land/kurte/hut2
35 # pup_land/lone_town/gemshop
36 # pup_land/lone_town/guild_law
37 # pup_land/nurnberg/alshop
38 # pup_land/nurnberg/aqueduct
39 # pup_land/nurnberg/ashop
40 # pup_land/nurnberg/bshop
41 # pup_land/nurnberg/pshop
42 # pup_land/nurnberg/washop
43 # pup_land/nurnberg/dick/house
44 # pup_land/nurnberg/reception/reception
45 # pup_land/rainbow/shore
46 # pup_land/rainbow/station
47 # pup_land/rainbow/Lv1/hut1
48 # pup_land/rainbow/Lv1/hut2
49 # pup_land/rainbow/Lv1/hut3
50 # pup_land/rainbow/Lv1/hut4
51 # pup_land/s_f/Kira
52 # pup_land/s_f/ki
53 # pup_land/s_f/to-jyo
54 # quests/peterm/FireTemple/FifthFloor
55 # scorn/houses/jones
56 # scorn/misc/drywell
57 # scorn/misc/castle2
58 # scorn/oldcity/oldcity6
59 # scorn/shops/bowshop
61 # there is no need to normalise maps we don't get from upstream, such as
62 # aldwulf/ elmex/ schmorp/ onefang/
64 cfmap-normalize \
65 navar_city/city1enter \
66 navar_city/casino_infernal/casino_infernal1 \
67 scorn/oldcity/oldcity7 \
68 scorn/shops/bank \
69 pup_land/lone_town/apartment/groundfloor \
70 pup_land/lone_town/bank \
71 pup_land/nurnberg/bank \
72 quests/todd/aljwaf/crypt6 \
73 scorn/temples/valriel \
74 scorn/misc/gatehouse \
75 scorn/temples/gorokh \
76 scorn/temples/valriel2 \
77 scorn/peterm/undead_quest \
78 scorn/misc/HallOfQuests \
79 scorn/anthony/portgate \
80 world/world_104_116 \
81 world/world_104_115 \
82 world/world_105_115 \
83 world/world_105_116 \
84 world/world_106_115 \
85 world/world_106_116 \
86 world/world_110_118 \
87 world/world_121_117 \
88 world/world_122_117 \
89 ;