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utils.C 1.86 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
treasure.C 1.84 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
time.C 1.20 (16 years ago) by root: smell, remove gcfclient support, material fixes, cfpod parse fixes, refactoring
shstr.C 1.38 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
region.C 1.42 (16 years ago) by root: slim down perl interface
recipe.C 1.27 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
readable.C 1.40 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
porting.C 1.21 (16 years ago) by root: stripped cruft from porting.C
player.C 1.50 (16 years ago) by root: more commands to tabs
path.C 1.8 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
object.C 1.281 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
micropather.C 1.1 (17 years ago) by root: I like micropather so much without ever having used it that I included it. This is not to be used directly, it should be integrated into the map management code.
map.C 1.157 (16 years ago) by root: mapscript changes
los.C 1.60 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
logger.C 1.19 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
loader.C 1.127 (16 years ago) by root: connected => shstr, beginning of mapscript
living.C 1.96 (16 years ago) by elmex: added new lamp and torch system.
links.C 1.12 (16 years ago) by root: connected => shstr, beginning of mapscript
item.C 1.54 (16 years ago) by elmex: added new lamp and torch system.
init.C 1.47 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
image.C 1.30 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
holy.C 1.17 (16 years ago) by root: refactoring of shstr classe,s new shstr_tmp, lots of minor rewriting
glue.C 1.13 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
friend.C 1.19 (16 years ago) by root: more commands to tabs
exp.C 1.19 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
button.C 1.53 (16 years ago) by root: mapscript changes
arch.C 1.88 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
anim.C 1.30 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
README (19 years ago) by root: initial import 1.13 (17 years ago) by root: update copyrights and other minor stuff to deliantra
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