=head1 XJeweler skill Last update: Fri Sep 1 00:46:53 CEST 2006 B<(unfinished)> Here the system and usage of the B jeweler skill is described. It's not yet completly finished, some details have to be implemented and the balancing isn't yet adjusted (improvements are just a little bit over expensive). But if the basic functionality is user ready (which maybe still takes a week), it will be online! =head2 Where to get it? How to!? What?? You can learn the jeweler skill by finding a I. If you want to make rings and amulets you also have to find a I. The best place to find that is in a I which can be found in towns (for example in Scorn). =head2 Identifying jewelery The most basic function of the jeweler skill is identifying rings and amulets, the higher your jeweler level is the more and the better you can identify jewelery. You identify jewelery by standing above it or having it in your inventory and entering: use_skill jeweler You will see the information about the identified jewelery and will gain exp for the identified objects. =head2 Generating blank rings and amulets For this you need to find a I. You can generate blank rings and amulets of adornment from B. But you need at least B<10 large gold nuggets> for a ring or an amulet! You can place multiples of 10 nuggets in the bench and such make multiple rings or amulets of adornment at once. So place 10 large gold nuggets in the bench and then enter: use_skill jeweler make ring Or if you want to make a blank amulet of adornment: use_skill jeweler make amulet =head2 Analyzing jewelery If you want to know what your chances are to make a specific rings or amulets place them in the workbench and enter: use_skill jeweler analyze You will get output like this, which gives you a clue whether it's futile or not to try to make this ring at your current level in the jeweler skill: ring (str+1)(dex+2): Projected success rate: Way above your skill ring (resist electricity +22)(con-1): Projected success rate: Way above your skill =head2 Merging rings or amulets You can merge the abilities of two rings or amulets, or even between a ring and an amulet. For example: toss two rings in the workbench, and type: use_skill jeweler merge analyze And you will get a similar output as for C, which tells you whether you have a chance. If you are confident enter this command to merge the jewelery: use_skill jeweler merge You either get the merged improved ring/amulet or a very bad ring/amulet. =head2 Improving rings and amulets Improving rings is a bit more complicated, but it generally follows this schema: You have to put N base items, which indicate your plan, into the workbench. For example 2 potions of strenght indicate that you want to improve a ring from (Str+0) to (Str+1). Then you just execute the jeweler skill to calculate how many additional gems you need to fullfill that plan, just enter: use_skill jeweler You will get an output similar to this (here a ring (str+1)(dex+2) and 2 wisdom potions were placed in the workbench): You want to make a ring (wis+1)(str+1)(dex+2): Projected success rate: Slightly above 50:50 You recognize that you are short of: 200 times gem, 1600 times ruby Next you put 200 diamonds and 1600 rubies in the bench and try your luck with the same command. You either see: You succeed. And have a ring (Str+1)(Dex+2)(Wis+1) in your workbench, or you see: You fail! And have a ring (Str-1)(Dex-2)(Wis-1) in your workbench. If you succeed to make the ring, you will get more experience. The more difficult a ring is, the more experience you get.