package CFPlus::Protocol; use utf8; use strict; use Crossfire::Protocol::Constants; use CFPlus; use CFPlus::DB; use CFPlus::UI; use CFPlus::Pod; use CFPlus::Macro; use CFPlus::Item; use Crossfire::Protocol::Base 0.95; use base 'Crossfire::Protocol::Base'; sub new { my ($class, %arg) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new (%arg, setup_req => { extmap => 1, excmd => 1, %{$arg{setup_req} || {}}, }, ); $self->{map_widget}->clr_commands; my @cmd_help = map { $_->{kw}[0] =~ /^(\S+) (?:\s+ \( ([^\)]*) \) )?/x or die "unparseable command help: $_->{kw}[0]"; my $cmd = $1; my @args = split /\|/, $2; @args = (".*") unless @args; my (undef, @par) = CFPlus::Pod::section_of $_; my $text = CFPlus::Pod::as_label @par; $_ = $_ eq ".*" ? "" : " $_" for @args; map ["$cmd$_", $text], sort { (length $a) <=> (length $b) } @args } sort { $a->{par} <=> $b->{par} } CFPlus::Pod::find command => "*"; $self->connect_ext (event_capabilities => sub { my ($cap) = @_; if (my $ts = $cap->{tileset}) { if (my ($default) = grep $_->[2] & 1, @$ts) { $self->{tileset} = $default; $self->{tilesize} = $default->[3]; $self->setup_req (tileset => $default->[0]); my $w = int $self->{mapw} * 32 / $self->{tilesize}; my $h = int $self->{maph} * 32 / $self->{tilesize}; $self->setup_req (mapsize => "${w}x${h}"); } } }); $self->{map_widget}->add_command (@$_) for @cmd_help; { $self->{dialogue} = my $tex = new_from_file CFPlus::Texture CFPlus::find_rcfile "dialogue.png", minify => 1, mipmap => 1; $self->{map}->set_texture (1, @$tex{qw(name w h s t)}, @{$tex->{minified}}); } { $self->{noface} = my $tex = new_from_file CFPlus::Texture CFPlus::find_rcfile "noface.png", minify => 1, mipmap => 1; $self->{map}->set_texture (2, @$tex{qw(name w h s t)}, @{$tex->{minified}}); } $self->{open_container} = 0; # per server $self->{mapcache} = "mapcache_$self->{host}_$self->{port}"; $self } sub logprint { my ($self, @a) = @_; $self->{log_fh} ||= do { my $path = "$Crossfire::VARDIR/log.$self->{host}"; open my $fh, ">>:utf8", $path or die "Couldn't open logfile $path: $!"; $fh->autoflush (1); $fh; }; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime time; my $ts = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; print {$self->{log_fh}} "$ts ", @a, "\n"; } sub _stat_numdiff { my ($self, $name, $old, $new) = @_; my $diff = $new - $old; $diff = 0.01 * int $diff * 100; 0.1 >= abs $diff ? () : $diff < 0 ? "$name$diff" : "$name+$diff" } sub _stat_skillmaskdiff { my ($self, $name, $old, $new) = @_; my $diff = $old ^ $new or return; my @diff = map { $diff & $_ ? (($new & $_ ? "+" : "-") . $self->{spell_paths}{$_}) : () } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$self->{spell_paths}}; join "", @diff } # all stats that are chacked against changes my @statchange = ( [&CS_STAT_STR => \&_stat_numdiff, "Str"], [&CS_STAT_INT => \&_stat_numdiff, "Int"], [&CS_STAT_WIS => \&_stat_numdiff, "Wis"], [&CS_STAT_DEX => \&_stat_numdiff, "Dex"], [&CS_STAT_CON => \&_stat_numdiff, "Con"], [&CS_STAT_CHA => \&_stat_numdiff, "Cha"], [&CS_STAT_POW => \&_stat_numdiff, "Pow"], [&CS_STAT_WC => \&_stat_numdiff, "Wc"], [&CS_STAT_AC => \&_stat_numdiff, "Ac"], [&CS_STAT_DAM => \&_stat_numdiff, "Dam"], [&CS_STAT_SPEED => \&_stat_numdiff, "Speed"], [&CS_STAT_WEAP_SP => \&_stat_numdiff, "WSp"], [&CS_STAT_MAXHP => \&_stat_numdiff, "HP"], [&CS_STAT_MAXSP => \&_stat_numdiff, "Mana"], [&CS_STAT_MAXGRACE => \&_stat_numdiff, "Grace"], [&CS_STAT_WEIGHT_LIM => \&_stat_numdiff, "Weight"], [&CS_STAT_SPELL_ATTUNE => \&_stat_skillmaskdiff, "attuned"], [&CS_STAT_SPELL_REPEL => \&_stat_skillmaskdiff, "repelled"], [&CS_STAT_SPELL_DENY => \&_stat_skillmaskdiff, "denied"], [&CS_STAT_RES_PHYS => \&_stat_numdiff, "phys"], [&CS_STAT_RES_MAG => \&_stat_numdiff, "magic"], [&CS_STAT_RES_FIRE => \&_stat_numdiff, "fire"], [&CS_STAT_RES_ELEC => \&_stat_numdiff, "electricity"], [&CS_STAT_RES_COLD => \&_stat_numdiff, "cold"], [&CS_STAT_RES_CONF => \&_stat_numdiff, "confusion"], [&CS_STAT_RES_ACID => \&_stat_numdiff, "acid"], [&CS_STAT_RES_DRAIN => \&_stat_numdiff, "drain"], [&CS_STAT_RES_GHOSTHIT => \&_stat_numdiff, "ghosthit"], [&CS_STAT_RES_POISON => \&_stat_numdiff, "poison"], [&CS_STAT_RES_SLOW => \&_stat_numdiff, "slow"], [&CS_STAT_RES_PARA => \&_stat_numdiff, "paralyse"], [&CS_STAT_TURN_UNDEAD => \&_stat_numdiff, "turnundead"], [&CS_STAT_RES_FEAR => \&_stat_numdiff, "fear"], [&CS_STAT_RES_DEPLETE => \&_stat_numdiff, "depletion"], [&CS_STAT_RES_DEATH => \&_stat_numdiff, "death"], [&CS_STAT_RES_HOLYWORD => \&_stat_numdiff, "godpower"], [&CS_STAT_RES_BLIND => \&_stat_numdiff, "blind"], ); sub stats_update { my ($self, $stats) = @_; my $prev = $self->{prev_stats} || { }; if (my @diffs = ( ($stats->{+CS_STAT_EXP64} > $prev->{+CS_STAT_EXP64} ? ($stats->{+CS_STAT_EXP64} - $prev->{+CS_STAT_EXP64}) . " experience gained" : ()), map { $stats->{$_} && $prev->{$_} && $stats->{$_}[1] > $prev->{$_}[1] ? "($self->{skill_info}{$_}+" . ($stats->{$_}[1] - $prev->{$_}[1]) . ")" : () } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$self->{skill_info}} ) ) { my $msg = join " ", @diffs; $self->{statusbox}->add ($msg, group => "experience $msg", fg => [0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.8], timeout => 5); } if ( my @diffs = map $_->[1]->($self, $_->[2], $prev->{$_->[0]}, $stats->{$_->[0]}), @statchange ) { my $msg = "stat change: " . (join " ", @diffs); $self->{statusbox}->add ($msg, group => "stat $msg", fg => [0.8, 1, 0.2, 1], timeout => 10); } $self->update_stats_window ($stats, $prev); $self->{prev_stats} = { %$stats }; } my %RES_TBL = ( phys => CS_STAT_RES_PHYS, magic => CS_STAT_RES_MAG, fire => CS_STAT_RES_FIRE, elec => CS_STAT_RES_ELEC, cold => CS_STAT_RES_COLD, conf => CS_STAT_RES_CONF, acid => CS_STAT_RES_ACID, drain => CS_STAT_RES_DRAIN, ghit => CS_STAT_RES_GHOSTHIT, pois => CS_STAT_RES_POISON, slow => CS_STAT_RES_SLOW, para => CS_STAT_RES_PARA, tund => CS_STAT_TURN_UNDEAD, fear => CS_STAT_RES_FEAR, depl => CS_STAT_RES_DEPLETE, deat => CS_STAT_RES_DEATH, holyw => CS_STAT_RES_HOLYWORD, blind => CS_STAT_RES_BLIND, ); sub update_stats_window { my ($self, $stats, $prev) = @_; # I love text protocols... my $hp = $stats->{+CS_STAT_HP} * 1; my $hp_m = $stats->{+CS_STAT_MAXHP} * 1; my $sp = $stats->{+CS_STAT_SP} * 1; my $sp_m = $stats->{+CS_STAT_MAXSP} * 1; my $fo = $stats->{+CS_STAT_FOOD} * 1; my $fo_m = 999; my $gr = $stats->{+CS_STAT_GRACE} * 1; my $gr_m = $stats->{+CS_STAT_MAXGRACE} * 1; $::GAUGES->{hp} ->set_value ($hp, $hp_m); $::GAUGES->{mana} ->set_value ($sp, $sp_m); $::GAUGES->{food} ->set_value ($fo, $fo_m); $::GAUGES->{grace} ->set_value ($gr, $gr_m); $::GAUGES->{exp} ->set_text ("Exp: " . (::formsep ($stats->{+CS_STAT_EXP64})) . " (lvl " . ($stats->{+CS_STAT_LEVEL} * 1) . ")"); my $rng = $stats->{+CS_STAT_RANGE}; $rng =~ s/^Range: //; # thank you so much dear server $::GAUGES->{range} ->set_text ("Rng: " . $rng); my $title = $stats->{+CS_STAT_TITLE}; $title =~ s/^Player: //; $::STATWIDS->{title} ->set_text ("Title: " . $title); $::STATWIDS->{st_str} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_STR}); $::STATWIDS->{st_dex} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_DEX}); $::STATWIDS->{st_con} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_CON}); $::STATWIDS->{st_int} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_INT}); $::STATWIDS->{st_wis} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_WIS}); $::STATWIDS->{st_pow} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_POW}); $::STATWIDS->{st_cha} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_CHA}); $::STATWIDS->{st_wc} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_WC}); $::STATWIDS->{st_ac} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_AC}); $::STATWIDS->{st_dam} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_DAM}); $::STATWIDS->{st_arm} ->set_text (sprintf "%d" , $stats->{+CS_STAT_RES_PHYS}); $::STATWIDS->{st_spd} ->set_text (sprintf "%.1f", $stats->{+CS_STAT_SPEED}); $::STATWIDS->{st_wspd}->set_text (sprintf "%.1f", $stats->{+CS_STAT_WEAP_SP}); $self->update_weight; $::STATWIDS->{"res_$_"}->set_text (sprintf "%d%", $stats->{$RES_TBL{$_}}) for keys %RES_TBL; my $sktbl = $::STATWIDS->{skill_tbl}; my @skills = keys %{ $self->{skill_info} }; if (grep +(exists $stats->{$_}) != (exists $prev->{$_}), @skills) { $sktbl->clear; $sktbl->add (0, 0, new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "Experience", align => 1); $sktbl->add (1, 0, new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "Lvl.", align => 1); $sktbl->add (2, 0, new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "Skill", expand => 1); $sktbl->add (3, 0, new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "Experience", align => 1); $sktbl->add (4, 0, new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "Lvl.", align => 1); $sktbl->add (5, 0, new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "Skill", expand => 1); my $TOOLTIP_ALL = "\n\nLeft click - ready skill\nMiddle click - use spell\nRight click - further options"; my @TOOLTIP_LVL = (tooltip => "Level. The level of the skill.$TOOLTIP_ALL", can_events => 1, can_hover => 1); my @TOOLTIP_EXP = (tooltip => "Experience. The experience points you have in this skill.$TOOLTIP_ALL", can_events => 1, can_hover => 1); my ($x, $y) = (0, 1); for ( sort { $stats->{$b->[0]}[1] <=> $stats->{$a->[0]}[1] or $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [$_, $self->{skill_info}{$_}], grep exists $stats->{$_}, @skills ) { my ($idx, $name) = @$_; my $spell_cb = sub { my ($widget, $ev) = @_; if ($ev->{button} == 1) { $::CONN->user_send ("ready_skill $name"); } elsif ($ev->{button} == 2) { $::CONN->user_send ("use_skill $name"); } elsif ($ev->{button} == 3) { my $shortname = CFPlus::shorten $name, 14; (new CFPlus::UI::Menu items => [ ["bind ready_skill $shortname to a key" => sub { CFPlus::Macro::quick_macro ["ready_skill $name"] }], ["bind use_skill $shortname to a key" => sub { CFPlus::Macro::quick_macro ["use_skill $name"] }], ], )->popup ($ev); } else { return 0; } 1 }; $sktbl->add ($x * 3 + 0, $y, $self->{stat_widget_exp}{$idx} = new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "0", align => 1, font => $::FONT_FIXED, fg => [1, 1, 0], on_button_down => $spell_cb, @TOOLTIP_EXP); $sktbl->add ($x * 3 + 1, $y, $self->{stat_widget_lvl}{$idx} = new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "0", align => 1, font => $::FONT_FIXED, fg => [0, 1, 0], padding_x => 4, on_button_down => $spell_cb, @TOOLTIP_LVL); $sktbl->add ($x * 3 + 2, $y, new CFPlus::UI::Label text => $name, on_button_down => $spell_cb, can_events => 1, can_hover => 1, tooltip => (CFPlus::Pod::section_label skill_description => $name) . $TOOLTIP_ALL); $x++ and ($x, $y) = (0, $y + 1); } } for (grep exists $stats->{$_}, @skills) { $self->{stat_widget_exp}{$_}->set_text (::formsep ($stats->{$_}[1])); $self->{stat_widget_lvl}{$_}->set_text ($stats->{$_}[0] * 1); } } sub macro_send { my ($self, $macro) = @_; for my $cmd (@{ $macro->{action} }) { $self->send_command ($cmd); } } sub user_send { my ($self, $command) = @_; $self->{record}->($command) if $self->{record}; $self->logprint ("send: ", $command); $self->send_command ($command); ::status ($command); } sub record { my ($self, $cb) = @_; $self->{record} = $cb; } sub map_scroll { my ($self, $dx, $dy) = @_; $self->{map}->scroll ($dx, $dy); } sub feed_map1a { my ($self, $data) = @_; $self->{map}->map1a_update ($data, $self->{setup}{extmap}); $self->{map_widget}->update; } sub magicmap { my ($self, $w, $h, $x, $y, $data) = @_; $self->{map_widget}->set_magicmap ($w, $h, $x, $y, $data); } sub flush_map { my ($self) = @_; my $map_info = delete $self->{map_info} or return; my ($hash, $x, $y, $w, $h) = @$map_info; my $data = $self->{map}->get_rect ($x, $y, $w, $h); CFPlus::DB::put $self->{mapcache} => $hash => Compress::LZF::compress $data, sub { }; #warn sprintf "SAVEmap[%s] length %d\n", $hash, length $data;#d# } sub map_clear { my ($self) = @_; $self->flush_map; delete $self->{neigh_map}; $self->{map}->clear; delete $self->{map_widget}{magicmap}; } sub bg_fetch { my ($self) = @_; my $id; do { $id = pop @{$self->{bg_fetch}} or return; } while $self->{texture}[$id]; CFPlus::DB::get tilecache => $id, sub { my ($data) = @_; return unless $self->{map}; # stop when destroyed $self->set_texture ($id => $data) if defined $data; $self->bg_fetch; }; } sub load_map($$$) { my ($self, $hash, $x, $y) = @_; my $gen = $self->{map_change_gen}; CFPlus::DB::get $self->{mapcache} => $hash, sub { return unless $gen == $self->{map_change_gen}; my ($data) = @_; if (defined $data) { $data = Compress::LZF::decompress $data; #warn sprintf "LOADmap[%s,%d,%d] length %d\n", $hash, $x, $y, length $data;#d# my $inprogress = @{ $self->{bg_fetch} || [] }; unshift @{ $self->{bg_fetch} }, $self->{map}->set_rect ($x, $y, $data); $self->bg_fetch unless $inprogress; } }; } # hardcode /world/world_xxx_xxx map names, the savings are enourmous, # (server resource,s latency, bandwidth), so this hack is warranted. # the right fix is to make real tiled maps with an overview file sub send_mapinfo { my ($self, $data, $cb) = @_; if ($self->{map_info}[0] =~ m%^/world/world_(\d\d\d)_(\d\d\d)$%) { my ($wx, $wy) = ($1, $2); if ($data =~ /^spatial ([1-4]+)$/) { my @dx = (0, 0, 1, 0, -1); my @dy = (0, -1, 0, 1, 0); my ($dx, $dy); for (split //, $1) { $dx += $dx[$_]; $dy += $dy[$_]; } $cb->(spatial => 15, $self->{map_info}[1] - $self->{map}->ox + $dx * 50, $self->{map_info}[2] - $self->{map}->oy + $dy * 50, 50, 50, sprintf "/world/world_%03d_%03d", $wx + $dx, $wy + $dy ); return; } } $self->SUPER::send_mapinfo ($data, $cb); } # this method does a "flood fill" into every tile direction # it assumes that tiles are arranged in a rectangular grid, # i.e. a map is the same as the left of the right map etc. # failure to comply are harmless and result in display errors # at worst. sub flood_fill { my ($self, $block, $gx, $gy, $path, $hash, $flags) = @_; # the server does not allow map paths > 6 return if 7 <= length $path; my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = @{$self->{neigh_rect}}; for ( [1, 3, 0, -1], [2, 4, 1, 0], [3, 1, 0, 1], [4, 2, -1, 0], ) { my ($tile, $tile2, $dx, $dy) = @$_; next if $block & (1 << $tile); my $block = $block | (1 << $tile2); my $gx = $gx + $dx; my $gy = $gy + $dy; next unless $flags & (1 << ($tile - 1)); next if $self->{neigh_grid}{$gx, $gy}++; my $neigh = $self->{neigh_map}{$hash} ||= []; if (my $info = $neigh->[$tile]) { my ($flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash) = @$info; $self->flood_fill ($block, $gx, $gy, "$path$tile", $hash, $flags) if $x >= $x0 && $x + $w < $x1 && $y >= $y0 && $y + $h < $y1; } else { my $gen = $self->{map_change_gen}; $self->send_mapinfo ("spatial $path$tile", sub { return unless $gen == $self->{map_change_gen}; my ($mode, $flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash) = @_; return if $mode ne "spatial"; $x += $self->{map}->ox; $y += $self->{map}->oy; $self->load_map ($hash, $x, $y) unless $self->{neigh_map}{$hash}[5]++;#d# $neigh->[$tile] = [$flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash]; $self->flood_fill ($block, $gx, $gy, "$path$tile", $hash, $flags) if $x >= $x0 && $x + $w < $x1 && $y >= $y0 && $y + $h < $y1; }); } } } sub map_change { my ($self, $mode, $flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash) = @_; $self->flush_map; ++$self->{map_change_gen}; my ($ox, $oy) = ($::MAP->ox, $::MAP->oy); my $mapmapw = $self->{mapmap}->{w}; my $mapmaph = $self->{mapmap}->{h}; $self->{neigh_rect} = [ $ox - $mapmapw * 0.5, $oy - $mapmapw * 0.5, $ox + $mapmapw * 0.5 + $w, $oy + $mapmapw * 0.5 + $h, ]; delete $self->{neigh_grid}; $x += $ox; $y += $oy; $self->{map_info} = [$hash, $x, $y, $w, $h]; (my $map = $hash) =~ s/^.*?\/([^\/]+)$/\1/; $::STATWIDS->{map}->set_text ("Map: " . $map); $self->load_map ($hash, $x, $y); $self->flood_fill (0, 0, 0, "", $hash, $flags); } sub face_find { my ($self, $facenum, $face, $cb) = @_; my $hash = "$face->{chksum},$face->{name}"; my $id = CFPlus::DB::get_tile_id_sync $hash; $face->{id} = $id; $self->{faceid}[$facenum] = $id; $self->{map}->set_tileid ($facenum => $id); CFPlus::DB::get tilecache => $id, $cb; } sub face_update { my ($self, $facenum, $face, $changed) = @_; CFPlus::DB::put tilecache => $face->{id} => $face->{image}, sub { } if $changed; $self->set_texture ($face->{id} => delete $face->{image}); } sub smooth_update { my ($self, $facenum, $face) = @_; $self->{map}->set_smooth ($facenum, $face->{smoothface}, $face->{smoothlevel}); } sub set_texture { my ($self, $id, $data) = @_; $self->{texture}[$id] = my $tex = new_from_image CFPlus::Texture $data, minify => 1, mipmap => 1; $self->{map}->set_texture ($id, @$tex{qw(name w h s t)}, @{$tex->{minified}}); $self->{map_widget}->update; } sub sound_play { my ($self, $x, $y, $soundnum, $type) = @_; $self->{sound_play}->($x, $y, $soundnum, $type); } my $LAST_QUERY; # server is stupid, stupid, stupid sub query { my ($self, $flags, $prompt) = @_; $prompt = $LAST_QUERY unless length $prompt; $LAST_QUERY = $prompt; $self->{query}-> ($self, $flags, $prompt); } our @CF_COLOR = ( [1.00, 1.00, 1.00], #[0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [1.00, 1.00, 1.00], [0.50, 0.50, 1.00], #[0.00, 0.00, 0.55] [1.00, 0.00, 0.00], [1.00, 0.54, 0.00], [0.11, 0.56, 1.00], [0.93, 0.46, 0.00], [0.18, 0.54, 0.34], [0.56, 0.73, 0.56], [0.80, 0.80, 0.80], [0.75, 0.61, 0.20], [0.99, 0.77, 0.26], [0.74, 0.65, 0.41], ); sub drawinfo { my ($self, $color, $text) = @_; my $fg = $CF_COLOR[$color % @CF_COLOR]; $self->logprint ("info: ", $text); ## try to create single paragraphs of multiple lines sent by the server # no longer neecssary with TRT servers #$text =~ s/(?<=\S)\n(?=\w)/ /g; $text = CFPlus::asxml $text; $text =~ s/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/\1<\/b>/g; $text =~ s/\[color=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/\2<\/span>/g; ::message ({ fg => $fg, markup => $_ }) for split /\n/, $text; $self->{statusbox}->add ($text, group => $text, fg => $fg, timeout => $color >= 2 ? 180 : 10, tooltip_font => $::FONT_FIXED, ); } sub drawextinfo { my ($self, $color, $type, $subtype, $message) = @_; $self->drawinfo ($color, $message); } sub spell_add { my ($self, $spell) = @_; # try to create single paragraphs out of the multiple lines sent by the server $spell->{message} =~ s/(?<=\S)\n(?=\w)/ /g; $spell->{message} =~ s/\n+$//; $spell->{message} ||= "Server did not provide a description for this spell."; $::SPELL_LIST->add_spell ($spell); $self->{map_widget}->add_command ("invoke $spell->{name}", CFPlus::asxml $spell->{message}); $self->{map_widget}->add_command ("cast $spell->{name}", CFPlus::asxml $spell->{message}); } sub spell_delete { my ($self, $spell) = @_; $::SPELL_LIST->remove_spell ($spell); } sub setup { my ($self, $setup) = @_; $self->{map_widget}->set_tilesize ($self->{tilesize}); $::MAP->resize ($self->{mapw}, $self->{maph}); } sub addme_success { my ($self) = @_; my %skill_help; for my $node (CFPlus::Pod::find skill_description => "*") { my (undef, @par) = CFPlus::Pod::section_of $node; $skill_help{$node->{kw}[0]} = CFPlus::Pod::as_label @par; }; for my $skill (values %{$self->{skill_info}}) { $self->{map_widget}->add_command ("ready_skill $skill", (CFPlus::asxml "Ready the skill '$skill'\n\n") . $skill_help{$skill}); $self->{map_widget}->add_command ("use_skill $skill", (CFPlus::asxml "Immediately use the skill '$skill'\n\n") . $skill_help{$skill}); } } sub eof { my ($self) = @_; $self->{map_widget}->clr_commands; ::stop_game (); } sub image_info { my ($self, $numfaces) = @_; $self->{num_faces} = $numfaces; $self->{face_prefetch} = [1 .. $numfaces]; $self->face_prefetch; } sub face_prefetch { my ($self) = @_; return unless $::CFG->{face_prefetch}; if ($self->{num_faces}) { return if @{ $self->{send_queue} || [] }; my $todo = @{ $self->{face_prefetch} } or return; my ($face) = splice @{ $self->{face_prefetch} }, + rand @{ $self->{face_prefetch} }, 1, (); $self->send ("requestinfo image_sums $face $face"); $self->{statusbox}->add (CFPlus::asxml "prefetching $todo", group => "prefetch", timeout => 3, fg => [1, 1, 0, 0.5]); } elsif (!exists $self->{num_faces}) { $self->send ("requestinfo image_info"); $self->{num_faces} = 0; $self->{statusbox}->add (CFPlus::asxml "starting to prefetch", group => "prefetch", timeout => 3, fg => [1, 1, 0, 0.5]); } } sub update_floorbox { $CFPlus::UI::ROOT->on_refresh ($::FLOORBOX => sub { return unless $::CONN; $::FLOORBOX->clear; my $row; for (sort { $a->{count} <=> $b->{count} } values %{ $::CONN->{container}{$::CONN->{open_container} || 0} }) { if ($row < 6) { local $_->{face_widget}; # hack to force recreation of widget local $_->{desc_widget}; # hack to force recreation of widget CFPlus::Item::update_widgets $_; $::FLOORBOX->add (0, $row, $_->{face_widget}); $::FLOORBOX->add (1, $row, $_->{desc_widget}); $row++; } else { $::FLOORBOX->add (1, $row, new CFPlus::UI::Button text => "More...", on_activate => sub { ::toggle_player_page ($::INVENTORY_PAGE); 0 }, ); last; } } if ($::CONN->{open_container}) { $::FLOORBOX->add (1, $row++, new CFPlus::UI::Button text => "Close container", on_activate => sub { $::CONN->send ("apply $::CONN->{open_container}") } ); } }); $::WANT_REFRESH++; } sub set_opencont { my ($conn, $tag, $name) = @_; $conn->{open_container} = $tag; update_floorbox; $::INV_RIGHT_HB->clear (); $::INV_RIGHT_HB->add (new CFPlus::UI::Label align => 0, expand => 1, text => $name); if ($tag != 0) { # Floor isn't closable, is it? $::INV_RIGHT_HB->add (new CFPlus::UI::Button text => "Close container", tooltip => "Close the currently open container (if one is open)", on_activate => sub { $::CONN->send ("apply $tag") # $::CONN->{open_container}") if $tag != 0; #if $CONN->{open_container} != 0; 0 }, ); } $::INVR->set_items ($conn->{container}{$tag}); } sub update_containers { my ($self) = @_; $CFPlus::UI::ROOT->on_refresh ("update_containers_$self" => sub { my $todo = delete $self->{update_container} or return; for my $tag (keys %$todo) { update_floorbox if $tag == 0 or $tag == $self->{open_container}; if ($tag == 0) { $::INVR->set_items ($self->{container}{0}) if $tag == $self->{open_container}; } elsif ($tag == $self->{player}{tag}) { $::INV->set_items ($self->{container}{$tag}) } else { $::INVR->set_items ($self->{container}{$tag}) if $tag == $self->{open_container}; } } }); } sub container_add { my ($self, $tag, $items) = @_; $self->{update_container}{$tag}++; $self->update_containers; } sub container_clear { my ($self, $tag) = @_; $self->{update_container}{$tag}++; $self->update_containers; } sub item_delete { my ($self, @items) = @_; $self->{update_container}{$_->{container}}++ for @items; $self->update_containers; } sub item_update { my ($self, $item) = @_; #d# print "item_update: $item->{tag} in $item->{container} ($self->{player}{tag}) ($::CONN->{open_container})\n"; CFPlus::Item::update_widgets $item; if ($item->{tag} == $::CONN->{open_container} && not ($item->{flags} & F_OPEN)) { set_opencont ($::CONN, 0, "Floor"); } elsif ($item->{flags} & F_OPEN) { set_opencont ($::CONN, $item->{tag}, CFPlus::Item::desc_string $item); } else { $self->{update_container}{$item->{container}}++; $self->update_containers; } } sub player_update { my ($self, $player) = @_; $self->update_weight; } sub update_weight { my ($self) = @_; my $weight = .001 * $self->{player}{weight}; my $limit = .001 * $self->{stat}{+CS_STAT_WEIGHT_LIM}; $::STATWIDS->{weight}->set_text (sprintf "Weight: %.1fkg", $weight); $::STATWIDS->{m_weight}->set_text (sprintf "%.1fkg", $limit); $::STATWIDS->{i_weight}->set_text (sprintf "%.1f/%.1fkg", $weight, $limit); } sub update_server_info { my ($self) = @_; my @yesno = ("no", "yes"); $::SERVER_INFO->set_markup ( "server $self->{host}:$self->{port}\n" . "protocol version $self->{version}\n" . "minimap support $yesno[$self->{setup}{mapinfocmd} > 0]\n" . "extended command support $yesno[$self->{setup}{extcmd} > 0]\n" . "examine command support $yesno[$self->{setup}{excmd} > 0]\n" . "editing support $yesno[!!$self->{editor_support}]\n" . "map attributes $yesno[$self->{setup}{extmap} > 0]\n" . "big image protocol support $yesno[$self->{setup}{fxix} > 0]\n" . "cfplus support $yesno[$self->{cfplus_ext} > 0]" . ($self->{cfplus_ext} > 0 ? ", version $self->{cfplus_ext}" : "") ."\n" . "map size $self->{mapw}×$self->{maph}\n" ); ::setup_build_button ($self->{editor_support}->{builder_ui}); } sub logged_in { my ($self) = @_; $self->send_ext_req (cfplus_support => version => 1, sub { $self->{cfplus_ext} = $_[0]{version}; $self->update_server_info; if ($self->{cfplus_ext} >= 2) { $self->send_ext_req ("editor_support", sub { $self->{editor_support} = $_[0]; $self->update_server_info; 0 }); } 0 }); $self->update_server_info; $self->send_command ("output-sync $::CFG->{output_sync}"); $self->send_command ("output-count $::CFG->{output_count}"); $self->send_command ("output-rate $::CFG->{output_rate}") if $::CFG->{output_rate} > 0; $self->send_command ("pickup $::CFG->{pickup}"); } sub buildat { my ($self, $builditem, $x, $y) = @_; if ($self->{cfplus_ext}) { $self->send_ext_msg (builder_build => dx => $x, dy => $y, (ref ($builditem) eq 'HASH') ? %$builditem : (item => $builditem)); } } sub lookat { my ($self, $x, $y) = @_; if ($self->{cfplus_ext}) { $self->send_ext_req (lookat => dx => $x, dy => $y, sub { my ($msg) = @_; if (exists $msg->{npc_dialog}) { # start npc chat dialog $self->{npc_dialog} = new CFPlus::NPCDialog:: dx => $x, dy => $y, title => "$msg->{npc_dialog} (NPC)", conn => $self, ; } }); } $self->send ("lookat $x $y"); } sub destroy { my ($self) = @_; (delete $self->{npc_dialog})->destroy if $self->{npc_dialog}; $self->SUPER::destroy; } package CFPlus::NPCDialog; our @ISA = 'CFPlus::UI::Toplevel'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new ( x => 'center', y => 'center', name => "npc_dialog", force_w => $::WIDTH * 0.7, force_h => $::HEIGHT * 0.7, title => "NPC Dialog", kw => { hi => 0, yes => 0, no => 0 }, has_close_button => 1, @_, ); CFPlus::weaken (my $this = $self); $self->connect (delete => sub { $this->destroy; 1 }); # better use a pane... $self->add (my $hbox = new CFPlus::UI::HBox); $hbox->add ($self->{textview} = new CFPlus::UI::TextScroller expand => 1); $hbox->add (my $vbox = new CFPlus::UI::VBox); $vbox->add (new CFPlus::UI::Label text => "Message Entry:"); $vbox->add ($self->{entry} = new CFPlus::UI::Entry tooltip => "#npc_message_entry", on_activate => sub { my ($entry, $text) = @_; return unless $text =~ /\S/; $entry->set_text (""); $this->send ($text); 0 }, ); $vbox->add ($self->{options} = new CFPlus::UI::VBox); $self->{bye_button} = new CFPlus::UI::Button text => "Bye (close)", tooltip => "Use this button to end talking to the NPC. This also closes the dialog window.", on_activate => sub { $this->destroy; 1 }, ; $self->update_options; $self->{id} = $self->{conn}->send_ext_req ( npc_dialog_begin => dx => $self->{dx}, dy => $self->{dy}, sub { $this && $this->feed (@_) } ); $self->{entry}->grab_focus; $self->{textview}->add_paragraph ({ fg => [1, 1, 0, 1], markup => "[starting conversation with $self->{title}]\n\n", }); $self->show; $self }; sub update_options { my ($self) = @_; CFPlus::weaken $self; $self->{options}->clear; $self->{options}->add ($self->{bye_button}); for my $kw (sort keys %{ $self->{kw} }) { $self->{options}->add (new CFPlus::UI::Button text => $kw, on_activate => sub { $self->send ($kw); 0 }, ); } } sub feed { my ($self, $msg) = @_; CFPlus::weaken $self; if ($msg->{msgtype} eq "reply") { $self->{kw}{$_} = 1 for @{$msg->{add_topics} || []}; $self->{kw}{$_} = 0 for @{$msg->{del_topics} || []}; my $text = "\n" . CFPlus::asxml $msg->{msg}; my $match = join "|", map "\\b\Q$_\E\\b", sort { (length $b) <=> (length $a) } keys %{ $self->{kw} }; my @link; $text =~ s{ ($match) }{ my $kw = $1; push @link, new CFPlus::UI::Label markup => "$kw", can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, padding_x => 0, padding_y => 0, on_button_up => sub { $self->send ($kw); }; "\x{fffc}" }giex; $self->{textview}->add_paragraph ({ markup => $text, widget => \@link }); $self->{textview}->scroll_to_bottom; $self->update_options; } else { $self->destroy; } 1 } sub send { my ($self, $msg) = @_; $self->{textview}->add_paragraph ({ markup => "\n" . CFPlus::asxml $msg }); $self->{textview}->scroll_to_bottom; $self->{conn}->send_ext_msg (npc_dialog_tell => msgid => $self->{id}, msg => $msg); } sub destroy { my ($self) = @_; #Carp::cluck "debug\n";#d# #todo# enable: destroy gets called twice because scalar keys {} is 1 if ($self->{conn}) { $self->{conn}->send_ext_msg (npc_dialog_end => msgid => $self->{id}) if $self->{id}; delete $self->{conn}{npc_dialog}; $self->{conn}->disconnect_ext ($self->{id}); } $self->SUPER::destroy; } 1