=encoding utf-8 =begin comment *** *** WARNING: THIS IS A GENERATED FILE - CHANGES WILL BE LOST *** The source for this file is in CFPlus/pod/emote_help.pod *** Make any changes there and then run ./copy_doc *** =end comment =head1 Emotions =head1 XEmotion Descriptions Below is a more detailed description of each emotion. =head2 bleed in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use bleed without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You bleed all over your nice new armour. The others hear: is bleeding all over the carpet - got a spare tourniquet? You can also bleed with another player as argument, like 'bleed '. The effect would be this: You hear: You slash your wrist and bleed all over Your target hears: slashes his wrist and bleeds all over you. All the others hear: slashes his wrist and bleeds all over . Or you can use bleed on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: Very impressive! You wipe your blood all over yourself. The others hear: performs some satanic ritual while wiping his blood on himself. =head2 blush in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use blush without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Your cheeks are burning. The others hear: blushes. =head2 bounce in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use bounce without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: BOIINNNNNNGG! The others hear: bounces around. You can also bounce with another player as argument, like 'bounce '. The effect would be this: You hear: You bounce around the room with . Your target hears: bounces around the room with you. All the others hear: bounces around the room with . =head2 bow in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use bow without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You bow deeply. The others hear: bows deeply. You can also bow with another player as argument, like 'bow '. The effect would be this: You hear: You bow before . Your target hears: bows before you. All the others hear: bows before . Or you can use bow on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You kiss your toes. The others hear: folds up like a jackknife and kisses his own toes. =head2 burp in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use burp without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You burp loudly. The others hear: burps loudly. =head2 cackle in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use cackle without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You cackle gleefully. The others hear: throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! =head2 chuckle in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use chuckle without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You chuckle politely The others hear: chuckles politely. =head2 clap in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use clap without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Clap, clap, clap. The others hear: gives a round of applause. =head2 cough in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use cough without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time! The others hear: coughs loudly. =head2 cringe in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use cringe without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You cringe in terror. The others hear: cringes in terror! You can also cringe with another player as argument, like 'cringe '. The effect would be this: You hear: You cringe away from . Your target hears: cringes away from in mortal terror. All the others hear: =head2 cry in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use cry without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Waaaaaaahhh.. The others hear: bursts into tears. You can also cry with another player as argument, like 'cry '. The effect would be this: You hear: You cry on 's shoulder. Your target hears: cries on your shoulder. All the others hear: cries on 's shoulder. Or you can use cry on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You cry to yourself. The others hear: sobs quietly to himself. =head2 dance in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use dance without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You dance with glee. The others hear: expresses himself through interpretive dance. You can also dance with another player as argument, like 'dance '. The effect would be this: You hear: You grab and begin doing the Cha-Cha! Your target hears: grabs you, and begins dancing! All the others hear: Yipe! and are doing the Macarena! Or you can use dance on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You skip and dance around by yourself. The others hear: embraces himself and begins to dance! =head2 flip in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use flip without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You flip head over heels. The others hear: flips head over heels. =head2 frown in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use frown without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: What's bothering you? The others hear: frowns. You can also frown with another player as argument, like 'frown '. The effect would be this: You hear: You frown darkly at . Your target hears: frowns darkly at you. All the others hear: frowns darkly at . Or you can use frown on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You frown at yourself. The others hear: frowns at himself. =head2 gasp in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use gasp without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You gasp in astonishment. The others hear: gasps in astonishment. =head2 giggle in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use giggle without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You giggle. The others hear: giggles. =head2 glare in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use glare without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You glare at nothing in particular. The others hear: glares around him. You can also glare with another player as argument, like 'glare '. The effect would be this: You hear: You glare icily at . Your target hears: glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones. All the others hear: glares at . Or you can use glare on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You glare icily at your feet, they are suddenly very cold. The others hear: glares at his feet, what is bothering him? =head2 grin in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use grin without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You grin evilly. The others hear: grins evilly. You can also grin with another player as argument, like 'grin '. The effect would be this: You hear: You grin at . Your target hears: grins evilly at you. All the others hear: grins evilly at . =head2 groan in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use groan without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You groan loudly. The others hear: groans loudly. =head2 growl in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use growl without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Grrrrrrrrr.... The others hear: growls. =head2 hiccup in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use hiccup without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: *HIC* The others hear: hiccups. =head2 kiss in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use kiss without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: All the lonely people.. The others hear: makes a weird facial contortion You can also kiss with another player as argument, like 'kiss '. The effect would be this: You hear: You kiss . Your target hears: kisses you. All the others hear: kisses . =head2 laugh in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use laugh without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You fall down laughing. The others hear: falls down laughing. You can also laugh with another player as argument, like 'laugh '. The effect would be this: You hear: You take one look at and fall down laughing. Your target hears: looks at you and falls down on the ground laughing. All the others hear: looks at and falls down on the ground laughing. Or you can use laugh on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: Laugh at yourself all you want, the others won't understand. The others hear: is laughing at something. =head2 lick in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use lick without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You lick your mouth and smile. The others hear: licks his mouth and smiles. You can also lick with another player as argument, like 'lick '. The effect would be this: You hear: You lick . Your target hears: licks you. All the others hear: licks . Or you can use lick on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You lick yourself. The others hear: licks himself - YUCK. =head2 nod in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use nod without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You nod solemnly. The others hear: nods solemnly. You can also nod with another player as argument, like 'nod '. The effect would be this: You hear: You nod solemnly to . Your target hears: nods solemnly to you. All the others hear: nods solemnly to . =head2 pout in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use pout without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Aww, don't take it so hard. The others hear: pouts. =head2 puke in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use puke without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Bleaaaaaghhhhhhh! The others hear: pukes. You can also puke with another player as argument, like 'puke '. The effect would be this: You hear: You puke on . Your target hears: pukes on your clothes! All the others hear: pukes on . Or you can use puke on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You puke on yourself. The others hear: pukes on his clothes. =head2 scream in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use scream without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!! The others hear: screams at the top of his lungs! =head2 shake in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use shake without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You shake your head. The others hear: shakes his head. You can also shake with another player as argument, like 'shake '. The effect would be this: You hear: You shake 's hand. Your target hears: shakes your hand. All the others hear: shakes 's hand. Or you can use shake on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You are shaken by yourself. The others hear: shakes and quivers like a bowlful of jelly. =head2 shiver in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use shiver without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Brrrrrrrrr. The others hear: shivers uncomfortably. =head2 shrug in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use shrug without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You shrug. The others hear: shrugs helplessly. You can also shrug with another player as argument, like 'shrug '. The effect would be this: You hear: You shrug at . Your target hears: shrugs at you. All the others hear: shrugs at . =head2 sigh in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use sigh without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You sigh. The others hear: sighs loudly. =head2 smile in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use smile without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You smile happily. The others hear: smiles happily. You can also smile with another player as argument, like 'smile '. The effect would be this: You hear: You smile at . Your target hears: smiles at you. All the others hear: beams a smile at . =head2 smirk in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use smirk without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You smirk. The others hear: smirks. =head2 snap in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use snap without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: PRONTO! you snap your fingers. The others hear: snaps his fingers. =head2 sneeze in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use sneeze without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Gesundheit! The others hear: sneezes. You can also sneeze with another player as argument, like 'sneeze '. The effect would be this: You hear: You sneeze at and a film of snot shoots onto him. Your target hears: sneezes on you, you feel the snot cover you. EEEEEEW. All the others hear: sneezes on and a film of snot covers him. Or you can use sneeze on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You sneeze on yourself, what a mess! The others hear: sneezes, and covers himself in a slimy substance. =head2 snicker in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use snicker without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You snicker softly. The others hear: snickers softly. =head2 sniff in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use sniff without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You sniff sadly. *SNIFF* The others hear: sniffs sadly. You can also sniff with another player as argument, like 'sniff '. The effect would be this: You hear: You sniff . Your target hears: sniffs you. All the others hear: sniffs Or you can use sniff on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You sniff yourself. The others hear: sniffs himself. =head2 snore in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use snore without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The others hear: snores loudly. =head2 spit in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use spit without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You spit over your left shoulder. The others hear: spits over his left shoulder. You can also spit with another player as argument, like 'spit '. The effect would be this: You hear: You spit on . Your target hears: spits in your face! All the others hear: spits in 's face. Or you can use spit on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You drool all over yourself. The others hear: drools all over himself. =head2 strut in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use strut without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Strut your stuff. The others hear: struts proudly. =head2 sulk in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use sulk without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You sulk. The others hear: sulks in the corner. =head2 think in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use think without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Anything in particular that you'd care to think about? The others hear: closes his eyes and thinks really hard. =head2 twiddle in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use twiddle without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You patiently twiddle your thumbs. The others hear: patiently twiddles his thumbs. =head2 wave in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use wave without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You wave. The others hear: waves happily. You can also wave with another player as argument, like 'wave '. The effect would be this: You hear: You wave goodbye to . Your target hears: waves goodbye to you. Have a good journey. All the others hear: waves goodbye to . Or you can use wave on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: Are you going on adventures as well?? The others hear: waves goodbye to himself. =head2 whistle in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use whistle without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You whistle appreciatively. The others hear: whistles appreciatively. You can also whistle with another player as argument, like 'whistle '. The effect would be this: You hear: You whistle at . Your target hears: whistles at . All the others hear: Or you can use whistle on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You whistle while you work. The others hear: whistles to himself in boredom. =head2 wink in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use wink without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: Have you got something in your eye? The others hear: winks suggestively. You can also wink with another player as argument, like 'wink '. The effect would be this: You hear: You wink suggestively at . Your target hears: winks at you. All the others hear: winks at . Or you can use wink on yourself, by entering the command with your own name as argument. The result would look like the following: You hear: You wink at yourself?? What are you up to? The others hear: winks at himself - something strange is going on... =head2 yawn in this help means your name, is the target's name. Emotions work like say and as such are heard only on the same map. You can use yawn without arguments, and the effect would be: You hear: You open up your yap and let out a big breeze of stale air. The others hear: yawns sleepily. =head1 Authors This document was autogenerated from the emotions used in the game.