#define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #define X_STACKSIZE -1 #include "CoroAPI.h" #include "perlmulticore.h" #include "schmorp.h" #include "xthread.h" #ifdef _WIN32 typedef char sigset_t; #define pthread_sigmask(mode,new,old) #endif static pthread_key_t current_key; static s_epipe ep; static void *perl_thx; static sigset_t cursigset, fullsigset; static int global_enable = 0; static int thread_enable; /* 0 undefined, 1 disabled, 2 enabled */ /* assigned to a thread for each release/acquire */ struct tctx { void *coro; int wait_f; xcond_t wait_c; }; static struct tctx *tctx_free; static int idle; static int min_idle = 1; static xmutex_t perl_m = X_MUTEX_INIT; static xcond_t perl_c = X_COND_INIT; static struct tctx *perl_f; static xmutex_t wait_m = X_MUTEX_INIT; static int wakeup_f; static struct tctx **waiters; static int waiters_count, waiters_max; static struct tctx * tctx_get (void) { struct tctx *ctx; if (!tctx_free) { ctx = malloc (sizeof (*tctx_free)); X_COND_CREATE (ctx->wait_c); } else { ctx = tctx_free; tctx_free = tctx_free->coro; } return ctx; } static void tctx_put (struct tctx *ctx) { ctx->coro = tctx_free; tctx_free = ctx; } X_THREAD_PROC(thread_proc) { PERL_SET_CONTEXT (perl_thx); { dTHX; /* inefficient, we already have perl_thx, but I see no better way */ struct tctx *ctx; X_LOCK (perl_m); for (;;) { while (!perl_f) if (idle <= min_idle || 1) X_COND_WAIT (perl_c, perl_m); else { struct timespec ts = { time (0) + idle - min_idle, 0 }; if (X_COND_TIMEDWAIT (perl_c, perl_m, ts) == ETIMEDOUT) if (idle > min_idle && !perl_f) break; } ctx = perl_f; perl_f = 0; --idle; X_UNLOCK (perl_m); if (!ctx) /* timed out? */ break; pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &cursigset, 0); while (ctx->coro) CORO_SCHEDULE; pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &fullsigset, &cursigset); X_LOCK (wait_m); ctx->wait_f = 1; X_COND_SIGNAL (ctx->wait_c); X_UNLOCK (wait_m); X_LOCK (perl_m); ++idle; } } } static void start_thread (void) { xthread_t tid; ++idle; xthread_create (&tid, thread_proc, 0); } static void pmapi_release (void) { if (!(thread_enable ? thread_enable & 1 : global_enable)) { pthread_setspecific (current_key, 0); return; } struct tctx *ctx = tctx_get (); ctx->coro = SvREFCNT_inc_NN (CORO_CURRENT); ctx->wait_f = 0; pthread_setspecific (current_key, ctx); pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &fullsigset, &cursigset); X_LOCK (perl_m); if (idle <= min_idle) start_thread (); perl_f = ctx; X_COND_SIGNAL (perl_c); X_UNLOCK (perl_m); } static void pmapi_acquire (void) { struct tctx *ctx = pthread_getspecific (current_key); if (!ctx) return; X_LOCK (wait_m); if (waiters_count >= waiters_max) { waiters_max = waiters_max ? waiters_max * 2 : 16; waiters = realloc (waiters, waiters_max * sizeof (*waiters)); } waiters [waiters_count++] = ctx; s_epipe_signal (&ep); while (!ctx->wait_f) X_COND_WAIT (ctx->wait_c, wait_m); X_UNLOCK (wait_m); tctx_put (ctx); pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &cursigset, 0); } static void set_thread_enable (pTHX_ void *arg) { thread_enable = PTR2IV (arg); } MODULE = Coro::Multicore PACKAGE = Coro::Multicore PROTOTYPES: DISABLE BOOT: { #ifndef _WIN32 sigfillset (&fullsigset); #endif pthread_key_create (¤t_key, 0); if (s_epipe_new (&ep)) croak ("Coro::Multicore: unable to initialise event pipe.\n"); perl_thx = PERL_GET_CONTEXT; I_CORO_API ("Coro::Multicore"); X_LOCK (perl_m); while (idle < min_idle) start_thread (); start_thread ();//D X_UNLOCK (perl_m); /* not perfectly efficient to do it this way, but it's simple */ perl_multicore_init (); perl_multicore_api->pmapi_release = pmapi_release; perl_multicore_api->pmapi_acquire = pmapi_acquire; } bool enable (bool enable = NO_INIT) CODE: RETVAL = global_enable; if (items) global_enable = enable; OUTPUT: RETVAL void scoped_enable () CODE: LEAVE; /* see Guard.xs */ CORO_ENTERLEAVE_SCOPE_HOOK (set_thread_enable, (void *)1, set_thread_enable, (void *)0); ENTER; /* see Guard.xs */ void scoped_disable () CODE: LEAVE; /* see Guard.xs */ CORO_ENTERLEAVE_SCOPE_HOOK (set_thread_enable, (void *)2, set_thread_enable, (void *)0); ENTER; /* see Guard.xs */ U32 min_idle_threads (U32 min = NO_INIT) CODE: X_LOCK (wait_m); RETVAL = min_idle; if (items) min_idle = min; X_UNLOCK (wait_m); OUTPUT: RETVAL int fd () CODE: RETVAL = s_epipe_fd (&ep); OUTPUT: RETVAL void poll (...) CODE: s_epipe_drain (&ep); X_LOCK (wait_m); while (waiters_count) { struct tctx *ctx = waiters [--waiters_count]; CORO_READY ((SV *)ctx->coro); SvREFCNT_dec_NN ((SV *)ctx->coro); ctx->coro = 0; } X_UNLOCK (wait_m); void sleep (NV seconds) CODE: perlinterp_release (); usleep (seconds * 1e6); perlinterp_acquire ();