package Crossfire::Client::Widget; use strict; use Scalar::Util; use SDL::OpenGL; use SDL::OpenGL::Constants; our $FOCUS; # the widget with current focus our @ACTIVE_WIDGETS; # class methods for events sub feed_sdl_key_down_event { $FOCUS->key_down ($_[0]) if $FOCUS } sub feed_sdl_key_up_event { $FOCUS->key_up ($_[0]) if $FOCUS } sub feed_sdl_button_down_event { $FOCUS->button_down ($_[0]) if $FOCUS } sub feed_sdl_button_up_event { $FOCUS->button_up ($_[0]) if $FOCUS } sub new { my $class = shift; bless { @_ }, $class } sub activate { push @ACTIVE_WIDGETS, $_[0]; Scalar::Util::weaken $ACTIVE_WIDGETS[-1]; } sub deactivate { @ACTIVE_WIDGETS = sort { $a->{z} <=> $b->{z} } grep { $_ && $_ != $_[0] } @ACTIVE_WIDGETS; } sub move { my ($self, $x, $y, $z) = @_; $self->{x} = $x; $self->{y} = $y; $self->{z} = $z if defined $z; } sub size_request { die "size_request is abtract"; } sub focus_in { my ($widget) = @_; $FOCUS = $widget; } sub focus_out { my ($widget) = @_; } sub key_down { my ($widget, $sdlev) = @_; } sub key_up { my ($widget, $sdlev) = @_; } sub button_down { my ($widget, $sdlev) = @_; } sub button_up { my ($widget, $sdlev) = @_; } sub w { $_[0]->{w} } sub h { $_[0]->{h} } sub x { $_[0]->{x} = $_[1] if $_[1]; $_[0]->{x} } sub y { $_[0]->{y} = $_[1] if $_[1]; $_[0]->{y} } sub z { $_[0]->{z} = $_[1] if $_[1]; $_[0]->{z} } sub draw { my ($self) = @_; glPushMatrix; glTranslate $self->{x}, $self->{y}, 0; $self->_draw; glPopMatrix; } sub _draw { my ($widget) = @_; } sub bbox { my ($widget) = @_; } sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; $self->deactivate; } package Crossfire::Client::Widget::Container; our @ISA = Crossfire::Client::Widget::; use SDL::OpenGL; sub add { $_[0]->{child} = $_[1] } sub get { $_[0]->{child} } sub size_request { $_[0]->{child}->size_request if $_[0]->{child} } sub _draw { die "Containers can't be drawn!" } package Crossfire::Client::Widget::Frame; our @ISA = Crossfire::Client::Widget::Container::; use SDL::OpenGL; sub size_request { my ($self) = @_; my $chld = $self->get or return (0, 0); map { $_ + 4 } $chld->size_request; } sub _draw { my ($self) = @_; my $chld = $self->get; my ($w, $h) = $chld->size_request; glColor 1, 0, 0; glBegin GL_QUADS; glTexCoord 0, 0; glVertex 0 , 0; glTexCoord 0, 1; glVertex 0 , $h + 4; glTexCoord 1, 1; glVertex $w + 4 , $h + 4; glTexCoord 1, 0; glVertex $w + 4 , 0; glEnd; glPushMatrix; glTranslate (2, 2, 0); $chld->_draw; glPopMatrix; } package Crossfire::Client::Widget::Table; our @ISA = Crossfire::Client::Widget::Container::; use SDL::OpenGL; sub add { my ($self, $x, $y, $chld) = @_; $self->{childs}[$y][$x] = $chld; } sub max_row_height { my ($self, $row) = @_; my $hs = 0; for (my $xi = 0; $xi <= $#{$self->{childs}->[$row] || []}; $xi++) { my $c = $self->{childs}->[$row]->[$xi]; if ($c) { my ($w, $h) = $c->size_request; if ($hs < $h) { $hs = $h } } } return $hs; } sub max_col_width { my ($self, $col) = @_; my $ws = 0; for (my $yi = 0; $yi <= $#{$self->{childs} || []}; $yi++) { my $c = ($self->{childs}->[$yi] || [])->[$col]; if ($c) { my ($w, $h) = $c->size_request; if ($ws < $w) { $ws = $w } } } return $ws; } sub size_request { my ($self) = @_; my ($hs, $ws) = (0, 0); for (my $yi = 0; $yi <= $#{$self->{childs}}; $yi++) { $hs += $self->max_row_height ($yi); } for (my $yi = 0; $yi <= $#{$self->{childs}}; $yi++) { my $wm = 0; for (my $xi = 0; $xi <= $#{$self->{childs}->[$yi]}; $xi++) { $wm += $self->max_col_width ($xi) } if ($ws < $wm) { $ws = $wm } } return ($ws, $hs); } sub _draw { my ($self) = @_; my $y = 0; for (my $yi = 0; $yi <= $#{$self->{childs}}; $yi++) { my $x = 0; for (my $xi = 0; $xi <= $#{$self->{childs}->[$yi]}; $xi++) { glPushMatrix; glTranslate ($x, $y, 0); my $c = $self->{childs}->[$yi]->[$xi]; $c->_draw if $c; glPopMatrix; $x += $self->max_col_width ($xi); } $y += $self->max_row_height ($yi); } } package Crossfire::Client::Widget::VBox; our @ISA = Crossfire::Client::Widget::Container::; use SDL::OpenGL; sub add { my ($self, $chld) = @_; push @{$self->{childs}}, $chld; } sub size_request { my ($self) = @_; my ($hs, $ws) = (0, 0); for (@{$self->{childs} || []}) { my ($w, $h) = $_->size_request; $hs += $h; if ($ws < $w) { $ws = $w } } return ($ws, $hs); } sub _draw { my ($self) = @_; my ($x, $y); for (@{$self->{childs} || []}) { glPushMatrix; glTranslate (0, $y, 0); $_->_draw; glPopMatrix; my ($w, $h) = $_->size_request; $y += $h; } } package Crossfire::Client::Widget::Label; our @ISA = Crossfire::Client::Widget::; use SDL::OpenGL; sub new { my ($class, $x, $y, $z, $ttf, $text) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new (x => $x, y => $y, z => $z, ttf => $ttf); $self->set_text ($text); $self } sub set_text { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->{texture} = new_from_ttf Crossfire::Client::Texture $self->{ttf}, $self->{text} = $text; } sub get_text { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->{text} } sub size_request { my ($self) = @_; ( $self->{texture}{width}, $self->{texture}{height}, ) } sub _draw { my ($self) = @_; my $tex = $self->{texture}; glEnable GL_BLEND; glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D; glTexEnv GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE; glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, $tex->{name}; glColor 1, 1, 1; glBegin GL_QUADS; glTexCoord 0, 0; glVertex 0 , 0; glTexCoord 0, 1; glVertex 0 , $tex->{height}; glTexCoord 1, 1; glVertex $tex->{width}, $tex->{height}; glTexCoord 1, 0; glVertex $tex->{width}, 0; glEnd; glDisable GL_BLEND; glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D; } package Crossfire::Client::Widget::TextView; use strict; our @ISA = qw/Crossfire::Client::Widget/; use SDL::OpenGL; use SDL::OpenGL::Constants; sub add_line { my ($self, $line) = @_; push @{$self->{lines}}, $line; } sub _draw { my ($self) = @_; } package Crossfire::Client::Widget::MapWidget; use strict; our @ISA = qw/Crossfire::Client::Widget/; use SDL; use SDL::OpenGL; use SDL::OpenGL::Constants; sub key_down { print "MAPKEYDOWN\n"; } sub key_up { } sub _draw { glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D; glEnable GL_BLEND; glTexEnv GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE; my $map = $::CONN->{map}; for my $x (0 .. $::CONN->{mapw} - 1) { for my $y (0 .. $::CONN->{maph} - 1) { my $cell = $map->[$x][$y] or next; my $darkness = $cell->[3] * (1 / 255); glColor $darkness, $darkness, $darkness; for my $num (grep $_, $cell->[0], $cell->[1], $cell->[2]) { my $tex = $::CONN->{face}[$num]{texture} || next; glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, $tex->{name}; my $w = $tex->{width}; my $h = $tex->{height}; my $px = ($x + 1) * 32 - $w; my $py = ($y + 1) * 32 - $h; glBegin GL_QUADS; glTexCoord 0, 0; glVertex $px , $py; glTexCoord 0, 1; glVertex $px , $py + $h; glTexCoord 1, 1; glVertex $px + $w, $py + $h; glTexCoord 1, 0; glVertex $px + $w, $py; glEnd; } } } glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D; glDisable GL_BLEND; } my %DIR = ( SDLK_KP8, [1, "north"], SDLK_KP9, [2, "northeast"], SDLK_KP6, [3, "east"], SDLK_KP3, [4, "southeast"], SDLK_KP2, [5, "south"], SDLK_KP1, [6, "southwest"], SDLK_KP4, [7, "west"], SDLK_KP7, [8, "northwest"], SDLK_UP, [1, "north"], SDLK_RIGHT, [3, "east"], SDLK_DOWN, [5, "south"], SDLK_LEFT, [7, "west"], ); sub key_down { my ($self, $ev) = @_; my $mod = $ev->key_mod; my $sym = $ev->key_sym; if ($sym == SDLK_KP5) { $::CONN->send ("command stay fire"); } elsif (exists $DIR{$sym}) { if ($mod & KMOD_SHIFT) { $self->{shft}++; $::CONN->send ("command fire $DIR{$sym}[0]"); } elsif ($mod & KMOD_CTRL) { $self->{ctrl}++; $::CONN->send ("command run $DIR{$sym}[0]"); } else { $::CONN->send ("command $DIR{$sym}[1]"); } } } sub key_up { my ($self, $ev) = @_; my $mod = $ev->key_mod; my $sym = $ev->key_sym; if (!($mod & KMOD_SHIFT) && delete $self->{shft}) { $::CONN->send ("command fire_stop"); } if (!($mod & KMOD_CTRL ) && delete $self->{ctrl}) { $::CONN->send ("command run_stop"); } } 1;