#! perl # wrapper to run the urlader-packaged client our $URLADER = 1; our %NO_WARN = map +($_, undef), "Log/Agent.pm", # Storable has this idiotic optional dependency "Win32/GUI/DIBitmap.pm", # JPEG support for Win32::SplashScreen "ActivePerl/Config.pm", # Config tries to use this "AnyEvent/Strict.pm", # used for debugging "Net/DNS/SEC.pm", # Net:DNS optional "Net/DNS/RR/SIG.pm", # Net:DNS optional "IO/Socket/INET6.pm", # Net:DNS optional ; @INC = ( "pm", ".", # AutoLoader requires this in newer versions. yup. yup. yup :( sub { return if exists $NO_WARN{$_[1]}; warn "$_[1]: file not found, packaging error?\n"; () }, ); ############################################################################# # splash-screen our @STARTUP_DONE; if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { require Win32::GUI::SplashScreen; Win32::GUI::SplashScreen::Show ( -file => "SPLASH.bmp", ); push @STARTUP_DONE, sub { Win32::GUI::SplashScreen::Done (1); }; } delete $ENV{PERL_ANYEVENT_STRICT} ; delete $ENV{AE_STRICT}; delete $ENV{PERL_ANYEVENT_DEBUG_WRAP}; delete $ENV{AE_DEBUG_WRAP}; $ENV{TIMIDITY_CFG} = "timidity.cfg"; $ENV{PANGO_RC_FILE} = "pango.rc"; require "bin/deliantra";