script skipped many goldfloord and altars
fix some identify tables etc.
fixaltar: change altars to money and also fix their names
*** empty log message ***
text fixes
make tutorial(s) easier
*** empty log message ***
the old man is keeping too many people from proceeding
yet another round of renaming
the neverending story...
another major rework, it never ends
oh my, its so immensely difficult to make this map foolproof
freely sprinkle anti-monster floors around
*** empty log message ***
mark tutorial exit as damned
limit the area the mice can roam
added another note for the low-int players
life is hard, make it a bit easier
developing a standard msg format, partway pod, partway fantasy?
some minor fixes for
made the old geezer un-go-onable
made the old man unkillable
changed old geezer to be more friendly :)
added per_player
new tutorial map
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