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 ../ 1.13 (17 years ago) by root: update copyrights and other minor stuff to deliantra
README (18 years ago) by root: initial import
anim.C 1.30 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
arch.C 1.82 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
button.C 1.47 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
exp.C 1.19 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
friend.C 1.18 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
glue.C 1.13 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
holy.C 1.16 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
image.C 1.30 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
init.C 1.47 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
item.C 1.51 (16 years ago) by root: reformatted some messages, introduced an experimental \r without any fucntion yet
links.C 1.11 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
living.C 1.88 (16 years ago) by root: goof
loader.C 1.122 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
logger.C 1.19 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
los.C 1.30 (16 years ago) by root: - fix weight/pickup bugs, visible_to - do more automatic nrof/weight updates - kill funcpoint.h
map.C 1.146 (16 years ago) by root: fix flags updating, make ->player rely on P_PLAYER
micropather.C 1.1 (17 years ago) by root: I like micropather so much without ever having used it that I included it. This is not to be used directly, it should be integrated into the map management code.
object.C 1.257 (16 years ago) by root: instrument login problem
path.C 1.8 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
player.C 1.45 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
porting.C 1.20 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
readable.C 1.35 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
recipe.C 1.26 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
region.C 1.39 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
shstr.C 1.31 (16 years ago) by root: 4.3
time.C 1.18 (16 years ago) by root: - fix weight/pickup bugs, visible_to - do more automatic nrof/weight updates - kill funcpoint.h
treasure.C 1.79 (16 years ago) by root: 4.3
utils.C 1.82 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
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