$MAX_CONNECTS = 100; # maximum simult. connects $MAX_TRANSFERS = 10; # the maximum number of sim. file transfers $MAX_TRANSFERS_IP = 4; # maximum simult. connects per ip $BLOCKTIME = 60*60*2; # block time $NO_SEGMENTED = 0; # disallow segmented downloads? $REQ_TIMEOUT = 60; # request timeout $RES_TIMEOUT = 180; # response timeout $PER_TIMEOUT = 120; # persistent connection timeout $MAX_POOL = 20; # max. number of idle workers $DB_HOME = "db"; # database home directory $DOCROOT = "/usr/www/htdocs"; # document root $SERVER_HOST = ""; # host to bind on $SERVER_PORT = 88; # port to listen on $CMDSHELL_PORT = 7262; # open a command shell on this port $WAIT_INTERVAL = 60*5; # check for free slot this often $WAIT_BUFSIZE = 512; # send this much data while waiting $BUFSIZE = 32*1024; # buffer size $TBF_RATE = 100000000; # maximum allowed throughput $TBF_MAX_PER_CLIENT = 100000; # maximum throughput per connection $AIO_PARALLEL = 1; # how many reader threads for i/o? $ACCESS_LOG = "logs/accesslog"; # access log $ERROR_LOG = "logs/errorlog"; # error log