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 ../ 1.36 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
artifact.h 1.7 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
attack.h 1.17 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
attackinc.h 1.9 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
book.h 1.8 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
callback.h 1.4 (17 years ago) by root: refine regions, re-enable vast world size again 1.1 (18 years ago) by root: - implement c++ interface to Event->io watchers - cut number of write()'s the server does in half
cfperl.h 1.105 (16 years ago) by root: mapscript changes
client.h 1.85 (16 years ago) by root: smell, remove gcfclient support, material fixes, cfpod parse fixes, refactoring
commands.h 1.13 (16 years ago) by root: new los code
config.h 1.53 (16 years ago) by root: improve los, fix bugs
crc.h 1.5 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
define.h 1.101 (16 years ago) by elmex: added new lamp and torch system.
devel.h 1.3 (16 years ago) by root: refactoring of shstr classe,s new shstr_tmp, lots of minor rewriting
dynbuf.h 1.21 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
event2inc 1.3 (18 years ago) by root: show irc users, HACK
evthread.h 1.2 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
face.h 1.26 (16 years ago) by root: 4.3
genkeywords 1.11 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
global.h 1.74 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
god.h 1.8 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
includes.h 1.15 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
libproto.h 1.72 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
living.h 1.20 (16 years ago) by root: more commands to tabs
loader.h 1.17 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
logger.h 1.12 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
map.h 1.111 (16 years ago) by root: mapscript changes
material.h 1.15 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
micropather.h 1.3 (17 years ago) by root: tune micropather
network.h 1.23 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
object.h 1.199 (16 years ago) by elmex: added new lamp and torch system.
path.h 1.6 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
player.h 1.90 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
race.h 1.6 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
recipe.h 1.9 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
region.h 1.13 (16 years ago) by root: slim down perl interface
shstr.h 1.32 (16 years ago) by root: slim down perl interface
shstrinc.h 1.17 (16 years ago) by root: rmeove most shstr-strcmps
skillinc.h 1.12 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
skills.h 1.23 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
sockproto.h 1.38 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
sounds.h 1.8 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
spellist.h 1.13 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
spells.h 1.15 (16 years ago) by root: fix missile swarm, improve blockign logic
sproto.h 1.102 (16 years ago) by elmex: added cursed effect to lamps and torches.
tod.h 1.16 (16 years ago) by root: smell, remove gcfclient support, material fixes, cfpod parse fixes, refactoring
traits.h 1.21 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
treasure.h 1.24 (16 years ago) by root: update copyright
util.h 1.87 (16 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
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