update copyrights and other minor stuff to deliantra
- upgrade crossfire trt to the GPL version 3 (hopefully correctly). - add a single file covered by the GNU Affero General Public License (which is not yet released, so I used the current draft, which is legally a bit wavy, but its likely better than nothing as it expresses direct intent by the authors, and we can upgrade as soon as it has been released). * this should ensure availability of source code for the server at least and hopefully also archetypes and maps even when modified versions are not being distributed, in accordance of section 13 of the agplv3.
update copyrights in *.am
rip out old help implementation in favour of the new one (which incidentally is non-blocking)
meet our new pod fucntionality, certainly not finished :) let me also introduce the beginnings of a new help command
- implement yet another bug workaround for gcfclient. its rather sad. when bg scrubbing, the server sends images in advance, about twice per second. then receiving a new image, gcfclient destroys the imventory and rebuilds it (the widgets). this makes using it rather hard, as twice per seconds all widgets go away and are replaced by new ones, so mouse clicks, if not fast enough, will be ignored, making the client rather hard to use. soo.... only to background sending for cfplus, which needs it least.
clean up makefiles, add dummy pod.pm
- automake insists on naming all libdirs .../cfserver now. i have to concur :/ - correctly reattach to players on reload, this likely fixes the reload crash bug. - init env vars very early, so perl gets to see them.
more cleanups for dist
partially support vpath builds
added emotions help
install some pod files to be used by the server
I goofed.
more slight copyright adjustments
moved perl extensions into server codebase, where they belong
allow priviledge override for banish, kick, arrest, reset, teleport and summon
new command: wizlook
it "works" but is suboptimal because it *always* regenerates the help, even if it doesn't have to. I'll see if I can do something with stamps.
*** empty log message ***
updated help and improved dependencies and makefiles
Install help files into the right place
Also generate wizhelp
Finished generating help files.
version 2 :)
Generate help files from command_help.pod
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