#!/opt/bin/perl use strict; use utf8; use Time::HiRes 'time'; use Event; use Crossfire; use Crossfire::Protocol; use Compress::LZF; use CFClient; use CFClient::UI; use CFClient::MapWidget; our $VERSION = '0.1'; my $MAX_FPS = 60; my $MIN_FPS = 5; # unused as of yet our $META_SERVER = "crossfire.real-time.com:13326"; our $FACEMAP; our $TILECACHE; our $MAPCACHE; our $LAST_REFRESH; our $NOW; our $CFG; our $CONN; our $FAST; # fast, low-quality mode, possibly useful for software-rendering our @SDL_MODES; our $WIDTH; our $HEIGHT; our $FULLSCREEN; our $FONTSIZE; our $FONT_PROP; our $FONT_FIXED; our $MAP; our $MAPWIDGET; our $BUTTONBAR; our $LOGVIEW; our $CONSOLE; our $METASERVER; our $FLOORBOX; our $GAUGES; our $STATWIDS; our $SDL_ACTIVE; our %SDL_CB; our $SDL_MIXER; our @SOUNDS; # event => file mapping our %AUDIO_CHUNKS; # audio files our $ALT_ENTER_MESSAGE; our $STATUS_LINE; our $DEBUG_STATUS; sub status { $STATUS_LINE->set_text ($_[0]); $STATUS_LINE->move (0, $HEIGHT - $ALT_ENTER_MESSAGE->{h} - $STATUS_LINE->{h}); } sub debug { $DEBUG_STATUS->set_text ($_[0]); $DEBUG_STATUS->move ($WIDTH - $DEBUG_STATUS->{w}, 0, $DEBUG_STATUS->{w}, $DEBUG_STATUS->{h}); } sub start_game { status "logging in..."; my $mapsize = List::Util::min 32, List::Util::max 11, int $WIDTH * $CFG->{mapsize} * 0.01 / 32; $MAPCACHE = CFClient::db_table "mapcache_$CFG->{host}"; $MAP = new CFClient::Map $mapsize, $mapsize; my ($host, $port) = split /:/, $CFG->{host}; $CONN = new conn host => $host, port => $port || 13327, user => $CFG->{user}, pass => $CFG->{password}, mapw => $mapsize, maph => $mapsize, ; status "login successful"; CFClient::lowdelay fileno $CONN->{fh}; } sub stop_game { undef $CONN; } sub client_setup { my $dialog = new CFClient::UI::FancyFrame title => "Client Setup", child => (my $vbox = new CFClient::UI::VBox); $vbox->add (my $table = new CFClient::UI::Table expand => 1, col_expand => [0, 1]); $table->add (0, 0, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Video Mode"); $table->add (1, 0, my $hbox = new CFClient::UI::HBox); $hbox->add (my $mode_slider = new CFClient::UI::Slider expand => 1, req_w => 100, range => [$CFG->{sdl_mode}, 0, scalar @SDL_MODES, 1]); $hbox->add (my $mode_label = new CFClient::UI::Label align => 0, valign => 0, height => 0.8, template => "9999x9999"); $mode_slider->connect (changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{sdl_mode} = $self->{range}[0] = $value = int $value; $mode_label->set_text (sprintf "%dx%d", @{$SDL_MODES[$value]}); }); $mode_slider->emit (changed => $mode_slider->{range}[0]); my $row = 1; $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Fullscreen"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::CheckBox state => $CFG->{fullscreen}, tooltip => "Bring the client into fullscreen mode", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{fullscreen} = $value; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Fast & Ugly"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::CheckBox state => $CFG->{fast}, tooltip => "Lower the visual quality considerably to speed up rendering.", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{fast} = $value; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Map Scale"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{map_scale}, 0.25, 2, 0.05], tooltip => "Enlarge or shrink the displayed map", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{map_scale} = 0.05 * int $value / 0.05; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Fog of War"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::CheckBox state => $CFG->{fow_enable}, tooltip => "Fog-of-War marks areas that cannot be seen by the player", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{fow_enable} = $value; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "FoW Intensity"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{fow_intensity}, 0, 1 + 0.001, 0.001], tooltip => "The higher the intensity, the lighter the Fog-of-War color", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{fow_intensity} = $value; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "FoW Smooth"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::CheckBox state => $CFG->{fow_smooth}, tooltip => "Smooth the Fog-of-War a bit to make it more realistic", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{fow_smooth} = $value; status "Fog of War smoothing requires OpenGL 1.2 or higher" if $CFClient::GL_VERSION < 1.2; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "GUI Fontsize"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{gui_fontsize}, 0.5, 2, 0.1], tooltip => "The font size used by most GUI elements", connect_changed => sub { $CFG->{gui_fontsize} = 0.1 * int $_[1] * 10; # $FONTSIZE = int $HEIGHT / 40 * $CFG->{gui_fontsize}; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Server Log Fontsize"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{log_fontsize}, 0.5, 2, 0.1], tooltip => "The font size used by the server log window only", connect_changed => sub { $LOGVIEW->set_fontsize ($CFG->{log_fontsize} = 0.1 * int $_[1] * 10); } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Stats Fontsize"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{stat_fontsize}, 0.5, 2, 0.1], tooltip => "The font size used by the statistics window only", connect_changed => sub { $CFG->{stat_fontsize} = 0.1 * int $_[1] * 10; &set_stats_window_fontsize; } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Gauge size"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{gauge_size}, 0.2, 0.8, 0.02], tooltip => "Adjust the size of the stats gauges at the bottom right", connect_changed => sub { $CFG->{gauge_size} = $_[1]; my $h = int $HEIGHT * $CFG->{gauge_size}; $GAUGES->{win}->set_size ($WIDTH, $h); $GAUGES->{win}->move (0, $HEIGHT - $h); } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Gauge fontsize"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{gauge_fontsize}, 0.5, 2.0, 0.1], tooltip => "Adjusts the fontsize of the gauges at the bottom right", connect_changed => sub { $CFG->{gauge_fontsize} = 0.1 * int $_[1] * 10; &set_gauge_window_fontsize; } ); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Button expand => 1, align => 0, text => "Apply", tooltip => "Apply the video settings", connect_activate => sub { video_shutdown (); video_init (); } ); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Audio Enable"); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::CheckBox state => $CFG->{audio_enable}, tooltip => "If enabled, sound effects and music will be played. If disabled, no audio will be used and the soundcard will not be opened.", connect_changed => sub { $CFG->{audio_enable} = $_[1]; } ); # $table->add (0, 9, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Effects Volume"); # $table->add (1, 8, new CFClient::UI::Slider range => [$CFG->{effects_volume}, 0, 128, 1], connect_changed => sub { # $CFG->{effects_volume} = $_[1]; # }); $table->add (0, $row, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Background Music"); $table->add (1, $row++, my $hbox = new CFClient::UI::HBox); $hbox->add (new CFClient::UI::CheckBox expand => 1, state => $CFG->{bgm_enable}, tooltip => "Enable background music playing", connect_changed => sub { $CFG->{bgm_enable} = $_[1]; } ); $hbox->add (new CFClient::UI::Slider expand => 1, range => [$CFG->{bgm_volume}, 0, 1, 0.1], tooltip => "The volume of the background music", connect_changed => sub { $CFG->{bgm_volume} = $_[1]; CFClient::MixMusic::volume $_[1] * 128; } ); $table->add (1, $row++, new CFClient::UI::Button expand => 1, align => 0, text => "Apply", tooltip => "Apply the audio settings", connect_activate => sub { audio_shutdown (); audio_init (); } ); $dialog } sub set_stats_window_fontsize { for (values %{$STATWIDS}) { $_->set_fontsize ($::CFG->{stat_fontsize}); } } sub set_gauge_window_fontsize { for (map { $GAUGES->{$_} } grep { $_ ne 'win' } keys %{$GAUGES}) { $_->set_fontsize ($::CFG->{gauge_fontsize}); } # local $GAUGES->{win}{parent};#d# # use PApp::Util; open D, ">:utf8", "d"; print D PApp::Util::dumpval $GAUGES->{win}; close D; } sub make_gauge_window { my $gh = int ($HEIGHT * $CFG->{gauge_size}); # my $gw = int ($WIDTH * $CFG->{gauge_w_size}); my $win = new CFClient::UI::Frame ( y => $HEIGHT - $gh, x => 0, user_w => $WIDTH, user_h => $gh ); $win->add (my $hbox = new CFClient::UI::HBox children => [ (new CFClient::UI::HBox expand => 1), ($FLOORBOX = new CFClient::UI::VBox), (my $vbox = new CFClient::UI::VBox), ], ); $vbox->add (new CFClient::UI::HBox expand => 1, children => [ (new CFClient::UI::Empty expand => 1), (my $hb = new CFClient::UI::HBox), ], ); $hb->add (my $hg = new CFClient::UI::Gauge type => 'hp', tooltip => "Health points - depletes when you get wounded, refills when you heal or idle"); $hb->add (my $mg = new CFClient::UI::Gauge type => 'mana', tooltip => "Spell points - deplete when you cast wizard spells, refills when you idle"); $hb->add (my $gg = new CFClient::UI::Gauge type => 'grace', tooltip => "Grace points - deplete when you cast priest spells, refills when you pray"); $hb->add (my $fg = new CFClient::UI::Gauge type => 'food', tooltip => "Food - depletes with time, faster when you heal or build mana, refills when you eat healthy food"); $vbox->add (my $exp = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, tooltip => "Experience points and level - increases when you kill monsters or successfully use skills"); $vbox->add (my $rng = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, tooltip => "Ranged attack - how you attack when you press shift-cursor (spell, skill, weapon etc.)"); $GAUGES = { exp => $exp, win => $win, range => $rng, food => $fg, mana => $mg, hp => $hg, grace => $gg }; &set_gauge_window_fontsize; $win } sub make_stats_window { my $tgw = new CFClient::UI::FancyFrame (x => $WIDTH * 2/5, y => 0, title => "Stats"); $tgw->add (my $vb = new CFClient::UI::VBox); $vb->add ($STATWIDS->{title} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Title:", expand => 1); $vb->add ($STATWIDS->{map} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Map:", expand => 1); $vb->add (my $hb = new CFClient::UI::HBox expand => 1); $hb->add (my $tbl = new CFClient::UI::Table expand => 1); $tbl->add (0, 0, $STATWIDS->{st_str} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "30"); $tbl->add (0, 1, $STATWIDS->{st_dex} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "30"); $tbl->add (0, 2, $STATWIDS->{st_con} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "30"); $tbl->add (0, 3, $STATWIDS->{st_int} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "30"); $tbl->add (0, 4, $STATWIDS->{st_wis} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "30"); $tbl->add (0, 5, $STATWIDS->{st_pow} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "30"); $tbl->add (0, 6, $STATWIDS->{st_cha} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "30"); $tbl->add (1, 0, $STATWIDS->{st_str_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Str"); $tbl->add (1, 1, $STATWIDS->{st_dex_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Dex"); $tbl->add (1, 2, $STATWIDS->{st_con_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Con"); $tbl->add (1, 3, $STATWIDS->{st_int_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Int"); $tbl->add (1, 4, $STATWIDS->{st_wis_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Wis"); $tbl->add (1, 5, $STATWIDS->{st_pow_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Pow"); $tbl->add (1, 6, $STATWIDS->{st_cha_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Cha"); $tbl->add (2, 0, $STATWIDS->{st_wc} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "-120"); $tbl->add (2, 1, $STATWIDS->{st_ac} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "-120"); $tbl->add (2, 2, $STATWIDS->{st_dam} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "120"); $tbl->add (2, 3, $STATWIDS->{st_arm} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "120"); $tbl->add (2, 4, $STATWIDS->{st_spd} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "10.54"); $tbl->add (2, 5, $STATWIDS->{st_wspd} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => +1, template => "9"); $tbl->add (3, 0, $STATWIDS->{st_wc_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Wc"); $tbl->add (3, 1, $STATWIDS->{st_ac_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Ac"); $tbl->add (3, 2, $STATWIDS->{st_dam_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Dam"); $tbl->add (3, 3, $STATWIDS->{st_arm_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Arm"); $tbl->add (3, 4, $STATWIDS->{st_spd_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "Sp"); $tbl->add (3, 5, $STATWIDS->{st_wspd_lbl} = new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => -1, text => "WSp"); $hb->add (my $tbl2 = new CFClient::UI::Table expand => 1); my $row = 0; my $col = 0; my %resist_names = ( slow => "Slow", holyw => "Holy Word", conf => "Confusion", fire => "Fire", depl => "Depletion", magic => "Magic", drain => "Draining", acid => "Acid", pois => "Poison", para => "Paralysation", deat => "Death", phys => "Physical", blind => "Blind", fear => "Fear", tund => "Turn undead", elec => "Electricity", cold => "Cold", ghit => "Ghost hit", ); for (qw/slow holyw conf fire depl magic drain acid pois para deat phys blind fear tund elec cold ghit/) { $tbl2->add ($col, $row, $STATWIDS->{"res_$_"} = new CFClient::UI::Label template => "-100%", align => +1, valign => 0, tooltip => $resist_names{$_} ); $tbl2->add ($col + 1, $row, new CFClient::UI::Image can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, image => "ui/resist/resist_$_.png", tooltip => $resist_names{$_} ); $row++; if ($row % 6 == 0) { $col += 2; $row = 0; } } &set_stats_window_fontsize; update_stats_window ({}); $tgw } sub formsep { reverse join ",", grep length, split /(...)/, reverse $_[0] * 1 } sub update_stats_window { my ($stats) = @_; # i love text protocols!!! my $hp = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_HP} * 1; my $hp_m = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_MAXHP} * 1; my $sp = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_SP} * 1; my $sp_m = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_MAXSP} * 1; my $fo = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_FOOD} * 1; my $fo_m = 999; my $gr = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_GRACE} * 1; my $gr_m = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_MAXGRACE} * 1; $GAUGES->{hp} ->set_value ($hp, $hp_m); $GAUGES->{mana} ->set_value ($sp, $sp_m); $GAUGES->{food} ->set_value ($fo, $fo_m); $GAUGES->{grace} ->set_value ($gr, $gr_m); $GAUGES->{exp} ->set_text ("Exp: " . (formsep $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_EXP64}) . " (lvl " . ($stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_LEVEL} * 1) . ")"); my $rng = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_RANGE}; $rng =~ s/^Range: //; # thank you so much dear server $GAUGES->{range} ->set_text ("Rng: " . $rng); my $title = $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_TITLE}; $title =~ s/^Player: //; $STATWIDS->{title} ->set_text ("Title: " . $title); $STATWIDS->{st_str} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{5}); $STATWIDS->{st_dex} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{8}); $STATWIDS->{st_con} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{9}); $STATWIDS->{st_int} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{6}); $STATWIDS->{st_wis} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{7}); $STATWIDS->{st_pow} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{22}); $STATWIDS->{st_cha} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{10}); $STATWIDS->{st_wc} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{13}); $STATWIDS->{st_ac} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{14}); $STATWIDS->{st_dam} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{15}); $STATWIDS->{st_arm} ->set_text (sprintf "%d", $stats->{16}); $STATWIDS->{st_spd} ->set_text (sprintf "%.1f", $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_SPEED}); $STATWIDS->{st_wspd}->set_text (sprintf "%.1f", $stats->{Crossfire::Protocol::CS_STAT_WEAP_SP}); my %tbl = ( phys => 100, magic => 101, fire => 102, elec => 103, cold => 104, conf => 105, acid => 106, drain => 107, ghit => 108, pois => 109, slow => 110, para => 111, tund => 112, fear => 113, depl => 113, deat => 115, holyw => 116, blind => 117 ); for (keys %tbl) { $STATWIDS->{"res_$_"}->set_text (sprintf "%d%", $stats->{$tbl{$_}}); } } sub metaserver_dialog { my $dialog = new CFClient::UI::FancyFrame title => "Metaserver", child => (my $vbox = new CFClient::UI::VBox); $vbox->add ($dialog->{table} = new CFClient::UI::Table); $dialog } sub update_metaserver { my ($HOST) = @_; status "fetching metaserver list..."; my $buf; my $fh = new IO::Socket::INET PeerHost => $META_SERVER, Blocking => 0; Event->io (fd => $fh, poll => 'r', cb => sub { my $res = sysread $fh, $buf, 8192, length $buf; if (!defined $res) { $_[0]->w->cancel; status "metaserver: $!"; } elsif ($res == 0) { $_[0]->w->cancel; status "server list retrieved"; my $table = $METASERVER->{table}; $table->clear; my @col = qw(Use #Users Host Uptime Version Description); $table->add ($_, 0, new CFClient::UI::Label align => 0, fg => [1, 1, 0], text => $col[$_]) for 0 .. $#col; my @align = qw(1 0 1 1 -1); my $y = 0; for my $m (sort { $b->[3] <=> $a->[3] } map [split /\|/], split /\015?\012/, $buf) { my ($ip, $last, $host, $users, $version, $desc, $ibytes, $obytes, $uptime) = @$m; for ($desc) { s/
/\n/gi; s/
  • /\n· /gi; s/<.*?>//sgi; s/&/&/g; s//>/g; } $uptime = sprintf "%dd %02d:%02d:%02d", (int $m->[8] / 86400), (int $m->[8] / 3600) % 24, (int $m->[8] / 60) % 60, $m->[8] % 60; $m = [$users, $host, $uptime, $version, $desc]; $y++; $table->add (0, $y, new CFClient::UI::VBox children => [ (new CFClient::UI::Button text => " ", connect_activate => sub { $HOST->set_text ($CFG->{host} = $host); }), (new CFClient::UI::Empty expand => 1), ]); $table->add ($_ + 1, $y, new CFClient::UI::Label align => $align[$_], text => $m->[$_], fontsize => 0.8) for 0 .. $#$m; } } }); } sub server_setup { my $dialog = new CFClient::UI::FancyFrame title => "Server Setup", child => (my $vbox = new CFClient::UI::VBox); $vbox->add (my $table = new CFClient::UI::Table expand => 1, col_expand => [0, 1]); $table->add (0, 2, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Host:Port"); { $table->add (1, 2, my $vbox = new CFClient::UI::VBox); $vbox->add ( my $HOST = new CFClient::UI::Entry expand => 1, text => $CFG->{host}, tooltip => "The hostname or ip address of the Crossfire(+) server to connect to", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{host} = $value; } ); $METASERVER = metaserver_dialog; $vbox->add (new CFClient::UI::Flopper expand => 1, text => "Metaserver", other => $METASERVER, tooltip => "Show a list of avaible crossfire servers", connect_open => sub { update_metaserver $HOST; } ); } $table->add (0, 4, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Username"); $table->add (1, 4, new CFClient::UI::Entry text => $CFG->{user}, tooltip => "The name of your character on the server", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{user} = $value; } ); $table->add (0, 5, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Password"); $table->add (1, 5, new CFClient::UI::Entry text => $CFG->{password}, hidden => 1, tooltip => "The password for your character", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{password} = $value; } ); $table->add (0, 6, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Def. say cmd"); $table->add (1, 6, my $saycmd = new CFClient::UI::Entry text => $CFG->{say_command}, tooltip => "This is the command that will be used if you write a line in the message window entry. " ."Usually you want to enter something like 'say' or 'shout' or 'gsay' here. " ."But you could also set it to 'tell <playername>' to only chat with that user.", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{say_command} = $value; } ); $table->add (0, 7, new CFClient::UI::Label valign => 0, align => 1, text => "Map Size"); $table->add (1, 7, new CFClient::UI::Slider req_w => 100, range => [$CFG->{mapsize}, 10, 100 + 1, 1], tooltip => "This is the size of the portion of the map update the server sends you. " ."If you set this to a high value you will be able to see further for example.", connect_changed => sub { my ($self, $value) = @_; $CFG->{mapsize} = $self->{range}[0] = $value = int $value; }, ); $table->add (1, 8, new CFClient::UI::Button expand => 1, align => 0, text => "Login", connect_activate => sub { start_game; }); $dialog } sub message_window { my $window = new CFClient::UI::FancyFrame title => "Messages", border_bg => [1, 1, 1, 0.5], bg => [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8], user_w => int $::WIDTH / 3, user_h => int $::HEIGHT / 5, child => (my $vbox = new CFClient::UI::VBox); $vbox->add ($LOGVIEW = new CFClient::UI::TextView expand => 1, font => $FONT_FIXED, fontsize => $::CFG->{log_fontsize}, ); $vbox->add (my $input = new CFClient::UI::Entry connect_focus_in => sub { my ($input, $prev_focus) = @_; delete $input->{refocus_map}; if ($prev_focus == $MAPWIDGET && $input->{auto_activated}) { $input->{refocus_map} = 1; } delete $input->{auto_activated}; }, connect_activate => sub { my ($input, $text) = @_; $input->set_text (''); if ($text =~ /^\/(.*)/) { $::CONN->user_send ($1); } else { my $say_cmd = $::CFG->{say_command} || 'say'; $::CONN->user_send ("$say_cmd $text"); } if ($input->{refocus_map}) { delete $input->{refocus_map}; $MAPWIDGET->focus_in } }, connect_escape => sub { $MAPWIDGET->focus_in }, ); $CONSOLE = { window => $window, input => $input }; $window } sub sdl_init { CFClient::SDL_Init and die "SDL::Init failed!\n"; } sub video_init { sdl_init; ($WIDTH, $HEIGHT) = @{ $SDL_MODES[$CFG->{sdl_mode}] }; $FULLSCREEN = $CFG->{fullscreen}; $FAST = $CFG->{fast}; CFClient::SDL_SetVideoMode $WIDTH, $HEIGHT, $FULLSCREEN or die "SDL_SetVideoMode failed!\n"; $SDL_ACTIVE = 1; $LAST_REFRESH = time - 0.01; CFClient::gl_init; $FONTSIZE = int $HEIGHT / 40 * $CFG->{gui_fontsize}; ############################################################################# $DEBUG_STATUS = new CFClient::UI::Label padding => 0, z => 100; $DEBUG_STATUS->show; $STATUS_LINE = new CFClient::UI::Label padding => 0, y => $HEIGHT - $FONTSIZE * 1.8; $STATUS_LINE->show; $ALT_ENTER_MESSAGE = new CFClient::UI::Label padding => 0, fontsize => 0.8, markup => "Use Alt-Enter to toggle fullscreen mode"; $ALT_ENTER_MESSAGE->show; $ALT_ENTER_MESSAGE->move (0, $HEIGHT - $ALT_ENTER_MESSAGE->{h}); $CFClient::UI::ROOT->add ($MAPWIDGET = new CFClient::MapWidget); $MAPWIDGET->focus_in; $MAPWIDGET->connect (activate_console => sub { my ($mapwidget, $preset) = @_; if ($CONSOLE) { $CONSOLE->{input}->{auto_activated} = 1; $CONSOLE->{input}->focus_in; if ($preset && $CONSOLE->{input}->get_text eq '') { $CONSOLE->{input}->set_text ($preset); } } }); $CFClient::UI::ROOT->add ($BUTTONBAR = new CFClient::UI::HBox); $BUTTONBAR->add (new CFClient::UI::Flopper text => "Client Setup", other => client_setup); $BUTTONBAR->add (new CFClient::UI::Flopper text => "Server Setup", other => server_setup); $BUTTONBAR->add (new CFClient::UI::Flopper text => "Message Window", other => message_window); $CFClient::UI::ROOT->add (make_gauge_window); # XXX: this has to be set before make_stats_window as make_stats_window calls update_stats_window which updated the gauges also X-D $BUTTONBAR->add (new CFClient::UI::Flopper text => "Stats Window", other => make_stats_window); $BUTTONBAR->add (new CFClient::UI::Button text => "Save Config", connect_activate => sub { CFClient::write_cfg "$Crossfire::VARDIR/pclientrc"; status "Configuration Saved"; }); $BUTTONBAR->{children}[1]->emit ("activate"); # pop up server setup } sub video_shutdown { $CFClient::UI::ROOT->{children} = []; undef $SDL_ACTIVE; } my @bgmusic = qw(game1.ogg game2.ogg game3.ogg game5.ogg game6.ogg ross1.ogg ross2.ogg ross3.ogg ross4.ogg ross5.ogg); #d# my $bgmusic;#TODO#hack#d# sub audio_music_finished { return unless $CFG->{bgm_enable}; # TODO: hack, do play loop and mood music $bgmusic = new_from_file CFClient::MixMusic CFClient::find_rcfile "music/$bgmusic[0]"; $bgmusic->play (0); push @bgmusic, shift @bgmusic; } sub audio_init { if ($CFG->{audio_enable}) { if (open my $fh, "<:utf8", CFClient::find_rcfile "sounds/config") { $SDL_MIXER = !CFClient::Mix_OpenAudio; CFClient::Mix_AllocateChannels 8; CFClient::MixMusic::volume $CFG->{bgm_volume} * 128; audio_music_finished; while (<$fh>) { next if /^\s*#/; next if /^\s*$/; my ($file, $volume, $event) = split /\s+/, $_, 3; push @SOUNDS, "$volume,$file"; $AUDIO_CHUNKS{"$volume,$file"} ||= do { my $chunk = new_from_file CFClient::MixChunk CFClient::find_rcfile "sounds/$file"; $chunk->volume ($volume * 128 / 100); $chunk }; } } else { status "unable to open sound config: $!"; } } } sub audio_shutdown { CFClient::Mix_CloseAudio if $SDL_MIXER; undef $SDL_MIXER; @SOUNDS = (); %AUDIO_CHUNKS = (); } my %animate_object; my $animate_timer; my $want_refresh; my $can_refresh; my $fps = 9; sub force_refresh { $fps = $fps * 0.95 + 1 / ($NOW - $LAST_REFRESH) * 0.05; debug sprintf "%3.2f", $fps; $want_refresh = 0; $can_refresh = 0; $CFClient::UI::ROOT->draw; CFClient::SDL_GL_SwapBuffers; $LAST_REFRESH = $NOW; } my $refresh_watcher = Event->timer (after => 0, hard => 1, interval => 1 / $MAX_FPS, cb => sub { $NOW = time; ($SDL_CB{$_->{type}} || sub { warn "unhandled event $_->{type}" })->($_) for CFClient::SDL_PollEvent; if (%animate_object) { $_->animate ($LAST_REFRESH - $NOW) for values %animate_object; $want_refresh++; } if ($want_refresh) { force_refresh; } else { $can_refresh = 1; } }); sub refresh { $want_refresh++; } sub animation_start { my ($widget) = @_; $animate_object{$widget} = $widget; } sub animation_stop { my ($widget) = @_; delete $animate_object{$widget}; } @conn::ISA = Crossfire::Protocol::; sub conn::stats_update { my ($self, $stats) = @_; update_stats_window ($stats); } sub conn::user_send { my ($self, $command) = @_; $self->send_command ($command); status $command; } sub conn::map_scroll { my ($self, $dx, $dy) = @_; $MAP->scroll ($dx, $dy); } sub conn::feed_map1a { my ($self, $data) = @_; # $self->Crossfire::Protocol::feed_map1a ($data); $MAP->map1a_update ($data); $MAPWIDGET->update; } sub conn::flush_map { my ($self) = @_; my $map_info = delete $self->{map_info} or return; my ($hash, $x, $y, $w, $h) = @$map_info; my $data = $MAP->get_rect ($x, $y, $w, $h); $MAPCACHE->put ($hash => Compress::LZF::compress $data); #warn sprintf "SAVEmap[%s] length %d\n", $hash, length $data;#d# } sub conn::map_clear { my ($self) = @_; $self->flush_map; delete $self->{neigh_map}; $MAP->clear; } sub conn::load_map($$$) { my ($self, $hash, $x, $y) = @_; if (defined (my $data = $MAPCACHE->get ($hash))) { $data = Compress::LZF::decompress $data; #warn sprintf "LOADmap[%s,%d,%d] length %d\n", $hash, $x, $y, length $data;#d# for my $id ($MAP->set_rect ($x, $y, $data)) { my $data = $TILECACHE->get ($id) or next; $self->set_texture ($id => $data); } } } # this method does a "flood fill" into every tile direction # it assumes that tiles are arranged in a rectangular grid, # i.e. a map is the same as the left of the right map etc. # failure to comply are harmless and result in display errors # at worst. sub conn::flood_fill { my ($self, $gx, $gy, $path, $hash, $flags) = @_; # the server does not allow map paths > 6 return if 6 <= length $path; my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = @{$self->{neigh_rect}}; for ( [1, 0, -1], [2, 1, 0], [3, 0, 1], [4, -1, 0], ) { my ($tile, $dx, $dy) = @$_; my $gx = $gx + $dx; my $gy = $gy + $dy; next unless $flags & (1 << ($tile - 1)); next if $self->{neigh_grid}{$gx, $gy}++; my $neigh = $self->{neigh_map}{$hash} ||= []; if (my $info = $neigh->[$tile]) { my ($flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash) = @$info; $self->flood_fill ($gx, $gy, "$path$tile", $hash, $flags) if $x >= $x0 && $x + $w < $x1 && $y >= $y0 && $y + $h < $y1; } else { $self->send_mapinfo ("spatial $path$tile", sub { my ($mode, $flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash) = @_; return if $mode ne "spatial"; $x += $MAP->ox; $y += $MAP->oy; $self->load_map ($hash, $x, $y) unless $self->{neigh_map}{$hash}[5]++;#d# $neigh->[$tile] = [$flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash]; $self->flood_fill ($gx, $gy, "$path$tile", $hash, $flags) if $x >= $x0 && $x + $w < $x1 && $y >= $y0 && $y + $h < $y1; }); } } } sub conn::map_change { my ($self, $mode, $flags, $x, $y, $w, $h, $hash) = @_; $self->flush_map; my ($ox, $oy) = ($::MAP->ox, $::MAP->oy); my $mapmapw = 250; my $mapmaph = 250; $self->{neigh_rect} = [ $ox - $mapmapw * 0.5, $oy - $mapmapw * 0.5, $ox + $mapmapw * 0.5 + $w, $oy + $mapmapw * 0.5 + $h, ]; delete $self->{neigh_grid}; $self->flood_fill (0, 0, "", $hash, $flags); $x += $ox; $y += $oy; $self->{map_info} = [$hash, $x, $y, $w, $h]; my $map = $self->{map_info}[0]; $map =~ s/^.*?\/([^\/]+)$/\1/; $STATWIDS->{map}->set_text ("Map: " . $map); $self->load_map ($hash, $x, $y); } sub conn::face_find { my ($self, $facenum, $face) = @_; my $hash = "$face->{chksum},$face->{name}"; my $id = $FACEMAP->get ($hash); unless ($id) { # create new id for face # i love transactions for (1..100) { my $txn = $CFClient::DB_ENV->txn_begin; my $status = $FACEMAP->db_get (id => $id, BerkeleyDB::DB_RMW); if ($status == 0 || $status == BerkeleyDB::DB_NOTFOUND) { $id++; if ($FACEMAP->put (id => $id) == 0 && $FACEMAP->put ($hash => $id) == 0) { $txn->txn_commit; goto gotid; } } $txn->abort; } CFClient::fatal "maximum number of transaction retries reached - database problems?"; } gotid: $face->{id} = $id; $MAP->set_face ($facenum => $id); $self->{faceid}[$facenum] = $id;#d# $TILECACHE->get ($id) } sub conn::face_update { my ($self, $facenum, $face) = @_; $TILECACHE->put ($face->{id} => $face->{image}); #TODO: try to avoid duplicate writes $self->set_texture ($face->{id} => delete $face->{image}); } sub conn::set_texture { my ($self, $id, $data) = @_; $self->{texture}[$id] ||= do { my $tex = new_from_image CFClient::Texture $data, minify => 1, mipmap => 1; $MAP->set_texture ($id, @$tex{qw(name w h s t)}, @{$tex->{minified}}); $MAPWIDGET->update; $tex }; } sub conn::sound_play { my ($self, $x, $y, $soundnum, $type) = @_; $SDL_MIXER or return; my $chunk = $AUDIO_CHUNKS{$SOUNDS[$soundnum]} or return; $chunk->play; # warn "sound $x,$y,$soundnum,$type\n";#d# } my $LAST_QUERY; # server is stupid, stupid, stupid sub conn::query { my ($self, $flags, $prompt) = @_; $prompt = $LAST_QUERY unless length $prompt; $LAST_QUERY = $prompt; my $dialog = new CFClient::UI::FancyFrame title => "Query", child => my $vbox = new CFClient::UI::VBox; $vbox->add (new CFClient::UI::Label max_w => $::WIDTH * 0.4, text => $prompt); if ($flags & Crossfire::Protocol::CS_QUERY_YESNO) { $vbox->add (my $hbox = new CFClient::HBox); $hbox->add (new CFClient::Button text => "No", connect_activate => sub { $self->send ("reply n"); $dialog->destroy; $MAPWIDGET->focus_in; } ); $hbox->add (new CFClient::Button text => "Yes", connect_activate => sub { $self->send ("reply y"); $dialog->destroy; $MAPWIDGET->focus_in; }, ); $dialog->focus_in; } elsif ($flags & Crossfire::Protocol::CS_QUERY_SINGLECHAR) { $dialog->{tooltip} = "Press a key (click on the entry to make sure it has keyboard focus)"; $vbox->add (my $entry = new CFClient::UI::Entry connect_changed => sub { $self->send ("reply $_[1]"); $dialog->destroy; $MAPWIDGET->focus_in; }, ); $entry->focus_in; } else { $dialog->{tooltip} = "Enter the reply and press return (click on the entry to make sure it has keyboard focus)"; $vbox->add (my $entry = new CFClient::UI::Entry $flags & Crossfire::Protocol::CS_QUERY_HIDEINPUT ? (hiddenchar => "*") : (), connect_activate => sub { $self->send ("reply $_[1]"); $dialog->destroy; $MAPWIDGET->focus_in; }, ); $entry->focus_in; } $dialog->show; } sub conn::drawinfo { my ($self, $color, $text) = @_; my @color = ( [1.00, 1.00, 1.00], #[0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [1.00, 1.00, 1.00], [0.50, 0.50, 1.00], #[0.00, 0.00, 0.55] [1.00, 0.00, 0.00], [1.00, 0.54, 0.00], [0.11, 0.56, 1.00], [0.93, 0.46, 0.00], [0.18, 0.54, 0.34], [0.56, 0.73, 0.56], [0.80, 0.80, 0.80], [0.55, 0.41, 0.13], [0.99, 0.77, 0.26], [0.74, 0.65, 0.41], ); $LOGVIEW->add_paragraph ($color[$color], $text); } sub conn::spell_add { my ($self, $spell) = @_; # TODO # create a widget dynamically, using spell face (CF::Protocol downloads them) $MAPWIDGET->add_command ("invoke $spell->{name}", $spell->{message}); $MAPWIDGET->add_command ("cast $spell->{name}", $spell->{message}); } sub conn::spell_delete { my ($self, $spell) = @_; } sub conn::addme_success { my ($self) = @_; for my $skill (values %{$self->{skill_info}}) { $MAPWIDGET->add_command ("ready_skill $skill", "Ready the skill '$skill'"); $MAPWIDGET->add_command ("use_skill $skill", "Immediately use the skill '$skill'"); } } sub update_floorbox { $CFClient::UI::ROOT->on_refresh ($FLOORBOX => sub { $FLOORBOX->clear; $FLOORBOX->add (new CFClient::UI::Empty expand => 1); my @items = values %{ $CONN->{container}{0} }; # we basically have to use the same sorting as everybody else @items = sort { $a->{type} <=> $b->{type} } @items; for my $item (reverse @items) { my $desc = $item->{nrof} < 2 ? $item->{name} : "$item->{nrof} $item->{name_pl}"; # todo: animation widget, face widget, weight(?) etc. $FLOORBOX->add (my $hbox = new CFClient::UI::HBox tooltip => (CFClient::UI::Label->escape ($desc) . "\nleftclick - pick up\nmiddle click - apply\nrightclick - menu"), can_hover => 1, can_events => 1, ); $hbox->add (new CFClient::UI::Face face => $item->{face}, anim => $item->{anim}, animspeed => $item->{animspeed}, ); $hbox->add (new CFClient::UI::Label text => $desc, ); } }); refresh; } sub conn::container_add { my ($self, $id, $items) = @_; update_floorbox if $id == 0; # $self-<{player}{tag} => player inv #use PApp::Util; warn PApp::Util::dumpval $self->{container}{$self->{player}{tag}}; } sub conn::container_clear { my ($self, $id) = @_; update_floorbox if $id == 0; # use PApp::Util; warn PApp::Util::dumpval $self->{container}{0}; } sub conn::item_delete { my ($self, @items) = @_; for (@items) { update_floorbox if $_->{container} == 0; } } sub conn::item_update { my ($self, $item) = @_; update_floorbox if $item->{container} == 0; } %SDL_CB = ( CFClient::SDL_QUIT => sub { Event::unloop -1; }, CFClient::SDL_VIDEORESIZE => sub { }, CFClient::SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE => \&refresh, CFClient::SDL_ACTIVEEVENT => sub { # printf "active %x %x\n", $SDL_EV->active_gain, $SDL_EV->active_state;#d# }, CFClient::SDL_KEYDOWN => sub { if ($_[0]{mod} & CFClient::KMOD_ALT && $_[0]{sym} == 13) { # alt-enter video_shutdown; $CFG->{fullscreen} = !$CFG->{fullscreen}; video_init; } else { CFClient::UI::feed_sdl_key_down_event ($_[0]); } }, CFClient::SDL_KEYUP => \&CFClient::UI::feed_sdl_key_up_event, CFClient::SDL_MOUSEMOTION => \&CFClient::UI::feed_sdl_motion_event, CFClient::SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN => \&CFClient::UI::feed_sdl_button_down_event, CFClient::SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP => \&CFClient::UI::feed_sdl_button_up_event, CFClient::SDL_USEREVENT => \&audio_music_finished, ); ############################################################################# $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit }; $TILECACHE = CFClient::db_table "tilecache"; $FACEMAP = CFClient::db_table "facemap"; CFClient::read_cfg "$Crossfire::VARDIR/pclientrc"; my %DEF_CFG = ( sdl_mode => 0, width => 640, height => 480, fullscreen => 0, fast => 0, map_scale => 0.5, fow_enable => 1, fow_intensity => 0.45, fow_smooth => 0, gui_fontsize => 1, log_fontsize => 1, gauge_fontsize => 1, gauge_size => 0.35, stat_fontsize => 1, mapsize => 100, host => "crossfire.schmorp.de", say_command => 'say', audio_enable => 1, bgm_enable => 1, bgm_volume => 0.25, ); while (my ($k, $v) = each %DEF_CFG) { $CFG->{$k} = $v unless exists $CFG->{$k}; } sdl_init; @SDL_MODES = reverse grep $_->[0] >= 640 && $_->[1] >= 480, CFClient::SDL_ListModes; @SDL_MODES or CFClient::fatal "Unable to find a usable video mode\n(hardware accelerated opengl fullscreen)"; $CFG->{sdl_mode} = 0 if $CFG->{sdl_mode} > @SDL_MODES; { my @fonts = map CFClient::find_rcfile "fonts/$_", qw( DejaVuSans.ttf DejaVuSansMono.ttf DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf ); CFClient::add_font $_ for @fonts; $FONT_PROP = new_from_file CFClient::Font $fonts[0]; $FONT_FIXED = new_from_file CFClient::Font $fonts[1]; $FONT_PROP->make_default; } video_init; audio_init; Event::loop; END { CFClient::SDL_Quit }