package DC::Item; use strict; use utf8; use Encode; use Deliantra::Protocol::Constants; my $last_enter_count = 1; sub desc_string { my ($self) = @_; my $desc = $self->{nrof} < 2 ? $self->{name} : "$self->{nrof} $self->{name_pl}"; $self->{flags} & F_OPEN and $desc .= " (open)"; $self->{flags} & F_APPLIED and $desc .= " (applied)"; $self->{flags} & F_UNPAID and $desc .= " (unpaid)"; $self->{flags} & F_MAGIC and $desc .= " (magic)"; $self->{flags} & F_CURSED and $desc .= " (cursed)"; $self->{flags} & F_DAMNED and $desc .= " (damned)"; $self->{flags} & F_LOCKED and $desc .= " *"; $desc } sub weight_string { my ($self) = @_; my $weight = ($self->{nrof} || 1) * $self->{weight}; $weight < 0 ? "?" : $weight * 0.001 } sub do_n_dialog { my ($cb) = @_; my $w = new DC::UI::Toplevel on_delete => sub { $_[0]->destroy; 1 }, has_close_button => 1, ; $w->add (my $vb = new DC::UI::VBox x => "center", y => "center"); $vb->add (new DC::UI::Label text => "Enter item count:"); $vb->add (my $entry = new DC::UI::Entry text => $last_enter_count, on_activate => sub { my ($entry) = @_; $last_enter_count = $entry->get_text; $cb->($last_enter_count); $w->hide; $w->destroy; 0 }, on_escape => sub { $w->destroy; 1 }, ); $entry->grab_focus; $w->show; } my $bg_cursed = [1 , 0 , 0, 0.5]; my $bg_magic = [0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.5]; sub update_widgets { my ($self) = @_; # necessary to avoid cyclic references DC::weaken $self; my $button_cb = sub { my (undef, $ev, $x, $y) = @_; my $targ = $::CONN->{player}{tag}; if ($self->{container} == $::CONN->{player}{tag}) { $targ = $::CONN->{open_container}; } if (($ev->{mod} & DC::KMOD_SHIFT) && $ev->{button} == 1) { $::CONN->send ("move $targ $self->{tag} 0") if $targ || !($self->{flags} & F_LOCKED); } elsif (($ev->{mod} & DC::KMOD_SHIFT) && $ev->{button} == 2) { $self->{flags} & F_LOCKED ? $::CONN->send ("lock " . pack "CN", 0, $self->{tag}) : $::CONN->send ("lock " . pack "CN", 1, $self->{tag}) } elsif ($ev->{button} == 1) { $::CONN->send ("examine $self->{tag}"); } elsif ($ev->{button} == 2) { $::CONN->send ("apply $self->{tag}"); } elsif ($ev->{button} == 3) { my $move_prefix = $::CONN->{open_container} ? 'put' : 'drop'; if ($self->{container} == $::CONN->{open_container}) { $move_prefix = "take"; } my $shortname = DC::shorten $self->{name}, 14; my @menu_items = ( ["examine", sub { $::CONN->send ("examine $self->{tag}") }], ["mark", sub { $::CONN->send ("mark ". pack "N", $self->{tag}) }], ["ignite/thaw", # first try of an easier use of flint&steel sub { $::CONN->send ("mark ". pack "N", $self->{tag}); $::CONN->send ("command apply flint and steel"); } ], ["inscribe", # first try of an easier use of flint&steel sub { &::open_string_query ("Text to inscribe", sub { my ($entry, $txt) = @_; $::CONN->send ("mark ". pack "N", $self->{tag}); $::CONN->send_utf8 ("command use_skill inscription $txt"); }); } ], ["rename", # first try of an easier use of flint&steel sub { &::open_string_query ("Rename item to:", sub { my ($entry, $txt) = @_; $::CONN->send ("mark ". pack "N", $self->{tag}); $::CONN->send_utf8 ("command rename to <$txt>"); }, $self->{name}, "If you input no name or erase the current custom name, the custom name will be unset"); } ], ["apply", sub { $::CONN->send ("apply $self->{tag}") }], ( $self->{flags} & F_LOCKED ? ( ["unlock", sub { $::CONN->send ("lock " . pack "CN", 0, $self->{tag}) }], ) : ( ["lock", sub { $::CONN->send ("lock " . pack "CN", 1, $self->{tag}) }], ["$move_prefix all", sub { $::CONN->send ("move $targ $self->{tag} 0") }], ["$move_prefix <n>", sub { do_n_dialog (sub { $::CONN->send ("move $targ $self->{tag} $_[0]") }) } ] ) ), ["bind apply $shortname to a key" => sub { DC::Macro::quick_macro ["apply $self->{name}"] }], ); DC::UI::Menu->new (items => \@menu_items)->popup ($ev); } 1 }; my $tooltip_std = "" . "Left click - examine item\n" . "Shift-Left click - " . ($self->{container} ? "move or drop" : "take") . " item\n" . "Middle click - apply\n" . "Shift-Middle click - lock/unlock\n" . "Right click - further options" . "\n"; my $bg = $self->{flags} & F_CURSED ? $bg_cursed : $self->{flags} & F_MAGIC ? $bg_magic : undef; my $desc = DC::Item::desc_string $self; my $face_tooltip = "$desc\n\n$tooltip_std"; if (my $face = $self->{face_widget}) { # already exists, so update if it changed if ($face->{bg} != $bg) { $face->{bg} = $bg; $face->update; } $face->set_bg ($bg) if $face->{bg} != $bg; $face->set_face ($self->{face}) if $face->{face} != $self->{face}; $face->set_anim ($self->{anim}) if $face->{anim} != $self->{anim}; $face->set_animspeed ($self->{animspeed}) if $face->{animspeed} != $self->{animspeed}; #$face->set_tooltip ( # "Face/Animation.\n" # . "Item uses face #$self->{face}. " # . ($self->{animspeed} ? "Item uses animation #$self->{anim} at " . (1 / $self->{animspeed}) . "fps. " : "Item is not animated. ") # . "\n\n$tooltip_std" #); $face->set_tooltip ($face_tooltip); } else { # new object, create new face $self->{face_widget} = new DC::UI::Face can_events => 1, can_hover => 1, bg => $bg, face => $self->{face}, anim => $self->{anim}, animspeed => $self->{animspeed}, # TODO# must be set at creation time tooltip => $face_tooltip, on_button_down => $button_cb, ; } $self->{desc_widget} ||= new DC::UI::Label can_events => 1, can_hover => 1, ellipsise => 2, align => 0, on_button_down => $button_cb, on_tooltip_show => sub { my ($widget) = @_; $::CONN && $::CONN->ex ($self->{tag}, sub { my ($long_desc) = @_; $long_desc = DC::Protocol::sanitise_xml ($long_desc); $self->{long_desc} = $long_desc; $widget->set_tooltip ("$long_desc\n\n$tooltip_std"); }); }, ; my $long_desc = $self->{long_desc} || $desc; $self->{desc_widget}->set_bg ($bg) if $self->{desc_widget}{bg} != $bg; $self->{desc_widget}->set_text ($desc); $self->{desc_widget}->set_tooltip ("$long_desc\n\n$tooltip_std"); $self->{weight_widget} ||= new DC::UI::Label can_events => 1, can_hover => 1, ellipsise => 0, on_button_down => $button_cb, ; $self->{weight_widget}{bg} = $bg; $self->{weight_widget}->set_text (DC::Item::weight_string $self); $self->{weight_widget}->set_tooltip ( "Weight.\n" . ($self->{weight} >= 0 ? "One item weighs $self->{weight}g. " : "You have no idea how much this weighs. ") . ($self->{nrof} ? "You have $self->{nrof} of it. " : "Item cannot stack with others of it's kind. ") . "\n\n$tooltip_std" ); }