/* * poll.C: poll(2) socket engine. * Rights to this code are documented in doc/pod/license.pod. * * Copyright © 2005-2007 Atheme Project (http://www.atheme.org) */ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: poll.C,v 1.3 2007/07/21 13:23:22 pippijn Exp $"; #include #include "atheme.h" #include "internal.h" #include "datastream.h" extern list_t connection_list; /* this lives in connection.c */ /* * linux does not provide POLLWRNORM by default, and we're not _XOPEN_SOURCE. * so.... we have to do this crap below. */ #ifndef POLLRDNORM #define POLLRDNORM POLLIN #endif #ifndef POLLWRNORM #define POLLWRNORM POLLOUT #endif struct pollfd pollfds[FD_SETSIZE]; /* XXX We need a define indicating MAXCONN. */ /* * init_socket_queues() * * inputs: * none * * outputs: * none * * side effects: * when using select, we don't need to do anything here. */ void init_socket_queues (void) { memset (&pollfds, 0, sizeof (struct pollfd) * FD_SETSIZE); } /* * update_poll_fds() * * inputs: * none * * outputs: * none * * side effects: * registered sockets are prepared for the poll() loop. */ static void update_poll_fds (void) { node_t *n; connection_t *cptr; int slot = 0; LIST_FOREACH (n, connection_list.head) { cptr = static_cast (n->data); cptr->pollslot = slot; if (CF_IS_CONNECTING (cptr) || sendq_nonempty (cptr)) { pollfds[slot].fd = cptr->fd; pollfds[slot].events |= POLLWRNORM; pollfds[slot].revents = 0; } else { pollfds[slot].fd = cptr->fd; pollfds[slot].events |= POLLRDNORM; pollfds[slot].revents = 0; } slot++; } } /* * connection_select() * * inputs: * delay in microseconds * * outputs: * none * * side effects: * registered sockets and their associated handlers are acted on. */ void connection_select (time_t delay) { int sr; node_t *n, *tn; connection_t *cptr; int slot; update_poll_fds (); if ((sr = poll (pollfds, connection_list.count, delay / 100)) > 0) { /* Iterate twice, so we don't touch freed memory if * a connection is closed. * -- jilles */ LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (n, tn, connection_list.head) { cptr = static_cast (n->data); slot = cptr->pollslot; if (pollfds[slot].revents == 0) continue; if (pollfds[slot].revents & (POLLRDNORM | POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR)) { pollfds[slot].events &= ~(POLLRDNORM | POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR); cptr->read_handler (cptr); } } LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (n, tn, connection_list.head) { cptr = static_cast (n->data); slot = cptr->pollslot; if (pollfds[slot].revents == 0) continue; if (pollfds[slot].revents & (POLLWRNORM | POLLOUT | POLLHUP | POLLERR)) { pollfds[slot].events &= ~(POLLWRNORM | POLLOUT | POLLHUP | POLLERR); if (CF_IS_CONNECTING (cptr)) hook_call_event ("connected", cptr); else cptr->write_handler (cptr); } } LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (n, tn, connection_list.head) { cptr = static_cast (n->data); if (cptr->flags & CF_DEAD) connection_close (cptr); } } } /* vim:cinoptions=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}0,^0,=s,ps,t0,c3,+s,(2s,us,)20,*30,gs,hs * vim:ts=8 * vim:sw=8 * vim:noexpandtab */