=head1 NAME Net::FCP - http://freenet.sf.net client protocol =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::FCP; my $fcp = new Net::FCP; my $ni = $fcp->txn_node_info->result; my $ni = $fcp->node_info; =head1 DESCRIPTION See L for a description of what the messages do. I am too lazy to document all this here. =head1 WARNING This module is alpha. While it probably won't destroy (much :) of your data, it currently falls short of what it should provide (intelligent uri following, splitfile downloads, healing...) =head2 IMPORT TAGS Nothing much can be "imported" from this module right now. There are, however, certain "import tags" that can be used to select the event model to be used. Event models are implemented as modules under the C class, where C is the event model to use. The default is C (or later C). The import tag to use is named C, e.g. C, C etc. You should specify the event module to use only in the main program. =head2 FREENET BASICS Ok, this section will not explain any freenet basics to you, just some problems I found that you might want to avoid: =over 4 =item freenet URIs are _NOT_ URIs Whenever a "uri" is required by the protocol, freenet expects a kind of URI prefixed with the "freenet:" scheme, e.g. "freenet:CHK...". However, these are not URIs, as freeent fails to parse them correctly, that is, you must unescape an escaped characters ("%2c" => ",") yourself. Maybe in the future this library will do it for you, so watch out for this incompatible change. =item Numbers are in HEX Virtually every number in the FCP protocol is in hex. Be sure to use C on all such numbers, as the module (currently) does nothing to convert these for you. =back =head2 THE Net::FCP CLASS =over 4 =cut package Net::FCP; use Carp; $VERSION = 0.07; no warnings; our $EVENT = Net::FCP::Event::Auto::; $EVENT = Net::FCP::Event::Event;#d# sub import { shift; for (@_) { if (/^event=(\w+)$/) { $EVENT = "Net::FCP::Event::$1"; } } eval "require $EVENT"; die $@ if $@; } sub touc($) { local $_ = shift; 1 while s/((?:^|_)(?:svk|chk|uri)(?:_|$))/\U$1/; s/(?:^|_)(.)/\U$1/g; $_; } sub tolc($) { local $_ = shift; s/(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])/_/g; lc $_; } =item $meta = Net::FCP::parse_metadata $string Parse a metadata string and return it. The metadata will be a hashref with key C (containing the mandatory version header entries). All other headers are represented by arrayrefs (they can be repeated). Since this is confusing, here is a rather verbose example of a parsed manifest: ( version => { revision => 1 }, document => [ { info => { format" => "image/jpeg" }, name => "background.jpg", redirect => { target => "freenet:CHK\@ZcagI,ra726bSw" }, }, { info => { format" => "text/html" }, name => ".next", redirect => { target => "freenet:SSK\@ilUPAgM/TFEE/3" }, }, { info => { format" => "text/html" }, redirect => { target => "freenet:CHK\@8M8Po8ucwI,8xA" }, } ] ) =cut sub parse_metadata { my $meta; my $data = shift; if ($data =~ /^Version\015?\012/gc) { my $hdr = $meta->{version} = {}; for (;;) { while ($data =~ /\G([^=\015\012]+)=([^\015\012]*)\015?\012/gc) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); my @p = split /\./, tolc $k, 3; $hdr->{$p[0]} = $v if @p == 1; # lamest code I ever wrote $hdr->{$p[0]}{$p[1]} = $v if @p == 2; $hdr->{$p[0]}{$p[1]}{$p[2]} = $v if @p == 3; die "FATAL: 4+ dot metadata" if @p >= 4; } if ($data =~ /\GEndPart\015?\012/gc) { # nop } elsif ($data =~ /\GEnd(\015?\012|$)/gc) { last; } elsif ($data =~ /\G([A-Za-z0-9.\-]+)\015?\012/gcs) { push @{$meta->{tolc $1}}, $hdr = {}; } elsif ($data =~ /\G(.*)/gcs) { print STDERR "metadata format error ($1), please report this string: <<$data>>"; die "metadata format error"; } } } #$meta->{tail} = substr $data, pos $data; $meta; } =item $fcp = new Net::FCP [host => $host][, port => $port] Create a new virtual FCP connection to the given host and port (default, or the environment variables C and C). Connections are virtual because no persistent physical connection is established. =begin comment However, the existance of the node is checked by executing a C transaction. =end =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; $self->{host} ||= $ENV{FREDHOST} || ""; $self->{port} ||= $ENV{FREDPORT} || 8481; #$self->{nodehello} = $self->client_hello # or croak "unable to get nodehello from node\n"; $self; } sub progress { my ($self, $txn, $type, $attr) = @_; #warn "progress<$txn,$type," . (join ":", %$attr) . ">\n"; } =item $txn = $fcp->txn(type => attr => val,...) The low-level interface to transactions. Don't use it. Here are some examples of using transactions: The blocking case, no (visible) transactions involved: my $nodehello = $fcp->client_hello; A transaction used in a blocking fashion: my $txn = $fcp->txn_client_hello; ... my $nodehello = $txn->result; Or shorter: my $nodehello = $fcp->txn_client_hello->result; Setting callbacks: $fcp->txn_client_hello->cb( sub { my $nodehello => $_[0]->result } ); =cut sub txn { my ($self, $type, %attr) = @_; $type = touc $type; my $txn = "Net::FCP::Txn::$type"->new(fcp => $self, type => tolc $type, attr => \%attr); $txn; } { # transactions my $txn = sub { my ($name, $sub) = @_; *{"txn_$name"} = $sub; *{$name} = sub { $sub->(@_)->result }; }; =item $txn = $fcp->txn_client_hello =item $nodehello = $fcp->client_hello Executes a ClientHello request and returns it's results. { max_file_size => "5f5e100", node => "Fred,0.6,1.46,7050" protocol => "1.2", } =cut $txn->(client_hello => sub { my ($self) = @_; $self->txn ("client_hello"); }); =item $txn = $fcp->txn_client_info =item $nodeinfo = $fcp->client_info Executes a ClientInfo request and returns it's results. { active_jobs => "1f", allocated_memory => "bde0000", architecture => "i386", available_threads => 17, datastore_free => "5ce03400", datastore_max => "2540be400", datastore_used => "1f72bb000", estimated_load => 52, free_memory => "5cc0148", is_transient => "false", java_name => "Java HotSpot(_T_M) Server VM", java_vendor => "http://www.blackdown.org/", java_version => "Blackdown-1.4.1-01", least_recent_timestamp => "f41538b878", max_file_size => "5f5e100", most_recent_timestamp => "f77e2cc520" node_address => "", node_port => 369, operating_system => "Linux", operating_system_version => "2.4.20", routing_time => "a5", } =cut $txn->(client_info => sub { my ($self) = @_; $self->txn ("client_info"); }); =item $txn = $fcp->txn_generate_chk ($metadata, $data) =item $uri = $fcp->generate_chk ($metadata, $data) Creates a new CHK, given the metadata and data. UNTESTED. =cut $txn->(generate_chk => sub { my ($self, $metadata, $data) = @_; $self->txn (generate_chk => data => "$metadata$data", metadata_length => length $metadata); }); =item $txn = $fcp->txn_generate_svk_pair =item ($public, $private) = @{ $fcp->generate_svk_pair } Creates a new SVK pair. Returns an arrayref. [ "hKs0-WDQA4pVZyMPKNFsK1zapWY", "ZnmvMITaTXBMFGl4~jrjuyWxOWg" ] =cut $txn->(generate_svk_pair => sub { my ($self) = @_; $self->txn ("generate_svk_pair"); }); =item $txn = $fcp->txn_insert_private_key ($private) =item $public = $fcp->insert_private_key ($private) Inserts a private key. $private can be either an insert URI (must start with C) or a raw private key (i.e. the private value you get back from C). Returns the public key. UNTESTED. =cut $txn->(insert_private_key => sub { my ($self, $privkey) = @_; $self->txn (invert_private_key => private => $privkey); }); =item $txn = $fcp->txn_get_size ($uri) =item $length = $fcp->get_size ($uri) Finds and returns the size (rounded up to the nearest power of two) of the given document. UNTESTED. =cut $txn->(get_size => sub { my ($self, $uri) = @_; $self->txn (get_size => URI => $uri); }); =item $txn = $fcp->txn_client_get ($uri [, $htl = 15 [, $removelocal = 0]]) =item ($metadata, $data) = @{ $fcp->client_get ($uri, $htl, $removelocal) Fetches a (small, as it should fit into memory) file from freenet. C<$meta> is the metadata (as returned by C or C). Due to the overhead, a better method to download big files should be used. my ($meta, $data) = @{ $fcp->client_get ( "freenet:CHK@hdXaxkwZ9rA8-SidT0AN-bniQlgPAwI,XdCDmBuGsd-ulqbLnZ8v~w" ) }; =cut $txn->(client_get => sub { my ($self, $uri, $htl, $removelocal) = @_; $self->txn (client_get => URI => $uri, hops_to_live => (defined $htl ? $htl :15), remove_local_key => $removelocal ? "true" : "false"); }); =item $txn = $fcp->txn_client_put ($uri, $metadata, $data, $htl, $removelocal) =item my $uri = $fcp->client_put ($uri, $metadata, $data, $htl, $removelocal); Insert a new key. If the client is inserting a CHK, the URI may be abbreviated as just CHK@. In this case, the node will calculate the CHK. C<$meta> can be a reference or a string (ONLY THE STRING CASE IS IMPLEMENTED!). THIS INTERFACE IS UNTESTED AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. =cut $txn->(client_put => sub { my ($self, $uri, $meta, $data, $htl, $removelocal) = @_; $self->txn (client_put => URI => $uri, hops_to_live => (defined $htl ? $htl :15), remove_local_key => $removelocal ? "true" : "false", data => "$meta$data", metadata_length => length $meta); }); } # transactions =item MISSING: (ClientPut), InsretKey =back =head2 THE Net::FCP::Txn CLASS All requests (or transactions) are executed in a asynchroneous way (LIE: uploads are blocking). For each request, a C object is created (worse: a tcp connection is created, too). For each request there is actually a different subclass (and it's possible to subclass these, although of course not documented). The most interesting method is C. =over 4 =cut package Net::FCP::Txn; use Fcntl; use Socket; =item new arg => val,... Creates a new C object. Not normally used. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; $self->{signal} = $EVENT->new_signal; $self->{fcp}{txn}{$self} = $self; my $attr = ""; my $data = delete $self->{attr}{data}; while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$self->{attr}}) { $attr .= (Net::FCP::touc $k) . "=$v\012" } if (defined $data) { $attr .= "DataLength=" . (length $data) . "\012"; $data = "Data\012$data"; } else { $data = "EndMessage\012"; } socket my $fh, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 or Carp::croak "unable to create new tcp socket: $!"; binmode $fh, ":raw"; fcntl $fh, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK; connect $fh, (sockaddr_in $self->{fcp}{port}, inet_aton $self->{fcp}{host}) and !$!{EWOULDBLOCK} and !$!{EINPROGRESS} and Carp::croak "FCP::txn: unable to connect to $self->{fcp}{host}:$self->{fcp}{port}: $!\n"; $self->{sbuf} = "\x00\x00\x00\x02" . Net::FCP::touc $self->{type} . "\012$attr$data"; #$fh->shutdown (1); # freenet buggy?, well, it's java... $self->{fh} = $fh; $self->{w} = $EVENT->new_from_fh ($fh)->cb(sub { $self->fh_ready_w })->poll(0, 1, 1); $self; } =item $txn = $txn->cb ($coderef) Sets a callback to be called when the request is finished. The coderef will be called with the txn as it's sole argument, so it has to call C itself. Returns the txn object, useful for chaining. Example: $fcp->txn_client_get ("freenet:CHK....") ->userdata ("ehrm") ->cb(sub { my $data = shift->result; }); =cut sub cb($$) { my ($self, $cb) = @_; $self->{cb} = $cb; $self; } =item $txn = $txn->userdata ([$userdata]) Set user-specific data. This is useful in progress callbacks. The data can be accessed using C<< $txn->{userdata} >>. Returns the txn object, useful for chaining. =cut sub userdata($$) { my ($self, $data) = @_; $self->{userdata} = $data; $self; } =item $txn->cancel (%attr) Cancels the operation with a C exception anf the given attributes (consider at least giving the attribute C). UNTESTED. =cut sub cancel { my ($self, %attr) = @_; $self->throw (Net::FCP::Exception->new (cancel => { %attr })); $self->set_result; $self->eof; } sub fh_ready_w { my ($self) = @_; my $len = syswrite $self->{fh}, $self->{sbuf}; if ($len > 0) { substr $self->{sbuf}, 0, $len, ""; unless (length $self->{sbuf}) { fcntl $self->{fh}, F_SETFL, 0; $self->{w}->cb(sub { $self->fh_ready_r })->poll (1, 0, 1); } } elsif (defined $len) { $self->throw (Net::FCP::Exception->new (network_error => { reason => "unexpected end of file while writing" })); } else { $self->throw (Net::FCP::Exception->new (network_error => { reason => "$!" })); } } sub fh_ready_r { my ($self) = @_; if (sysread $self->{fh}, $self->{buf}, 65536, length $self->{buf}) { for (;;) { if ($self->{datalen}) { #warn "expecting new datachunk $self->{datalen}, got ".(length $self->{buf})."\n";#d# if (length $self->{buf} >= $self->{datalen}) { $self->rcv_data (substr $self->{buf}, 0, delete $self->{datalen}, ""); } else { last; } } elsif ($self->{buf} =~ s/^DataChunk\015?\012Length=([0-9a-fA-F]+)\015?\012Data\015?\012//) { $self->{datalen} = hex $1; #warn "expecting new datachunk $self->{datalen}\n";#d# } elsif ($self->{buf} =~ s/^([a-zA-Z]+)\015?\012(?:(.+?)\015?\012)?EndMessage\015?\012//s) { $self->rcv ($1, { map { my ($a, $b) = split /=/, $_, 2; ((Net::FCP::tolc $a), $b) } split /\015?\012/, $2 }); } else { last; } } } else { $self->eof; } } sub rcv { my ($self, $type, $attr) = @_; $type = Net::FCP::tolc $type; #use PApp::Util; warn PApp::Util::dumpval [$type, $attr]; if (my $method = $self->can("rcv_$type")) { $method->($self, $attr, $type); } else { warn "received unexpected reply type '$type' for '$self->{type}', ignoring\n"; } } # used as a default exception thrower sub rcv_throw_exception { my ($self, $attr, $type) = @_; $self->throw (Net::FCP::Exception->new ($type, $attr)); } *rcv_failed = \&Net::FCP::Txn::rcv_throw_exception; *rcv_format_error = \&Net::FCP::Txn::rcv_throw_exception; sub throw { my ($self, $exc) = @_; $self->{exception} = $exc; $self->set_result; $self->eof; # must be last to avoid loops } sub set_result { my ($self, $result) = @_; unless (exists $self->{result}) { $self->{result} = $result; $self->{cb}->($self) if exists $self->{cb}; $self->{signal}->send; } } sub eof { my ($self) = @_; delete $self->{w}; delete $self->{fh}; delete $self->{fcp}{txn}{$self}; unless (exists $self->{result}) { $self->throw (Net::FCP::Exception->new (short_data => { reason => "unexpected eof or internal node error", })); } } sub progress { my ($self, $type, $attr) = @_; $self->{fcp}->progress ($self, $type, $attr); } =item $result = $txn->result Waits until a result is available and then returns it. This waiting is (depending on your event model) not very efficient, as it is done outside the "mainloop". =cut sub result { my ($self) = @_; $self->{signal}->wait while !exists $self->{result}; die $self->{exception} if $self->{exception}; return $self->{result}; } package Net::FCP::Txn::ClientHello; use base Net::FCP::Txn; sub rcv_node_hello { my ($self, $attr) = @_; $self->set_result ($attr); } package Net::FCP::Txn::ClientInfo; use base Net::FCP::Txn; sub rcv_node_info { my ($self, $attr) = @_; $self->set_result ($attr); } package Net::FCP::Txn::GenerateCHK; use base Net::FCP::Txn; sub rcv_success { my ($self, $attr) = @_; $self->set_result ($attr); } package Net::FCP::Txn::GenerateSVKPair; use base Net::FCP::Txn; sub rcv_success { my ($self, $attr) = @_; $self->set_result ([$attr->{PublicKey}, $attr->{PrivateKey}]); } package Net::FCP::Txn::InsertPrivateKey; use base Net::FCP::Txn; sub rcv_success { my ($self, $attr) = @_; $self->set_result ($attr->{PublicKey}); } package Net::FCP::Txn::GetSize; use base Net::FCP::Txn; sub rcv_success { my ($self, $attr) = @_; $self->set_result ($attr->{Length}); } package Net::FCP::Txn::GetPut; # base class for get and put use base Net::FCP::Txn; *rcv_uri_error = \&Net::FCP::Txn::rcv_throw_exception; *rcv_route_not_found = \&Net::FCP::Txn::rcv_throw_exception; sub rcv_restarted { my ($self, $attr, $type) = @_; delete $self->{datalength}; delete $self->{metalength}; delete $self->{data}; $self->progress ($type, $attr); } package Net::FCP::Txn::ClientGet; use base Net::FCP::Txn::GetPut; *rcv_data_not_found = \&Net::FCP::Txn::rcv_throw_exception; sub rcv_data { my ($self, $chunk) = @_; $self->{data} .= $chunk; $self->progress ("data", { chunk => length $chunk, total => length $self->{data}, end => $self->{datalength} }); if ($self->{datalength} == length $self->{data}) { my $data = delete $self->{data}; my $meta = Net::FCP::parse_metadata substr $data, 0, $self->{metalength}, ""; $self->set_result ([$meta, $data]); } } sub rcv_data_found { my ($self, $attr, $type) = @_; $self->progress ($type, $attr); $self->{datalength} = hex $attr->{data_length}; $self->{metalength} = hex $attr->{metadata_length}; } package Net::FCP::Txn::ClientPut; use base Net::FCP::Txn::GetPut; *rcv_size_error = \&Net::FCP::Txn::rcv_throw_exception; *rcv_key_collision = \&Net::FCP::Txn::rcv_throw_exception; sub rcv_pending { my ($self, $attr, $type) = @_; $self->progress ($type, $attr); } sub rcv_success { my ($self, $attr, $type) = @_; $self->set_result ($attr); } =back =head2 The Net::FCP::Exception CLASS Any unexpected (non-standard) responses that make it impossible to return the advertised result will result in an exception being thrown when the C method is called. These exceptions are represented by objects of this class. =over 4 =cut package Net::FCP::Exception; use overload '""' => sub { "Net::FCP::Exception<<$_[0][0]," . (join ":", %{$_[0][1]}) . ">>\n"; }; =item $exc = new Net::FCP::Exception $type, \%attr Create a new exception object of the given type (a string like C), and a hashref containing additional attributes (usually the attributes of the message causing the exception). =cut sub new { my ($class, $type, $attr) = @_; bless [Net::FCP::tolc $type, { %$attr }], $class; } =item $exc->type([$type]) With no arguments, returns the exception type. Otherwise a boolean indicating wether the exception is of the given type is returned. =cut sub type { my ($self, $type) = @_; @_ >= 2 ? $self->[0] eq $type : $self->[0]; } =item $exc->attr([$attr]) With no arguments, returns the attributes. Otherwise the named attribute value is returned. =cut sub attr { my ($self, $attr) = @_; @_ >= 2 ? $self->[1]{$attr} : $self->[1]; } =back =head1 SEE ALSO L. =head1 BUGS =head1 AUTHOR Marc Lehmann http://www.goof.com/pcg/marc/ =cut 1;