#!/opt/perl/bin/perl use Data::Dumper; use Storable qw/dclone/; use Math::Trig; use XML::Parser; use XML::Writer; use Cwd; use File::Spec::Functions; use strict; our $DEBUG = 0; sub slurp { open FO, $_[0] or die "Couldn't open $_[0]: $!"; return join '', } sub read_scene_cfg { my ($file) = @_; my $cfg = {}; eval { my $cont = slurp ($file); for (split /\n/, $cont) { if (m/dir\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)/) { for ($1..$2) { push @{$cfg->{dir}}, $_ } } elsif (m/dir\s*=\s*(\d+)/) { push @{$cfg->{dir}}, $1; } elsif (m/replace\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { push @{$cfg->{replace}}, [$1, $2]; } elsif (m/(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { $cfg->{$1} = $2; } } }; if ($@) { warn "Couldn't read $file\n" } $cfg->{w} ||= 32; $cfg->{h} ||= 32; $cfg->{height} ||= 100; $cfg->{dir} ||= [5]; return $cfg; } sub xml2str { my ($tree, $wr) = @_; my $out; unless ($wr) { $tree = dclone $tree; $wr = XML::Writer->new ( OUTPUT => \$out, DATA_INDENT => 3, DATA_MODE => 1 ); } require Data::Dumper; while (@$tree) { my $tag = shift @$tree; my $cont = shift @$tree; my $attr = {}; if (ref ($cont) eq 'ARRAY') { $attr = shift @$cont; } my $close = 0; if ($tag ne '0') { if ((ref ($cont) eq 'ARRAY') && @$cont) { $wr->startTag ($tag, %$attr); xml2str ($cont, $wr); $wr->endTag ($tag); } else { $wr->emptyTag ($tag, %$attr) if $tag ne '0'; } } else { #$wr->characters ($cont); } } if ($out) { return $out; } } sub filter_tags { my ($tree, %ftags) = @_; my $sce = $tree->[1]; my @out; my $tag = ''; for (my $i = 1; $i < @$sce; $i += 2) { my $tag = $sce->[$i]; my $con = $sce->[$i + 1]; if ($ftags{$tag}) { push @out, $_ for $ftags{$tag}->($tag, $con); } else { push @out, $tag, $con; } } @$sce = ($sce->[0], @out); $tree } sub remove_tags { my ($tree, @remtags) = @_; my $sce = $tree->[1]; my @out; my $tag = ''; for (my $i = 1; $i < @$sce; $i += 2) { my $tag = $sce->[$i]; my $con = $sce->[$i + 1]; unless (grep { $tag eq $_ } @remtags) { push @out, $tag, $con; } } @$sce = ($sce->[0], @out); $tree } sub add_tags { my ($tree, %tags) = @_; push @{$tree->[1]}, %tags; } sub trans_add_shear { my ($m, $dir_n) = @_; $m->{m02} += 0.25; $m->{m12} += 0.5; for (keys %$m) { $m->{$_} = sprintf "%.6f", $m->{$_} } } sub render_dir { my ($cont, $dir_n, $cfg, $outfile) = @_; my $cam; for (@{$cfg->{replace}}) { $cont =~ s/\Q$_->[0]\E/$_->[1]/egs; } my $p = new XML::Parser (Style => 'Tree'); my $tree = $p->parse ($cont); my $a = 0; my %dir_to_degree = ( # 5 => 0, # 5 => 0, # 6 => 45, # 7 => 90, # 8 => 135, # 1 => 180, # 2 => 225, # 3 => 270, # 4 => 315 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 45, 3 => 90, 4 => 135, 5 => 180, 6 => 225, 7 => 270, 8 => 315 ); $a = $dir_to_degree{$dir_n}; $a = deg2rad - $a; # -$a because we want a clockwise rotation remove_tags ($tree, qw/light render camera background/); filter_tags ($tree, object => sub { my ($tag, $con) = @_; my $ot = 'transform'; my $om = { m00 => cos($a), m01 => -sin($a), m02 => 0, m03 => 0, m10 => sin($a), m11 => cos($a), m12 => 0, m13 => 0, m20 => 0, m21 => 0, m22 => 1, m23 => 0, m30 => 0, m31 => 0, m32 => 0, m33 => 1, }; ($ot, [$om, $tag, $con]) }, transform => sub { my ($tag, $con) = @_; my $ot = 'transform'; my $om = { m00 => cos($a), m01 => -sin($a), m02 => 0, m03 => 0, m10 => sin($a), m11 => cos($a), m12 => 0, m13 => 0, m20 => 0, m21 => 0, m22 => 1, m23 => 0, m30 => 0, m31 => 0, m32 => 0, m33 => 1, }; ($ot, [$om, $tag, $con]) } ); unless ($cfg->{frontal}) { filter_tags ($tree, transform => sub { my ($tag, $con) = @_; my $ot = 'transform'; my $om = { m00 => 1, m01 => 0, m02 => 0, m03 => 0, m10 => 0, m11 => 1, m12 => 0, m13 => 0, m20 => 0, m21 => 0, m22 => 1, m23 => 0, m30 => 0, m31 => 0, m32 => 0, m33 => 1, }; trans_add_shear ($om); ($ot, [$om, $tag, $con]) } ); } if ($cfg->{xoffs} || $cfg->{yoffs} || $cfg->{zoffs}) { filter_tags ($tree, transform => sub { my ($tag, $con) = @_; my $ot = 'transform'; my $om = { m00 => 1, m01 => 0, m02 => 0, m03 => $cfg->{xoffs}, m10 => 0, m11 => 1, m12 => 0, m13 => $cfg->{yoffs}, m20 => 0, m21 => 0, m22 => 1, m23 => $cfg->{zoffs}, m30 => 0, m31 => 0, m32 => 0, m33 => 1, }; ($ot, [$om, $tag, $con]) } ); }; my ($w, $h) = ($cfg->{w}, $cfg->{h} || $cfg->{w}); my @to = (0, 0, 0); my @from = (0, 0, $cfg->{height}); my @up = (0, 1, 0); @up = map { $up[$_] + $from[$_] } 0..2; my $aspect = $cfg->{aspect} || 1; my $focal = $cfg->{focal} || 10; my $power_offs = $cfg->{power_offs} || 0; add_tags ($tree, light => [ { type => 'sunlight', name => 'w_Infinite', power => sprintf ("%1.1f", 0.5 + $power_offs), cast_shadows => "off" }, from => [{ x => -1, y => 1, z => 0.7 }], color => [{ r => 1, g => 1, b => 1 }] ] ); add_tags ($tree, light => [ { type => 'sunlight', name => 'w_Infinite2', power => sprintf ("%1.1f", 1 + $power_offs), cast_shadows => "off" }, from => [{ x => 1, y => -1, z => 0.7 }], color => [{ r => 1, g => 1, b => 1 }] ] ); add_tags ($tree, camera => [ { name => "xcam", resx => $w, resy => $h, focal => $focal, aspect_ratio => $aspect, type => "ortho" }, to => [{ x => 0, y => 0, z => 0 }], from => [{ x => 0, y => $from[1], z => $from[2] }], up => [{ x => $up[0], y => $up[1], z => $up[2] }], ], render => [ { camera_name => "xcam", raydepth => "4", gamma => "1", exposure => ($cfg->{exposure} || "0"), save_alpha => "on", AA_passes => "2", bias => "0.1", AA_threshold => "0", AA_minsamples => "16", AA_pixelwidth => "1.25", AA_jitterfirst => "off", clamp_rgb => "on" }, outfile => [{ value => $outfile }], ] ); $cont = xml2str ($tree); if ($DEBUG and open FO, ">cfxmlrender.out.xml") { print FO $cont; } $cont } @ARGV or die "cfxmlrender \n"; for my $xml (@ARGV) { my $outfile = $xml; $outfile =~ s/\.xml$/\.tga/; my $xmlcont = slurp ($xml); my $cfg = read_scene_cfg ($xml . ".cfg"); my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($xml); $file =~ m/^(.*?)\.xml/; my $filebase = $1 || $file; for my $d (@{$cfg->{dir}}) { my $ofile = File::Spec->catpath ($vol, $dir, "${filebase}_dir_${d}.tga"); my $oxfile = File::Spec->catpath ($vol, $dir, "${filebase}_rend_${d}.xml"); my $nc = render_dir ($xmlcont, $d, $cfg, "${filebase}_dir_${d}.tga"); open OUT, ">$oxfile" or die "Couldn't write '$nc': $!"; print OUT $nc; close OUT; my $cwd = getcwd; if ($dir) { system ("cd $dir; yafray ${filebase}_rend_${d}.xml > yafray_out.log 2> yafray_out.log"); } else { system ("yafray ${filebase}_rend_${d}.xml > yafray_out.log 2> yafray_out.log"); } unlink $oxfile unless $DEBUG; my $png; if ($cfg->{archname}) { if (@{$cfg->{dir}} > 1) { my $aname = $cfg->{archname}; unless ($aname =~ s/%/$d/g) { $aname .= $d; } $png = "$aname.png"; } else { $png = "$cfg->{archname}.png"; } } else { $png = "${filebase}_dir_${d}.png"; } system "convert", "${filebase}_dir_${d}.tga", $png; system "optipng", -q => $png; print "saved arch png to: $png\n"; if ($cfg->{archpath} and $ENV{CFDEV_ROOT}) { my $archpath = "$ENV{CFDEV_ROOT}/arch/$cfg->{archpath}"; system "cp", $png, "$archpath/$png"; print "copied $png to $cfg->{archpath}/$png\n"; } unlink $ofile; } }