/* * dlink.C: Linked lists. * Rights to this code are documented in doc/pod/license.pod. * * Copyright © 2005-2007 Atheme Project (http://www.atheme.org) */ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: dlink.C,v 1.3 2007/07/21 13:23:21 pippijn Exp $"; #include "atheme.h" #include "internal.h" static BlockHeap *node_heap; void init_dlink_nodes (void) { node_heap = BlockHeapCreate (sizeof (node_t), HEAP_NODE); if (!node_heap) { slog (LG_INFO, "init_dlink_nodes(): block allocator failure."); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* creates a new node */ node_t * node_create (void) { node_t *n; /* allocate it */ n = static_cast (BlockHeapAlloc (node_heap)); /* initialize */ n->data = n->next = n->prev = NULL; /* up the count */ claro_state.node++; /* return a pointer to the new node */ return n; } /* frees a node */ void node_free (node_t *n) { return_if_fail (n != NULL); /* free it */ BlockHeapFree (node_heap, n); /* down the count */ claro_state.node--; } /* adds a node to the end of a list */ void node_add (void *data, node_t *n, list_t *l) { node_t *tn; return_if_fail (n != NULL); return_if_fail (l != NULL); n->next = n->prev = NULL; n->data = data; /* first node? */ if (!l->head) { l->head = n; l->tail = n; l->count++; return; } /* Speed increase. */ tn = l->tail; /* set the our `prev' to the last node */ n->prev = tn; /* set the last node's `next' to us */ n->prev->next = n; /* set the list's `tail' to us */ l->tail = n; /* up the count */ l->count++; } /* adds a node to the head of a list */ void node_add_head (void *data, node_t *n, list_t *l) { node_t *tn; return_if_fail (n != NULL); return_if_fail (l != NULL); n->next = n->prev = NULL; n->data = data; /* first node? */ if (!l->head) { l->head = n; l->tail = n; l->count++; return; } tn = l->head; n->next = tn; tn->prev = n; l->head = n; l->count++; } /* adds a node to a list before another node, or to the end */ void node_add_before (void *data, node_t *n, list_t *l, node_t *before) { return_if_fail (n != NULL); return_if_fail (l != NULL); if (before == NULL) node_add (data, n, l); else if (before == l->head) node_add_head (data, n, l); else { n->data = data; n->prev = before->prev; n->next = before; before->prev = n; l->count++; } } void node_del (node_t *n, list_t *l) { return_if_fail (n != NULL); return_if_fail (l != NULL); /* are we the head? */ if (!n->prev) l->head = n->next; else n->prev->next = n->next; /* are we the tail? */ if (!n->next) l->tail = n->prev; else n->next->prev = n->prev; /* down the count */ l->count--; } /* finds a node by `data' */ node_t * node_find (void *data, list_t *l) { node_t *n; return_val_if_fail (l != NULL, NULL); LIST_FOREACH (n, l->head) if (n->data == data) return n; return NULL; } void node_move (node_t *m, list_t *oldlist, list_t *newlist) { return_if_fail (m != NULL); return_if_fail (oldlist != NULL); return_if_fail (newlist != NULL); /* Assumption: If m->next == NULL, then list->tail == m * and: If m->prev == NULL, then list->head == m */ if (m->next) m->next->prev = m->prev; else oldlist->tail = m->prev; if (m->prev) m->prev->next = m->next; else oldlist->head = m->next; m->prev = NULL; m->next = newlist->head; if (newlist->head != NULL) newlist->head->prev = m; else if (newlist->tail == NULL) newlist->tail = m; newlist->head = m; oldlist->count--; newlist->count++; } /* vim:cinoptions=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}0,^0,=s,ps,t0,c3,+s,(2s,us,)20,*30,gs,hs * vim:ts=8 * vim:sw=8 * vim:noexpandtab */