package CFClient::MapWidget; use strict; use utf8; use List::Util qw(min max); use CFClient::OpenGL; our @ISA = CFClient::UI::Base::; my $magicmap_tex = new_from_file CFClient::Texture CFClient::find_rcfile "magicmap.png", mipmap => 1, wrap => 0, internalformat => GL_ALPHA; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new ( z => -1, can_focus => 1, list => glGenList, smooth_matrix => [ 0.05, 0.13, 0.05, 0.13, 0.30, 0.13, 0.05, 0.13, 0.05, ], @_ ); $self->{completer} = new CFClient::MapWidget::Command:: command => $self->{command}, can_focus => 1, tooltip => "The Command Completer\n\n" . "This is your central interface to send text commands to the server. " . "To enter a verbatim command to send to the server, just type the command, " . "followed by a space, and press return. " . "Typing the initial letters of words (or just any letters) displays guesses " . "for commands you might want to use.\n" . "You can use the cursor-up and cursor-down keys to select between those guesses.\n" . "Right-Click opens a menu where you cna select further options, sich as redefining key bindings.", ; $self } sub add_command { my ($self, $command, $tooltip, $widget, $cb) = @_; (my $data = $command) =~ s/\\//g; $tooltip =~ s/^\s+//; $tooltip = "$data\n\n$tooltip"; $tooltip =~ s/\s+$//; $self->{completer}{command}{$command} = [$data, $tooltip, $widget, $cb, ++$self->{command_id}]; } sub clr_commands { my ($self) = @_; %{$self->{completer}{command}} = (); $self->{completer}->hide if $self->{completer}; } sub invoke_button_down { my ($self, $ev, $x, $y) = @_; if ($ev->{button} == 1) { $self->grab_focus; return unless $::CONN; my $x = 1 + CFClient::floor +($ev->{x} - $self->{sx0}) / $self->{tilesize} - $self->{sx}; my $y = 1 + CFClient::floor +($ev->{y} - $self->{sy0}) / $self->{tilesize} - $self->{sy}; $x -= int 0.5 * $self->{sw}; $y -= int 0.5 * $self->{sh}; $::CONN->lookat ($x, $y) if $::CONN; } elsif ($ev->{button} == 2) { $self->grab_focus; return unless $::CONN; my ($ox, $oy) = ($ev->{x}, $ev->{y}); my ($bw, $bh) = ($::CFG->{map_shift_x}, $::CFG->{map_shift_y}); $self->{motion} = sub { my ($ev, $x, $y) = @_; ($x, $y) = ($ev->{x}, $ev->{y}); $::CFG->{map_shift_x} = $bw + $x - $ox; $::CFG->{map_shift_y} = $bh + $y - $oy; $self->update; }; } elsif ($ev->{button} == 3) { (new CFClient::UI::Menu items => [ ["Help Browser…\tF1", sub { $::HELP_WINDOW->toggle_visibility }], ["Statistics\tF2", sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::STATS_PAGE) }], ["Skills\tF3", sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::SKILL_PAGE) }], ["Spells…\tF4", sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::SPELL_PAGE) }], ["Inventory…\tF5", sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::INVENTORY_PAGE) }], ["Setup… \tF9", sub { $::SETUP_DIALOG->toggle_visibility }], ["Server Messages…", sub { $::MESSAGE_WINDOW->toggle_visibility }], [ $::PICKUP_ENABLE->{state} ? "Disable automatic pickup" : "Enable automatic pickup", sub { $::PICKUP_ENABLE->toggle } ], ], )->popup ($ev); } 1 } sub invoke_button_up { my ($self, $ev, $x, $y) = @_; delete $self->{motion}; 1 } sub invoke_mouse_motion { my ($self, $ev, $x, $y) = @_; if ($self->{motion}) { $self->{motion}->($ev, $x, $y); } else { return 0; } 1 } sub size_request { ( 32 * CFClient::ceil $::WIDTH / 32, 32 * CFClient::ceil $::HEIGHT / 32, ) } sub update { my ($self) = @_; $self->{need_update} = 1; $self->SUPER::update; } my %DIR = ( CFClient::SDLK_KP8, [1, "north"], CFClient::SDLK_KP9, [2, "northeast"], CFClient::SDLK_KP6, [3, "east"], CFClient::SDLK_KP3, [4, "southeast"], CFClient::SDLK_KP2, [5, "south"], CFClient::SDLK_KP1, [6, "southwest"], CFClient::SDLK_KP4, [7, "west"], CFClient::SDLK_KP7, [8, "northwest"], CFClient::SDLK_UP, [1, "north"], CFClient::SDLK_RIGHT, [3, "east"], CFClient::SDLK_DOWN, [5, "south"], CFClient::SDLK_LEFT, [7, "west"], ); sub invoke_key_down { my ($self, $ev) = @_; my $mod = $ev->{mod}; my $sym = $ev->{sym}; my $uni = $ev->{unicode}; $mod &= CFClient::KMOD_CTRL | CFClient::KMOD_ALT | CFClient::KMOD_SHIFT; if ($uni == ord "\t") { $::PL_WINDOW->toggle_visibility; } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_F1 && !$mod) { $::HELP_WINDOW->toggle_visibility; } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_F2 && !$mod) { ::toggle_player_page ($::STATS_PAGE); } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_F3 && !$mod) { ::toggle_player_page ($::SKILL_PAGE); } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_F4 && !$mod) { ::toggle_player_page ($::SPELL_PAGE); } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_F5 && !$mod) { ::toggle_player_page ($::INVENTORY_PAGE); } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_F9 && !$mod) { $::SETUP_DIALOG->toggle_visibility; } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_INSERT && $mod & CFClient::KMOD_CTRL) { $::BIND_EDITOR->set_binding (undef, undef, [], sub { my ($mod, $sym, $cmds) = @_; $::BIND_EDITOR->cfg_bind ($mod, $sym, $cmds); }); $::BIND_EDITOR->start; $::BIND_EDITOR->show; } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_INSERT && not ($mod & CFClient::KMOD_CTRL)) { $::BIND_EDITOR->stop; $::BIND_EDITOR->ask_for_bind_and_commit; $::BIND_EDITOR->hide; } elsif (!$::CONN) { return 0; # bindings further down need a valid connection } elsif ($sym == CFClient::SDLK_KP5 && !$mod) { $::CONN->user_send ("stay fire"); } elsif ($uni == ord ",") { $::CONN->user_send ("take"); } elsif ($uni == ord " ") { $::CONN->user_send ("apply"); } elsif ($uni == ord ".") { $::CONN->user_send ($self->{completer}{last_command}) if exists $self->{completer}{last_command}; } elsif (my $bind_cmd = $::CFG->{profile}{default}{bindings}{$mod}{$sym}) { $::CONN->user_send ($_) for @$bind_cmd; } elsif (($sym == CFClient::SDLK_KP_PLUS && !$mod) || $uni == ord "+") { $::CONN->user_send ("rotateshoottype +"); } elsif (($sym == CFClient::SDLK_KP_MINUS && !$mod) || $uni == ord "-") { $::CONN->user_send ("rotateshoottype -"); } elsif ($uni == ord '"') { $self->{completer}->set_prefix ("$::CFG->{say_command} "); $self->{completer}->show; } elsif ($uni == ord "'") { $self->{completer}->set_prefix (""); $self->{completer}->show; } elsif (exists $DIR{$sym}) { if ($mod & CFClient::KMOD_SHIFT) { $self->{shft}++; if ($DIR{$sym}[0] != $self->{fire_dir}) { $::CONN->user_send ("fire $DIR{$sym}[0]"); } $self->{fire_dir} = $DIR{$sym}[0]; } elsif ($mod & CFClient::KMOD_CTRL) { $self->{ctrl}++; $::CONN->user_send ("run $DIR{$sym}[0]"); } else { $::CONN->user_send ("$DIR{$sym}[1]"); } } elsif ((ord 'a') <= $uni && $uni <= (ord 'z')) { $self->{completer}->invoke_key_down ($ev); $self->{completer}->show; } else { return 0; } 1 } sub invoke_key_up { my ($self, $ev) = @_; my $res = 0; my $mod = $ev->{mod}; my $sym = $ev->{sym}; if ($::CFG->{shift_fire_stop}) { if (!($mod & CFClient::KMOD_SHIFT) && delete $self->{shft}) { $::CONN->user_send ("fire_stop"); delete $self->{fire_dir}; $res = 1; } } else { if (exists $DIR{$sym} && delete $self->{shft}) { $::CONN->user_send ("fire_stop"); delete $self->{fire_dir}; $res = 1; } elsif (($sym == CFClient::SDLK_LSHIFT || $sym == CFClient::SDLK_RSHIFT) && delete $self->{shft}) { # XXX: is RSHIFT ok? $::CONN->user_send ("fire_stop"); delete $self->{fire_dir}; $res = 1; } } if (!($mod & CFClient::KMOD_CTRL ) && delete $self->{ctrl}) { $::CONN->user_send ("run_stop"); $res = 1; } $res } sub set_magicmap { my ($self, $w, $h, $x, $y, $data) = @_; $x -= $::MAP->ox + int 0.5 * $::MAP->w; $y -= $::MAP->oy + int 0.5 * $::MAP->h; $self->{magicmap} = [$x, $y, $w, $h, $data]; $self->update; } sub draw { my ($self) = @_; return unless $::MAP; my $focused = $CFClient::UI::FOCUS == $self || $CFClient::UI::FOCUS == $self->{completer}{entry}; return unless $focused || !$::FAST; if (delete $self->{need_update}) { my $tilesize = $self->{tilesize} = int 32 * $::CFG->{map_scale}; my $sx = $self->{sx} = CFClient::ceil $::CFG->{map_shift_x} / $tilesize; my $sy = $self->{sy} = CFClient::ceil $::CFG->{map_shift_y} / $tilesize; my $sx0 = $self->{sx0} = $::CFG->{map_shift_x} - $sx * $tilesize; my $sy0 = $self->{sy0} = $::CFG->{map_shift_y} - $sy * $tilesize; my $sw = $self->{sw} = 1 + CFClient::ceil $self->{w} / $tilesize; my $sh = $self->{sh} = 1 + CFClient::ceil $self->{h} / $tilesize; if ($::CFG->{fow_enable}) { my ($w, $h, $data) = $::MAP->fow_texture ($sx, $sy, 0, 0, $sw, $sh); if ($::CFG->{fow_smooth} && $CFClient::OpenGL::GL_VERSION >= 1.2) { # smooth fog of war glConvolutionParameter (GL_CONVOLUTION_2D, GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE, GL_CONSTANT_BORDER); glConvolutionFilter2D ( GL_CONVOLUTION_2D, GL_ALPHA, 3, 3, GL_ALPHA, GL_FLOAT, (pack "f*", @{ $self->{smooth_matrix} }), ); glEnable GL_CONVOLUTION_2D; } $self->{fow_texture} = new CFClient::Texture w => $w, h => $h, data => $data, internalformat => GL_ALPHA, format => GL_ALPHA; glDisable GL_CONVOLUTION_2D if $::CFG->{fow_smooth}; } else { delete $self->{fow_texture}; } glNewList $self->{list}; glPushMatrix; glTranslate $sx0, $sy0; glScale $::CFG->{map_scale}, $::CFG->{map_scale}; $::MAP->draw ($sx, $sy, 0, 0, $sw, $sh); glScale 32, 32; if (my $tex = $self->{fow_texture}) { glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D; glTexEnv GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE; glColor +($::CFG->{fow_intensity}) x 3, 0.9; $self->{fow_texture}->draw_quad_alpha (0, 0); glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D; } if ($self->{magicmap}) { my ($x, $y, $w, $h, $data) = @{ $self->{magicmap} }; $x += $::MAP->ox - $sx + int 0.5 * ($::MAP->w - $sw + 1); $y += $::MAP->oy - $sy + int 0.5 * ($::MAP->h - $sh + 1); glTranslate - $x - 1, - $y - 1; glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, $magicmap_tex->{name}; $::MAP->draw_magicmap ($x, $y, $w, $h, $data); } glPopMatrix; glEndList; } glCallList $self->{list}; # TNT2 emulates logops in software (or worse :) unless ($focused) { glColor 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6; glEnable GL_BLEND; glBlendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; glBegin GL_QUADS; glVertex 0, 0; glVertex 0, $::HEIGHT; glVertex $::WIDTH, $::HEIGHT; glVertex $::WIDTH, 0; glEnd; glDisable GL_BLEND; } } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; glDeleteList $self->{list}; $self->SUPER::DESTROY; } package CFClient::MapWidget::MapMap; our @ISA = CFClient::UI::Base::; use Time::HiRes qw(time); use CFClient::OpenGL; sub size_request { ($::HEIGHT * 0.25, $::HEIGHT * 0.25) } sub invoke_size_allocate { my ($self, $w, $h) = @_; $self->update; 1 } sub update { my ($self) = @_; delete $self->{texture_atime}; $self->SUPER::update; } sub _draw { my ($self) = @_; $::MAP or return; my ($w, $h) = @$self{qw(w h)}; my $sw = int $::WIDTH / (32 * $::CFG->{map_scale}) + 0.99; my $sh = int $::HEIGHT / (32 * $::CFG->{map_scale}) + 0.99; my $sx = int $::CFG->{map_shift_x} / 32; my $sy = int $::CFG->{map_shift_y} / 32; my $ox = 0.5 * ($w - $sw); my $oy = 0.5 * ($h - $sh); glEnable GL_BLEND; glBlendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D; glTexEnv GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE; if ($self->{texture_atime} < time) { $self->{texture_atime} = time + 1/3; $self->{texture} = new CFClient::Texture w => $w, h => $h, data => $::MAP->mapmap (-$ox, -$oy, $w, $h), type => $CFClient::GL_VERSION >= 1.2 ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV : GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; } $self->{texture}->draw_quad (0, 0); glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D; glTranslate 0.375, 0.375; #TODO: map scale is completely borked my $x0 = int $ox - $sx + 0.5; my $y0 = int $oy - $sy + 0.5; glColor 1, 1, 0, 1; glBegin GL_LINE_LOOP; glVertex $x0 , $y0 ; glVertex $x0 , $y0 + $sh; glVertex $x0 + $sw, $y0 + $sh; glVertex $x0 + $sw, $y0 ; glEnd; glDisable GL_BLEND; } package CFClient::MapWidget::Command; use strict; use CFClient::OpenGL; our @ISA = CFClient::UI::Frame::; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new ( bg => [0, 0, 0, 0.8], @_, ); $self->add ($self->{vbox} = new CFClient::UI::VBox); $self->{label} = [ map CFClient::UI::Label->new ( can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, tooltip_width => 0.33, fontsize => $_, ), (0.8) x 16 ]; $self->{entry} = new CFClient::UI::Entry on_changed => sub { $self->update_labels; 0 }, on_button_down => sub { my ($entry, $ev, $x, $y) = @_; if ($ev->{button} == 3) { (new CFClient::UI::Menu items => [ ["bind " . (CFClient::UI::Label::escape $self->{select}) . " to a key" => sub { $::BIND_EDITOR->do_quick_binding ([$self->{select}], sub { $entry->grab_focus }) }] ], )->popup ($ev); return 1; } 0 }, on_key_down => sub { my ($entry, $ev) = @_; my $self = $entry->{parent}{parent}; if ($ev->{sym} == 13) { if (exists $self->{select}) { $self->{last_command} = $self->{select}; $::CONN->user_send ($self->{select}); unshift @{$self->{history}}, $self->{entry}->get_text; $self->{hist_ptr} = 0; $self->hide; } } elsif ($ev->{sym} == 27) { $self->{hist_ptr} = 0; $self->hide; } elsif ($ev->{sym} == CFClient::SDLK_DOWN) { if ($self->{hist_ptr} > 1) { $self->{hist_ptr}--; $self->{entry}->set_text ($self->{history}->[$self->{hist_ptr} - 1]); } elsif ($self->{hist_ptr} > 0) { $self->{hist_ptr}--; $self->{entry}->set_text ($self->{hist_saveback}); } else { ++$self->{select_offset} if $self->{select_offset} < $#{ $self->{last_match} || [] }; } $self->update_labels; } elsif ($ev->{sym} == CFClient::SDLK_UP) { if ($self->{select_offset}) { --$self->{select_offset} } else { unless ($self->{hist_ptr}) { $self->{hist_saveback} = $self->{entry}->get_text; } if ($self->{hist_ptr} <= $#{$self->{history}}) { $self->{hist_ptr}++; } $self->{entry}->set_text ($self->{history}->[$self->{hist_ptr} - 1]) if exists $self->{history}->[$self->{hist_ptr} - 1]; } $self->update_labels; } else { return 0; } 1 } ; $self->{vbox}->add ( $self->{entry}, @{$self->{label}}, ); $self } sub set_prefix { my ($self, $prefix) = @_; $self->{entry}->set_text ($prefix); $self->show; } sub invoke_size_allocate { my ($self, $w, $h) = @_; $self->move_abs (($::WIDTH - $w) * 0.5, ($::HEIGHT - $h) * 0.6, 10); $self->SUPER::invoke_size_allocate ($w, $h) } sub show { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::show; $self->{entry}->grab_focus; } sub hide { my ($self) = @_; $self->{hist_ptr} = 0; $self->SUPER::hide; $self->{entry}->set_text (""); } sub invoke_key_down { my ($self, $ev) = @_; $self->{entry}->emit (key_down => $ev) } sub update_labels { my ($self) = @_; my $text = $self->{entry}->get_text; length $text or return $self->hide; my ($cmd, $arg) = $text =~ /^\s*([^[:space:]]*)(.*)$/; if ($text ne $self->{last_search}) { my @match; if ($text =~ /^(.*?)\s+$/) { @match = [$cmd, "(appended whitespace suppresses completion)"]; } else { my $regexp = do { my ($beg, @chr) = split //, lc $cmd; # the following regex is used to match our "completion entry" # to an actual command - the parentheses match kind of "overhead" # - the more characters the parentheses match, the less attractive # is the match. my $regexp = "^\Q$beg\E" . join "", map "(?:.*?[ \\\\]\Q$_\E|(.*?)\Q$_\E)", @chr; qr<$regexp> }; my @penalty; for (keys %{$self->{command}}) { if (@penalty = $_ =~ $regexp) { push @match, [$_, length join "", map "::$_", grep defined, @penalty]; } } @match = map $self->{command}{$_->[0]}, sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] or $self->{command}{$a->[0]}[4] <=> $self->{command}{$b->[0]}[4] or (length $b->[0]) <=> (length $a->[0]) } @match; } $self->{last_search} = $text; $self->{last_match} = \@match; $self->{select_offset} = 0; } my @labels = @{ $self->{label} }; my @matches = @{ $self->{last_match} || [] }; if ($self->{select_offset}) { splice @matches, 0, $self->{select_offset}, (); my $label = shift @labels; $label->set_text ("..."); $label->set_tooltip ("Use Cursor-Up to view previous matches"); } for my $label (@labels) { $label->{fg} = [1, 1, 1, 1]; $label->{bg} = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } if (@matches) { $self->{select} = "$matches[0][0]$arg"; $labels[0]->{fg} = [0, 0, 0, 1]; $labels[0]->{bg} = [1, 1, 1, 0.8]; } else { $self->{select} = "$cmd$arg"; } for my $match (@matches) { my $label = shift @labels; if (@labels) { $label->set_text ("$match->[0]$arg"); $label->set_tooltip ($match->[1]); } else { $label->set_text ("..."); $label->set_tooltip ("Use Cursor-Down to view more matches"); last; } } for my $label (@labels) { $label->set_text (""); $label->set_tooltip (""); } $self->update; } sub _draw { my ($self) = @_; # hack local $CFClient::UI::FOCUS = $self->{entry}; $self->SUPER::_draw; } 1