=head1 Pclient is a Crossfire+ and Crossfire game client. =head2 Features =over 4 =item Fullscreen Map PClient can uses a fullscreen map, which greatly enhances how much of the game world you can see. =item Persistent Map Cache (Crossfire+ only) PClient can persistently cache all map data it received from the server. This not only allows it to display an overview map, but also ensures that once-explored areas will be available the next time you want to explore more. =item Hardware acceleration Unlike most Crossfire clients, PClient take advantage of OpenGL hardware acceleration. Most modern graphics cards have difficulties with 2D acceleration, while 3D graphics is accelerated well. =item No arbitrary limits Unlike other Crossfire clients, pclient does not suffer from arbitrary limits (like a fixed amount of face numbers). There are still limits, but they are not arbitrarily low :) =back =head1 Usage =head2 The Map The map is always displayed in the background, behind all other windows and UI elements. #TODO# middle-click scrolls # # keys: # # a apply # keypad moves, kp_5 applies ranged attack to self Starting to type enters the I. In that mode, you can type abbreviations or commands and have them executed as soon as they match a valid command. This is best explained by a few examples: Typing B will display a list of commands with I in their name, such as I and I. You can abbreviate commands by typing only the first character of every word (or even characters within the word - the client will try to make a good guess, as long as the characters are in order). For example, typing I will likely select I, while I will select I. Likewise, I will likely select I and I will give you I. You can enter space and other text as arguemnt to the command. For example, C will expand to C. =head2 The map overview #TODO# =head2 The Status area in the lower right corner #TODO# =head2 The I/I window #TODO# =head1 FAQ =over 4 =item The client is very sluggish and slow, what can I do about this? Most likely, you don't have accelerated OpenGL support. Try to find a newer driver, or a driver from your hardware vendor, that features OpenGL support. If this is not an option, the following Setup options reduce the load and will likely make the client playable with software rendering (it will still be slow, though): =over 4 =item B