added new lamp and torch system.
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folded developers into authors and fixed stuff
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fix typoe
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some minor doc addition
some minor doc addition
do not output archetypes with names starting with type_ or class_, a bit of a hack
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documented FLAG_IS_LIGHTABLE and glow_radius
documented LAMP and FLAG_CHANGING.
added markup for typenames and field names.
LAMP type in work, main change: adjusted usage of the terms 'archetype', 'object', 'field' and 'attribute'.
removed QUEST and LIGHTNING types.
added further objects.
documented CLOCK and LIGHTNING, FLAG_REFLECTING and FLAG_REFL_SPELL. and discovered that LIGHTNING is mostly unused, most spells use subtypes to indicate bolt spells (the actual lightnings are not of type LIGHTNING).
added documentation for BOOK and FLAG_NO_SKILL_IDENT.
further documentation, this time: POISON and POISONING and FLAG_NO_STEAL
added description for FOOD, FLESH and DRINK.
reverted the last change to move_apply and check_inv and fixed check_inv differntly: as all the buttons and pedestals check themselves whether the objects above them satisfy their conditions i thought the best would be if check_inv would do the same. The new semantics are compatible with the semantics used by the map makers (at least i hope that) and won't end up in a broken state so easily now. While fixing check_inv i documented inventory checkers in objects.pod
Added a parameter to move_apply that indicates whether something moved on or off and changed check_inv to take the same additional argument. An inventory checker is now mostly state-independend and a bad state is corrected now if the inventory checker is activated. While fixing that i've documented the HOLE type and FLAG_ACTIVATE_ON_(PUSH|RELEASE) in objects.pod.
Added a mostly comprehensive documentation about the types TRANSPORT, ROD, TREASURE, POTION, and POTION_EFFECT.
further development on the force documentation.
further documentation about some default fields of objects and this weird force object.
moved the weapons documentation to objects.pod.
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