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Revision: 1.3
Committed: Fri Jan 19 16:34:33 2007 UTC (18 years ago) by root
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: post_fixaltar, post_fixaltar2, rel-2_82, rel-2_81, rel-2_80, pre_coinconvert, rel-3_0, rel-2_6, rel-2_7, rel-2_4, rel-2_5, rel-2_2, rel-2_0, rel-2_1, rel-2_72, rel-2_73, rel-2_71, rel-2_76, rel-2_77, rel-2_74, rel-2_75, rel-2_54, rel-2_55, rel-2_56, rel-2_79, rel-2_53, pre_material_cfarch_normalize_run, rel-2_32, pre_fixconverter, post_coinconvert, pre_fixaltar2, pre_map_rename, rel-2_90, rel-2_92, rel-2_93, rel-2_78, post_fixconverter, pre_fixaltar, rel-2_61, rel-2_43, rel-2_42, rel-2_41, HEAD
Changes since 1.2: +1 -0 lines
Log Message:
manually add file_format_version 1 to all map headers, defined as 'fixdialogue + faces renamed'

File Contents

# Content
1 arch map
2 file_format_version 1
3 name nethack_2
4 width 13
5 height 26
6 msg
7 Creator: Gnat the Gnu
8 Email:
9 Date: Sat May 5 16:44:39 2001
10 endmsg
11 end
12 arch Balrog
13 name Hezrou
14 end
15 arch giant
16 name ettin
17 hp 2550
18 maxhp 2550
19 exp 23500
20 dam 40
21 wc -5
22 y 5
23 level 11
24 attacktype 1
25 end
26 arch sphinx
27 name nalfeshnee
28 race demon
29 hp 3000
30 maxhp 3000
31 exp 20000
32 y 7
33 attacktype 5
34 end
35 arch baby_dragon
36 name baby red dragon
37 y 9
38 end
39 arch generate_skeleton
40 y 10
41 end
42 arch dog
43 name Hell Hound
44 con 10
45 pow 15
46 hp 1000
47 maxhp 1000
48 sp 40
49 maxsp 40
50 exp 30000
51 dam 50
52 wc -3
53 y 11
54 level 20
55 attacktype 5
56 randomitems imp
57 can_cast_spell 1
58 end
59 arch giant
60 name Frost Giant
61 hp 3500
62 maxhp 3500
63 exp 23000
64 dam 40
65 wc -4
66 x 1
67 y 5
68 level 15
69 attacktype 17
70 resist_fire -30
71 resist_cold 100
72 undead 1
73 end
74 arch faerie_dragon
75 name baby blue dragon
76 hp 400
77 maxhp 400
78 exp 10000
79 dam 30
80 wc 0
81 ac 0
82 x 1
83 y 9
84 level 10
85 resist_magic 0
86 resist_electricity 100
87 randomitems spark
88 end
89 arch generate_skeleton
90 x 1
91 y 10
92 end
93 arch big_dragon
94 name red dragon
95 x 1
96 y 15
97 end
98 arch g_worm
99 name Purple Worm
100 x 1
101 y 17
102 end
103 arch Balrog
104 x 1
105 y 20
106 end
107 arch baslic
108 name kraken
109 hp 32000
110 maxhp 32000
111 exp 100000
112 x 1
113 y 24
114 end
115 arch cobra
116 name Golden Naga
117 hp 930
118 maxhp 930
119 exp 10000
120 dam 15
121 x 2
122 y 5
123 speed 0.200000
124 attacktype 65
125 unaggressive 1
126 end
127 arch lich
128 x 2
129 y 7
130 end
131 arch byakie
132 name Baby Grey Dragon
133 race dragon
134 hp 400
135 maxhp 400
136 exp 100000
137 x 2
138 y 9
139 level 15
140 resist_magic 0
141 end
142 arch black_pudding
143 x 3
144 y 5
145 end
146 arch black_pudding
147 x 3
148 y 6
149 end
150 arch lich
151 x 3
152 y 7
153 end
154 arch ologhi
155 exp 100000
156 wc -10
157 ac -10
158 x 3
159 y 12
160 level 25
161 end
162 arch skree
163 name Bone Devil
164 race demon
165 exp 30000
166 x 4
167 level 20
168 attacktype 1029
169 resist_magic 60
170 randomitems none
171 end
172 arch gargolye
173 name winged gargolye
174 hp 900
175 maxhp 900
176 exp 30000
177 x 4
178 y 2
179 speed 0.300000
180 end
181 arch holy_servant
182 name flesh golem
183 hp 825
184 maxhp 25
185 exp 3000
186 dam 35
187 wc -3
188 ac -2
189 x 4
190 y 3
191 speed 0.250000
192 resist_magic 0
193 end
194 arch generate_vampire
195 x 4
196 y 5
197 end
198 arch generate_vampire
199 x 4
200 y 6
201 end
202 arch lich
203 x 4
204 y 7
205 end
206 arch Cwyvern
207 name Baby Black Dragon
208 con 10
209 pow 6
210 hp 300
211 maxhp 300
212 sp 20
213 maxsp 100
214 exp 100000
215 wc -3
216 ac -2
217 x 4
218 y 9
219 speed 0.100000
220 level 5
221 attacktype 65
222 randomitems giant_worm
223 end
224 arch spectre
225 name Vampire Lord
226 x 4
227 y 10
228 end
229 arch nazgul
230 x 4
231 y 12
232 end
233 arch byakie
234 name Grey Dragon
235 race dragon
236 exp 100000
237 x 4
238 y 15
239 level 15
240 attacktype 1
241 resist_magic 0
242 end
243 arch behemoth
244 name Mastodon
245 hp 28000
246 maxhp 28000
247 dam 66
248 x 4
249 y 24
250 attacktype 1
251 end
252 arch gargolye
253 name winged gargolye
254 hp 900
255 maxhp 900
256 exp 30000
257 x 5
258 y 2
259 speed 0.300000
260 end
261 arch holy_servant
262 name flesh golem
263 hp 825
264 maxhp 25
265 exp 3000
266 dam 35
267 wc -3
268 ac -2
269 x 5
270 y 3
271 speed 0.250000
272 resist_magic 0
273 end
274 arch vampire
275 x 5
276 y 5
277 end
278 arch vampire
279 x 5
280 y 6
281 end
282 arch lich
283 x 5
284 y 7
285 end
286 arch spectre
287 name Vampire Lord
288 x 5
289 y 10
290 end
291 arch dragonman
292 name Fire Giant
293 exp 100000
294 dam 40
295 x 6
296 speed 0.200000
297 attacktype 5
298 resist_electricity 0
299 resist_cold -50
300 resist_confusion 0
301 resist_acid 0
302 resist_drain 0
303 resist_poison 0
304 resist_slow 0
305 resist_paralyze 0
306 resist_fear 0
307 randomitems giant
308 end
309 arch gargolye
310 name winged gargolye
311 hp 900
312 maxhp 900
313 exp 30000
314 x 6
315 y 2
316 speed 0.300000
317 end
318 arch holy_servant
319 name flesh golem
320 hp 825
321 maxhp 25
322 exp 3000
323 dam 35
324 wc -3
325 ac -2
326 x 6
327 y 3
328 speed 0.250000
329 resist_magic 0
330 end
331 arch lich
332 x 6
333 y 7
334 end
335 arch dragon
336 name baby green dragon
337 x 6
338 y 9
339 attacktype 1025
340 randomitems green_dragon
341 end
342 arch golem_necro
343 name stone golem
344 con 15
345 hp 5000
346 maxhp 5000
347 ac -20
348 x 6
349 y 12
350 resist_physical 40
351 resist_magic 80
352 resist_fire 40
353 randomitems none
354 end
355 arch big_elec
356 name blue dragon
357 x 6
358 y 15
359 end
360 arch Cwyvern
361 name Chromatic Dragon
362 x 6
363 y 20
364 end
365 arch skree
366 x 6
367 y 21
368 end
369 arch ArchAngel
370 name Archon
371 x 6
372 y 23
373 end
374 arch gaelotroll
375 name Ice Troll
376 dam 45
377 wc -15
378 ac -8
379 x 7
380 attacktype 17
381 end
382 arch holy_servant
383 name flesh golem
384 hp 825
385 maxhp 25
386 exp 3000
387 dam 35
388 wc -3
389 ac -2
390 x 7
391 y 3
392 speed 0.250000
393 resist_magic 0
394 end
395 arch raas
396 name ice devil
397 hp 1000
398 maxhp 1000
399 exp 30000
400 dam 30
401 x 7
402 y 5
403 level 15
404 attacktype 17
405 end
406 arch raas
407 name ice devil
408 hp 1000
409 maxhp 1000
410 exp 30000
411 dam 30
412 x 7
413 y 6
414 level 15
415 attacktype 17
416 end
417 arch lich
418 x 7
419 y 7
420 end
421 arch holy_servant
422 name flesh golem
423 hp 825
424 maxhp 25
425 exp 3000
426 dam 35
427 wc -3
428 ac -2
429 x 8
430 y 3
431 speed 0.250000
432 resist_magic 0
433 end
434 arch golem_necro
435 name clay golem
436 con 15
437 hp 3000
438 maxhp 3000
439 exp 50000
440 wc -10
441 ac -10
442 x 8
443 y 5
444 resist_fire 40
445 randomitems none
446 end
447 arch cobra
448 name Guardian Naga
449 hp 1230
450 maxhp 1230
451 exp 20000
452 dam 15
453 x 8
454 y 9
455 speed 0.200000
456 level 15
457 attacktype 65
458 unaggressive 1
459 end
460 arch HighAngel
461 name Angel
462 x 8
463 y 12
464 end
465 arch demilich
466 x 8
467 y 13
468 end
469 arch Cwyvern
470 name Black Dragon
471 con 10
472 pow 6
473 sp 20
474 maxsp 100
475 wc -3
476 ac -2
477 x 8
478 y 15
479 speed 0.100000
480 level 10
481 attacktype 65
482 randomitems giant_worm
483 end
484 arch dragon
485 name green dragon
486 hp 3000
487 maxhp 3000
488 exp 100000
489 x 8
490 y 16
491 level 23
492 attacktype 1025
493 resist_fire 50
494 resist_poison 100
495 randomitems green_dragon
496 end
497 arch gaelotroll
498 name Rock Troll
499 hp 5000
500 maxhp 5000
501 dam 45
502 wc -5
503 ac -5
504 x 9
505 attacktype 1
506 end
507 arch holy_servant
508 name flesh golem
509 hp 825
510 maxhp 25
511 exp 3000
512 dam 35
513 wc -3
514 ac -2
515 x 9
516 y 3
517 speed 0.250000
518 resist_magic 0
519 end
520 arch dread
521 name disenchanter
522 x 9
523 y 9
524 end
525 arch titan
526 x 9
527 y 20
528 end
529 arch titan
530 name storm giant
531 x 9
532 y 23
533 end
534 arch holy_servant
535 name flesh golem
536 hp 825
537 maxhp 25
538 exp 3000
539 dam 35
540 wc -3
541 ac -2
542 x 10
543 y 3
544 speed 0.250000
545 resist_magic 0
546 end
547 arch gaelotroll
548 name Water Troll
549 x 10
550 y 5
551 attacktype 17
552 end
553 arch gaelotroll
554 name Umber Hulk
555 hp 5000
556 maxhp 5000
557 dam 45
558 wc -5
559 ac -5
560 x 11
561 attacktype 33
562 end
563 arch chinese_dragon
564 x 11
565 y 15
566 end
567 arch cyclops
568 x 11
569 y 19
570 end
571 arch golem_necro
572 name iron golem
573 con 15
574 hp 9000
575 maxhp 9000
576 exp 180000
577 ac -25
578 x 11
579 y 22
580 resist_physical 50
581 resist_magic 85
582 resist_fire 40
583 randomitems none
584 end