=head1 CFPlus Manual =head2 Features =over 4 =item Fullscreen Map CF+ can uses a fullscreen map, which greatly enhances how much of the game world you can see. =item Persistent Map Cache (Crossfire+ only) CF+ can persistently cache all map data it received from the server. This not only allows it to display an overview map, but also ensures that once-explored areas will be available the next time you want to explore more. =item Hardware acceleration Unlike most Crossfire clients, CF+ take advantage of OpenGL hardware acceleration. Most modern graphics cards have difficulties with 2D acceleration, while 3D graphics is accelerated well. =item No arbitrary limits Unlike other Crossfire clients, CF+ does not suffer from arbitrary limits (like a fixed amount of face numbers). There are still limits, but they are not arbitrarily low :) =item High quality text rendering Although surprising at first, high quality text rendering is a real must have feature. For this, CF+ leverages Παν語 (PanGo) to offer real-world text output quality, so you can chat in 日本語 (japanese), ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ (arabic) or most any other language/script, as long as suitable fonts are installed. =back =head1 Usage =head2 XKeyboard/Keymappings The keyboard works quite similar to other programs: If a widget (e.g. a text entry) has the focus, you can enter and edit text there. Special key bindings apply to the playing area. It needs to be focused to work. If it doesn't have the focus, it will be tinted in red, in that case you can focus it by clicking into it. The following keys are available in the playing area: =over 4 =item B..B - open various dialogs (use the right mouse button menu to see which). =item B - toggle (make visible/invisible) the playerbook window. =item B - apply the item below you (selected by the server, usually the topmost item). =item B, B - examine the item below you (selected by the server, usually the topmost item). =item B<,> (the comma) - take the item below you (selected by the server, usually the topmost item). =item Cursor/Arrow Keys, Keypad-B<12346789> - directional movement/attack If you press the Alt-Modifier together with a Cursor/Arrow-Key, then you will use the next direction counterclockwise, this gives you access to the diagonal directions on keyboards without a numeric keypad. This works together with other modifiers, too. =over 4 =item B-I - use your ranged weapon slot to attack the space indicated by the direction key. =item B-I - run into the indicate direction as fast as possible, attacking everything in your way. =back =item Keypad-B<5> - use your current range slot on yourself or the space where you are standing. =item B<+>, Keypad-B<+> - rotate through your range weapons. =item B<->, Keypad-B<-> - rotate through your range weapons, the other way round. =item B<'> - open the completer. =item B<"> - open the completer, presetting it with your current communication command. =item B-B (lowercase characters) - open the completer, presetting it with the character types. =item B-B - open the macro recorder/key binding editor and start recording. =item Keypad-B - examine item on floor. =item B - ready_skill find traps =item B - ready_skill disarm traps =item B - ready_skill praying =back =head2 The Map The map is always displayed in the background, behind all other windows and UI elements. #TODO# middle-click scrolls # # keys: # # a apply # keypad moves, kp_5 applies ranged attack to self Starting to type enters the I. In that mode, you can type abbreviations or commands and have them executed as soon as they match a valid command. This is best explained by a few examples: Typing B will display a list of commands with I in their name, such as I and I. You can abbreviate commands by typing only the first character of every word (or even characters within the word - the client will try to make a good guess, as long as the characters are in order). For example, typing I will likely select I, while I will select I. Likewise, I will likely select I and I will give you I. You can enter space and other text as arguemnt to the command. For example, C will expand to C. =head2 The map overview This is the small mini map in the upper left corner. It displays the areas which you already visited before. =head2 The Status area in the lower right corner The area in the lower right corner displays the most interesting stats while playing. The 4 gauges: Health, Mana/Spellpoints, Grace and Food. The top of each gauge shows the current value and the bottom value is the maximum value. Going over each gauge with the mouse cursor will show a tooltip with a detailed explanation of each stat. Below the gauges there is a line that looks like this: Exp: ######## (lvl ####) The former number are the experience points and the number in the parents is the level of your character. The level of the character depends on the experience points you have. If the experience points reach a certain value your level rises or falls. This depends on the experience table of the server you are currently playing on. On the bottom there is a line: Rng: xxxxxxxxx It tells you have you have in your range slot. The range slot is activated if you "fire" (by pressing ctrl+direction key). For example there could be a spell in your range slot or a weapon (like a bow) you will fire with. =head2 The Floorbox Right to the left of the status area there is the floorbox. It displays what is on the tile your character stands on. If there are very many items there will be a "More..." button which will open up the Inventory. If you opened a container a button "Close container" will show up. =head2 Setup This is the main setup window (opened via the I button on the top of the client window), with following sub-windows: =head3 Server This window is for editing the connection settings and shows some information about the currently connected server. =head3 Pickup Here you can configure your automatic pickup configuration. =head3 Graphics Here you can configure some aspects of the graphical appearance of the client. =head3 Audio This window lets you enable/disable audio and set the background music volume. =head3 Keyboard Here you can edit the key bindings you have made. B I on the top of the client window after you are finished. =head3 Debug Here are some debugging options, which are maybe only interesting to the developers of the client. =head2 The Playerbook You can open the Playerbook by pressing B or by pressing B for the Statistics, B for the Skills, B for the Spellbook or B for the Inventory. What these are is explained below: =head3 Statistics =for image sc_statistics.jpg You can toggle this windows via B. This page tells you about your current status and statistics. The B frame shows your name, title and current map, and your current weight and maximum weight. The B informs you about the status of your L, which is the group on the left and about the L which is the group on the right. =head3 Skills =for image sc_skill_list.jpg You can toggle this windows via B. TBD =head3 Spellbook =for image sc_spellbook.jpg You can toggle this windows via B. =head3 XInventory =for image sc_inventory.jpg You can toggle this windows via B. On the left side of this windows you see the player's inventory. On top the current weight and maximum weight are listed on the right of the B, which reveals following possible orders: =over 4 =item Type/Name This order sorts the items first by type, and then by name. =item Recent/Normal/Locked This order puts the recently picked up or applied items to the top, then it displays the normal not so recently changed items, and to the last it displays the locked items. =item Weight/Type This order first sorts by weight and then by type. =back Below the sort order button there is the item list. You can hover the mouse cursor over the items to see what actions you can do with the mouse. Right click will show you the B, with the following actions: =over 4 =item examine This will let you examine the item further and print informations like this: That is cloak (unidentified) It is made of: leather. It goes around your shoulders. It weights 5.000 kg. You reckon it is worth between 1 gold coin and 1 gold coin. =item mark This marks the item for further operations, like L. =item ignite/thaw This will ignite for example a torch or thaw an icecube with a B L<$ARCH/light/flint_and_steel.base.111.png>, which is B for this to work. =item inscribe This will let you write on something (eg. scrolls) with a B L<$ARCH/skills/Skill_Tools/stylus.base.111.png>, which is I for this to work. When you click on this context menu entry a small popup window will open where you can type in what you want to inscribe. =item rename This lets you rename an item. When you click on this context menu entry a small popup window will open and let you type in the new name for the item. =item apply This L an object. =item lock/unlock =item drop/put/take all =item drop/put/take =back On the right side there will be displayed the currently open container or the floor on which you stand. There are nearly the same context menu operation aviable. On the top the is the name of the currently opened container or just 'Floor'. If a container is open, there will be a button 'Close container' which will apply the container in your inventory again to close it. =head2 XBinding Recorder This is a special facility which lets you record commands issued via the completer or the message window and bind them to a key. (I as this facility is quite complicated it might change in future). It mainly works this way: First you have to I via the button on the top. Then you can issue commands via the completer, or just run around, the commands will be recorded in the background. If you are finished with the command sequence click on I (the same button you used to start recording). Then you can see a list of the commands you issued and delete them if you want. Next you have to click on I, which will open a key query, where you have to press the corresponding key combination which you want to bind to this command sequence. After you are finished you have to click on B. B I B