package DC::Macro; use strict; use List::Util (); use DC::UI; our $REFRESH_MACRO_LIST; our %DEFAULT_KEYMAP = ( (map +("($_)" => "!completer $_"), "a" .. "z"), "(!)" => "!completer shout ", "(\")" => "!completer say ", "(')" => "!completer", # "LShift-tab" => "!toggle-messagewindow", # "RShift-tab" => "!toggle-messagewindow", "tab" => "!toggle-playerbook", "f1" => "!toggle-help", "f2" => "!toggle-stats", "f3" => "!toggle-skills", "f4" => "!toggle-spells", "f5" => "!toggle-inventory", "f9" => "!toggle-setup", (map +("LRAM-$_" => "!switch-tab $_"), 0..9), "LRAM-x" => "!close-current-tab", "return" => "!activate-chat", "." => "!repeat-command", "," => "take", "space" => "apply", "enter" => "examine", "[+]" => "rotateshoottype +", "[-]" => "rotateshoottype -", "LRAM-e" => "examine", "LRAM-s" => "ready_skill find traps", "LRAM-d" => "ready_skill disarm traps", "LRAM-p" => "ready_skill praying", ); # allowed modifiers our %MODIFIER = ( "LShift" => DC::KMOD_LSHIFT, "RShift" => DC::KMOD_RSHIFT, # "Shift" => DC::KMOD_LSHIFT | DC::KMOD_RSHIFT, "LCtrl" => DC::KMOD_LCTRL, "RCtrl" => DC::KMOD_RCTRL, # "Ctrl" => DC::KMOD_LCTRL | DC::KMOD_RCTRL, "LAlt" => DC::KMOD_LALT, "RAlt" => DC::KMOD_RALT, # "Alt" => DC::KMOD_LALT | DC::KMOD_RALT, "LMeta" => DC::KMOD_LMETA, "RMeta" => DC::KMOD_RMETA, # "Meta" => DC::KMOD_LMETA | DC::KMOD_RMETA, "LRAM" => DC::KMOD_LRAM, # left/right/alt/meta ); # allowed modifiers our $MODIFIER_MASK |= $_ for values %MODIFIER; # can bind to these without any modifier our @DIRECT_CHARS = qw(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9); our @DIRECT_KEYS = ( DC::SDLK_F1, DC::SDLK_F2, DC::SDLK_F3, DC::SDLK_F4, DC::SDLK_F5, DC::SDLK_F6, DC::SDLK_F7, DC::SDLK_F8, DC::SDLK_F9, DC::SDLK_F10, DC::SDLK_F11, DC::SDLK_F12, DC::SDLK_F13, DC::SDLK_F14, DC::SDLK_F15, ); our %MACRO_FUNCTION = ( "toggle-messagewindow" => sub { $::MESSAGE_WINDOW->toggle_visibility }, "toggle-playerbook" => sub { $::PL_WINDOW->toggle_visibility }, "toggle-help" => sub { $::HELP_WINDOW->toggle_visibility }, "toggle-stats" => sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::STATS_PAGE) }, "toggle-skills" => sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::SKILL_PAGE) }, "toggle-spells" => sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::SPELL_PAGE) }, "toggle-inventory" => sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::INVENTORY_PAGE) }, "toggle-pickup" => sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::PICKUP_PAGE) }, "toggle-setup" => sub { $::SETUP_DIALOG->toggle_visibility }, "toggle-setup" => sub { $::SETUP_DIALOG->toggle_visibility }, "switch-tab" => sub { $::MESSAGE_WINDOW->user_switch_to_page (0 + shift) }, "close-current-tab" => sub { $::MESSAGE_WINDOW->close_current_tab }, "activate-chat" => sub { $::MESSAGE_WINDOW->activate_current }, "repeat-command" => sub { $::CONN->user_send ($::COMPLETER->{last_command}) if $::CONN && exists $::COMPLETER->{last_command}; }, "completer" => sub { if ($::CONN) { $::COMPLETER->set_prefix (shift); $::COMPLETER->show; } }, ); our $DEFAULT_KEYMAP; sub init { $DEFAULT_KEYMAP ||= do { my %sym = map +(DC::SDL_GetKeyName $_, $_), DC::SDLK_FIRST .. DC::SDLK_LAST; my $map; while (my ($k, $v) = each %DEFAULT_KEYMAP) { if ($k =~ /^\((.)\)$/) { $map->{U}{ord $1} = $v; } else { my @mod = split /-/, $k; my $sym = $sym{pop @mod} or warn "unknown keysym $k\n"; my $mod = 0; $mod |= $MODIFIER{$_} for @mod; $map->{K}[DC::popcount $mod]{$mod}{$sym} = $v; } } %DEFAULT_KEYMAP = (); $map }; } sub accelkey_to_string($) { join "-", (grep $_[0][0] & $MODIFIER{$_}, keys %MODIFIER), DC::SDL_GetKeyName $_[0][1] } sub trigger_to_string($) { my ($macro) = @_; $macro->{accelkey} ? accelkey_to_string $macro->{accelkey} : "(none)" } sub macro_to_text($) { my ($macro) = @_; join "", map "$_\n", @{ $macro->{action} } } sub macro_from_text($$) { my ($macro, $text) = @_; $macro->{action} = [ grep /\S/, $text =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/mg ]; } sub trigger_edit { my ($macro, $end_cb) = @_; my $window; my $done = sub { $window->disconnect_all ("delete"); $window->disconnect_all ("focus_out"); $window->destroy; &$end_cb; }; $window = new DC::UI::Toplevel title => "Edit Macro Trigger", x => "center", y => "center", z => 1000, can_events => 1, can_focus => 1, has_close_button => 1, on_delete => sub { $done->(0); 1 }, on_focus_out => sub { $done->(0); 1 }, ; $window->add (my $vb = new DC::UI::VBox); $vb->add (new DC::UI::Label text => "To bind the macro to a key,\n" . "press a modifier (Ctrl, Alt\n" . "and/or Shift) and a key, or\n" . "0-9 and F1-F15 without any modifier\n\n" . "To cancel press Escape or close this.\n\n" . "Accelerator key combo:", ellipsise => 0, ); $vb->add (my $entry = new DC::UI::Label fg => [0, 0, 0, 1], bg => [1, 1, 0, 1], ); my $key_cb = sub { my (undef, $ev) = @_; my $mod = $ev->{cmod} & $MODIFIER_MASK; my $sym = $ev->{sym}; if ($sym == 27) { $done->(0); return 1; } $entry->set_text ( join "", map "$_-", grep $mod & $MODIFIER{$_}, keys %MODIFIER ); return if $sym >= DC::SDLK_MODIFIER_MIN && $sym <= DC::SDLK_MODIFIER_MAX; if ($mod || ((grep $_ eq chr $ev->{unicode}, @DIRECT_CHARS) || (grep $_ == $sym, @DIRECT_KEYS))) { $macro->{accelkey} = [$mod, $sym]; $done->(1); } else { $entry->set_text ("cannot bind " . (DC::SDL_GetKeyName $sym) . " without modifier."); } 1 }; $window->connect (key_up => $key_cb); $window->connect (key_down => $key_cb); $window->grab_focus; $window->show; } sub find_default($) { my ($ev) = @_; for my $m (reverse grep $_, @{ $DEFAULT_KEYMAP->{K} }) { for (keys %$m) { if ($_ == ($ev->{mod} & $_)) { if (defined (my $cmd = $m->{$_}{$ev->{sym}})) { return $cmd; } } } } if (my $cmd = $DEFAULT_KEYMAP->{U}{$ev->{unicode}}) { return $cmd; } () } # find macro by event sub find($) { my ($ev) = @_; # try user-defined macros if (my @user = grep { if (my $key = $_->{accelkey}) { $key->[1] == $ev->{sym} && $key->[0] == ($ev->{mod} & $MODIFIER_MASK) } else { 0 } } @{ $::PROFILE->{macro} || [] } ) { return @user; } # now try default keymap if (defined (my $def = find_default $ev)) { return { action => [$def], }; } () } sub execute { my ($macro) = @_; for (@{ $macro->{action} }) { if (/^\!(\S+)\s?(.*)$/) { $MACRO_FUNCTION{$1}->($2) if exists $MACRO_FUNCTION{$1}; } else { $::CONN->send_command ($_) if $::CONN; } } } sub keyboard_setup { my $kbd_setup = new DC::UI::VBox; $kbd_setup->add (my $list = new DC::UI::VBox); $list->add (new DC::UI::FancyFrame label => "Options", child => (my $hb = new DC::UI::HBox), ); $hb->add (new DC::UI::Label text => "only shift-up stops fire"); $hb->add (new DC::UI::CheckBox expand => 1, state => $::CFG->{shift_fire_stop}, tooltip => "If this checkbox is enabled you will stop fire only if you stop pressing shift.", on_changed => sub { my ($cbox, $value) = @_; $::CFG->{shift_fire_stop} = $value; 0 }, ); $list->add (new DC::UI::FancyFrame label => "Macros", child => (my $macros = new DC::UI::VBox), ); my $refresh; my $tooltip_common = "\n\nLeft click - edit macro\nMiddle click - invoke macro\nRight click - further options"; my $tooltip_trigger = "The event that triggers execution of this macro, usually a key combination."; my $tooltip_commands = "The commands that comprise the macro."; my $edit_macro = sub { my ($macro) = @_; $kbd_setup->clear; $kbd_setup->add (new DC::UI::Button text => "Return", tooltip => "Return to the macro list.", on_activate => sub { $kbd_setup->clear; $kbd_setup->add ($list); $refresh->(); 1 }, ); $kbd_setup->add (new DC::UI::FancyFrame label => "Edit Macro", child => (my $editor = new DC::UI::Table col_expand => [0, 1]), ); $editor->add_at (0, 1, new DC::UI::Label text => "Trigger", tooltip => $tooltip_trigger, can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, ); $editor->add_at (0, 2, new DC::UI::Label text => "Actions", tooltip => $tooltip_commands, can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, ); $editor->add_at (1, 2, my $textedit = new DC::UI::TextEdit text => macro_to_text $macro, tooltip => $tooltip_commands, on_changed => sub { $macro->{action} = macro_from_text $macro, $_[1]; }, ); $editor->add_at (1, 1, my $accel = new DC::UI::Button text => trigger_to_string $macro, tooltip => "To change the trigger for a macro, activate this button.", on_activate => sub { my ($accel) = @_; trigger_edit $macro, sub { $accel->set_text (trigger_to_string $macro); }; 1 }, ); my $recording; $editor->add_at (1, 3, new DC::UI::Button text => "Start Recording", tooltip => "Start/Stop command recording: when recording, " . "actions and commands you invoke are appended to this macro. " . "You can only record when you are logged in.", on_destroy => sub { $::CONN->record if $::CONN; }, on_activate => sub { my ($widget) = @_; $recording = $::CONN && !$recording; if ($recording) { $widget->set_text ("Stop Recording"); $::CONN->record (sub { push @{ $macro->{action} }, $_[0]; $textedit->set_text (macro_to_text $macro); }) if $::CONN; } else { $widget->set_text ("Start Recording"); $::CONN->record if $::CONN; } }, ); }; $macros->add (new DC::UI::Button text => "New Macro", tooltip => "Creates a new, empty, macro you can edit.", on_activate => sub { my $macro = { }; push @{ $::PROFILE->{macro} }, $macro; $edit_macro->($macro); }, ); $macros->add (my $macrolist = new DC::UI::Table col_expand => [0, 1]); $REFRESH_MACRO_LIST = $refresh = sub { $macrolist->clear; $macrolist->add_at (0, 1, new DC::UI::Label text => "Trigger", tooltip => $tooltip_trigger . $tooltip_common, ); $macrolist->add_at (1, 1, new DC::UI::Label text => "Actions", align => 0, tooltip => $tooltip_commands . $tooltip_common, ); for my $idx (0 .. $#{$::PROFILE->{macro} || []}) { my $macro = $::PROFILE->{macro}[$idx]; my $y = $idx + 2; my $macro_cb = sub { my ($widget, $ev) = @_; if ($ev->{button} == 1) { $edit_macro->($macro), } elsif ($ev->{button} == 2) { $::CONN->macro_send ($macro) if $::CONN; } elsif ($ev->{button} == 3) { (new DC::UI::Menu items => [ ["Edit" => sub { $edit_macro->($macro) }], ["Invoke" => sub { $::CONN->macro_send ($macro) if $::CONN }], ["Delete" => sub { # might want to use grep instead splice @{$::PROFILE->{macro}}, $idx, 1, (); $refresh->(); }], ], )->popup ($ev); } else { return 0; } 1 }; $macrolist->add_at (0, $y, new DC::UI::Label text => trigger_to_string $macro, tooltip => $tooltip_trigger . $tooltip_common, fg => [1, 0.8, 0.8], can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, on_button_down => $macro_cb, ); $macrolist->add_at (1, $y, new DC::UI::Label text => (join "; ", @{ $macro->{action} || [] }), tooltip => $tooltip_commands . $tooltip_common, fg => [0.9, 0.9, 0.9], align => 0, expand => 1, ellipsise => 3, can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, on_button_down => $macro_cb, ); } }; $refresh->(); $kbd_setup } # this is a shortcut method that asks for a binding # and then just binds it. sub quick_macro { my ($cmds, $end_cb) = @_; my $macro = { action => $cmds, }; trigger_edit $macro, sub { if ($_[0]) { push @{ $::PROFILE->{macro} }, $macro; $REFRESH_MACRO_LIST->(); } &$end_cb if $end_cb; }; } 1