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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Sun Feb 5 00:02:08 2006 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by root
Content type: text/x-python
Branch point for: UPSTREAM, MAIN
Log Message:
Initial revision

File Contents

# Content
1 #CFGamble
2 # Todd Mitchell
3 #The Python control file for Slot Machines and other such nonsense
4 #Please do not put CFPython functions in this file,
5 #but rather place these in the calling file (don't ask me why - it just feels right)
7 import os.path
8 import shelve
9 import random
11 import Crossfire
13 class SlotMachine:
14 #sets up the file that holds all the slotmachine jackpots
15 #make sure this points to your writable var/crossfire directory
16 #you can delete that file to reset all the slotmachine jackpots
17 slotfile = os.path.join(Crossfire.LocalDirectory(),'SlotMachine_file')
18 slotdb = {}
19 def __init__(self,slotname,slotlist,minpot,maxpot):
20 slotdb =
21 self.slotname = slotname
22 self.slotlist = slotlist
23 self.minpot = minpot
24 self.maxpot = maxpot
26 def placebet(self,amount):
27 if not self.slotdb.has_key(self.slotname):
28 self.slotdb[self.slotname] = self.minpot+amount
29 else:
30 temp=self.slotdb[self.slotname]
31 self.slotdb[self.slotname]=temp+amount
33 def payoff(self,amount):
34 temp=self.slotdb[self.slotname]
35 self.slotdb[self.slotname] = temp-amount
37 def spin(self,slotnum):
38 result=[]
39 while slotnum >=1:
40 r = self.slotlist[random.randint(0,len(self.slotlist)-1)]
41 result.append(r)
42 slotnum=slotnum-1
43 return result
45 def checkslot(self):
46 limit = self.slotdb[self.slotname]
47 if limit >= self.maxpot:
48 self.slotdb[self.slotname] = self.maxpot
49 elif limit < self.minpot:
50 self.slotdb[self.slotname] = self.minpot
51 return self.slotdb[self.slotname]